“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Monday 1 December 2008


On Saturday, I went to a professional basketball game...

...in KARATSU!!!

Fukuoka Rizing vs. Sendai 89ers.

I was so excited for this calibre of players to be coming to such a little 田舎 town.

And the locals didn't know what to do about it! They were so quiet but eventually got into it. To be honest, it was hard not to. It was so damn close from start to finish, the whole thing had you on edge. They got a couple of dunks in there too.

Not to mention the amount of eyecandy. I went with another girl and 2 guys. LOL- it you take the actual basketball game out of the equation, you see what events like this are like for guys and girls. The guys were making their assesment of the cheerleaders while we were making a VERY detailed assesment of the players.

And Fukuoks Rizing has some very tasty players indeed! Turns out though that out of the ones I like, one is a playboy and the other 2 are very committed.


Speaking of eye candy, I just HAVE to talk about this one cheerleader. No, she wasn't incredibly hot. The extreme opposite! In fact, I felt sorry for her because she was an eyesore. LOL! I'm not even sure I can find the words to describe her face without being incredibly offensive so I think I'll leave it at that! The people I went with know what I mean.

Awesome game. I'd forgotten how much I enjoy watching basketball games (outside of watching my students play). Definitely will be hitting a few more up next year.

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