“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Monday 14 March 2011


I literally cannot describe the pure AGONY that I have in my heart now.

I told you that I had friends up north. This is the latest update.

3 have been killed in SENDAI

2 have reached evacuation centres in IWATE

4 are safe in FUKUSHIMA and IBARAKI...although they have no electricity or water in their homes

That leaves 5 that are still missing. 4 of these are in Miyagi-ken - the worst hit area. I'm getting more and more certain that they will not be found alive. The quake was on Friday - that's 3 days that has already passed. My phone has been glued to my side all day - I told all my clients I was waiting for news and explained that I would answer the phone if it rang. I got 2 phone calls and 3 messages today. Those three messages were great news. The phone calls sent me in a state of shock where I couldn't comprehend what was happening and just acted like nothing had happened.

When I got into the comfort of my own home, that's when I broke down.

And then I forgot that I had a private lesson! I felt awful when I saw my friend standing there on the doorstep. I don't even treat her like a "student" anymore - we've been friends since I first moved here and she's become so important to me!

There still hasn't been any more news on this upcoming quake. There was a pretty big aftershock this morning - I managed to sleep right through it! Mental exhaustion is taking it's toll.


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