“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Wednesday 10 December 2008

Selfish Bastards!

So on Wednesday afternoons I have to go to the B.O.E.

Normally I do lesson prep there, but today I decided to study (now the JLPT's over?!?!)

Fat chance.

Everyone was looking at these photos and the women were SHRIEKING in their high pitched annoying voices. And everyone was just TALKING TALKING TALKING.


I couldn't concentrate for shit.

After an hour and a half, I literally couldn't take it anymore. I asked my supervisor if I could leave because it was too noisy to study there. And I put a lot of emphasis on this last part.

You know what she said?

I have to take 30 mins nenkyu!!!!!

Are you SERIOUS?! I just looked at her and asked her what she expected me to do - I have a deadline for the CLAIR course (she didn't need to know that the deadline is today ;-)) and I have to finish the test. With all the noise in the office, how was I supposed to concentrate?!

For some reason, I felt that that was her cue to apologise.

But she just repeated that I had to take nenkyu.

So I flopped down over my desk in the most unprofessional manner possible and fell asleep. I could hear people coming in and commenting on 'how tired the ALT is'.

10 minutes later I felt a tap on my shoulder and was told I could leave (without having to take nenkyu).


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