“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Wednesday 16 March 2011


I woke up to so much shitty news this morning. Again at 7.30am despite going to bed after 2am.

First piece of news I received was about my five remaining missing friends.

They are all confirmed dead.

I joined every single SNS site and Twitter yesterday. I didn't set up profiles and am planning to delete them all now - I just used them as a way to try and find information about my friends up north. I managed to track them down on MIXI (tough work since they didn't use their real names) and then I sent out messages to every single one of their friends.

I had between 80-90 replies.

None of them were good news.

I didn't feel like broadcasting it this morning and decided to wait until I had decided what to do. The emotional agony that I'm feeling made me yearn for country air. So I have booked a flight and will be going back to Kyushu tonight. For no other reason that I'm exhausted and wanna clear my head away from the chaos of the trains, the empty shelves in the supermarkets, the constant aftershocks.

Last night's one was the biggest I've felt since the big quake on Friday. A 6.4 in Shizuoka-ken - right next door to Tokyo. Way too close for comfort. It was crap because I was feeling pretty safe about earthquakes after making my bag and confident that I had the knowledge of what to do. But last night was just a reminder that no matter how prepared you are, they are as SCARY AS HELL.

I need to get away and surround myself with friends. I've been stuck at home on my own for 2 days and I don't think it's doing me any good. I need to be around people.

So I'm off. Extortinate flight prices but hey - no price on safety. The queues for the shinkansen were shocking and I didn't wanna wait there only to be told that there were no more tickets. And buses would take at least 7 hours - I wasn't ready to leave RIGHT THEN when I decided to and I decided that I didn't wanna be arriving at stupid time in the morning. Kyushu isn't Tokyo - the trains stop EARLY.

So yah, that's the latest. I feel so sad leaving my house though. If I didn't have to deal with this situation with my friends, I would be staying put and fighting it out.


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