“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Monday 7 March 2011


Seriously - I feel so exhausted today.

It's weird coz I'm normally up at 5.15am on a Monday morning to go into work. I had a Japanese lesson and then a training session today, so I didn't have to be up until 7.30am but I still feel like I've been up since stupid o'clock.

I didn't realise how knackering it would be to have a lesson so early. I always wonder how I manage to teach the 7am lessons at work, but being on the other side - it's hard! New found respect for those 7am clients who come in for a lesson and then go to work until like 10pm or midnight or some other ghastly hour like that.

I felt like my brain just wasn't cooperating with me. The snow certainly didn't help my mood and I just couldn't think of anything to say - my imagination completely let me down and by the end, I wasn't sure I'd make it through a whole day of cert.

A very interesting one on socail styles today. No huge surprises when I read the surveys other people had filled out for me. It didn't even matter whether there were discrepancies, or whether I agreed with impression people had of me, I was only ever gonna end up in one box.


Thing is though, if you look at how people interact in different situations, then the results would vary a lot more. I was thinking about it earlier and I worked out that in a day to day situation at work, where I'm interacting with coworkers, then sure, expressive fits the bill.

If I think of myself as an instructor, I would definitely lean way more towards driving. Although I'd still be a driving expressive.

However, if I think about a social situation - say a massive party where I was surrounded by a whole load of people that I didn't know, I would definitely define myself as an expressive/amiable. I'm actually super shy in social situations where I'm surrounded by strangers - especially if it's like a big group. It's something that surprises a lot of people but people that know me well have seen it. It's weird though coz if you put me in a work situation surrounded by people I don't know, I don't feel like that. Certainly a little more cautious and more likely to hold back until I've tested the water and felt everyone out, but after that, my expressiveness comes out in full force.

Interesting ne?

There's a few traits of the expressive social style that I have been working on. Naturally, everything doesn't fit the bill - it's not subjective. In fact, I think there are many things that I don't identify with at all.

If you haven't tried a social styles test before, I'd definitely recommend one. The results may surprise you!


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