“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Sunday 13 March 2011


The magnitude of Friday's earthquake has reported to be 9.0.

The largest earthquake ever was recorded in Chile at a whopping 9.5. Scary. Very, very scary.

I found out this morning that 13 people I know were missing. I contacted the FCO where I'm registered and gave them the names of 6 Brits I knew to be in that area and I got contacted this morning that 2 people in Iwate have made it to an evacuation centre. Their hourses have been destroyed but they are safe and apart from one broken arm, unharmed.

It actually gave me a bit more faith that the other 11 might, just might be OK.

I've been glued in front of the computer since I got home, watching events unfold. So much as happened, I dont' even know where to start giving you updates.

I'm gonna start from when I left work.

Yesterday, I realised that I had no food in my house - the conbini shelves were empty, the supermarket shelves were empty. I ended up going to Matsuya Department store in Ginza and paying an extortionate amount for bread and bagels. I then stopped at a little station store and cleared the shelves of their 16 boxes of Calorie Mate. It's been tempting to scoff it all now - I love that stuff!

When I got home I plonked my arse in front of the computer and haven't moved since. Japanese news sites in Japanese have way more information than the English pages of the same sites offer. I'm feeling very proud of my reading skills as I'm devouring the information. There is a 70% possibility of a 7.0M earthquake hitting in the next 3 days. The thing that's making me shit myself about this one? It's rumoured to be a METROPOLIS hit.

I spoke to a seismologist this morning - HOW random that one should come in for an English lesson?!?! He sat there and actually laughed at me when I told me that I was scared. He told me that Tokyo isn't safe, but it's strong enough to handle the earthquake. But, if a tsunami hits, then we're in big trouble. When I asked him why he wasn't worried, he said he firmly believed that we are safe.

A 7.0 earthquake is threatening to hit Tokyo and he feels safe?!?!? It has crossed my mind that I might be overreacting, but FUCK! Better safe than sorry is what I say! Honestly, the complacency of Japanese people is absolutely mind boggling! When I read the news I was toying with the idea of legging it. And now that there are more and more rumours about this second quake being a metroplis hit, I've contacted everyone I know in Kyushu and if the city goes on alert, then I'm evacuating and heading down there.

I have received over 300 messages and emails from people all over the world checking that I'm OK. I owe it to them to try and keep myself safe. I have something that a lot of people don't - somewhere to go. And even if I didn't, I would still seriously consider heading out to Kansai and getting a hotel there.

The PM has approved planned power outages from tomorrow. Lucky central Tokyo will not be affected. Another bit of luck on my part - when I went to the store today, there were no candles, torches or any kind of light to be seen.

I've packed an evacuation bag - just in case. I shoved some stuff into a little holdall last night but today I've pulled out my travellers backpack and put clothes, medicine, food and some other stuff in there. If I decide to leave for Kyushu, I'm gonna definitely be packing a suitcase.

This is so surreal.

If you are on Facebook, please check my page for regular updates about what's going on. I will always try and give you guys as many details on here as I can.


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