“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Sunday 6 March 2011

I Did It!!

I can't believe I did it!

I finally bit the bullet and went for laser hair removal.

I've been putting it off for ages because I just kept hearing again and again about how painful it is. A billion times worse than waxing, people were telling me. But, after going to OZ and seeing the results on my friend, I decided that I just HAD to try it and so I went for my first treatment session today.

I thought I'd start with my armpits and then if all went well, I'd go for it DOWN THERE.

Seriously reconsidering that now!!! OMG!!! It hurts SO MUCH! I mean, it's not like the pain is INTOLERABLE but it really effing stings like hell - especially when the laser hits the deepest point. When the woman started, I was lying there wondering what all the fuss was about because it just felt like someone was pricking me with a sharp pin over and over again. But then she got to those deep points and it was so uncomfortable! I was biting my tongue throughout the whole thing.

The plus side is that it was all over in under five minutes and then they leave you for like 3-4 minutes with cold pads under your arms. It's not so bad after that - it's just this constant stinging which feels like really bad sunburn I guess. Not regretting it for a second - it's only the first session and the difference is amazing! The skin is so smooth and there's no hint of the follicle, whcih you can still see after shaving. It's gonna take a few sessions to go away completely, so I ended up purchasing a year pass which works out nearly 60% cheaper than paying session by session.

Just think - in a year I'm not going to have to worry about armpit hair ever again!! YAY!!

It might be an expensive and painful method of hair removal but it's worth every damn penny and every second of pain!! Although I think I'm good sticking to the Brazilian waxing for the southern parts!!! Very, very tempting though...I'll have to give it a bit more thought!!


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