“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Tuesday 1 March 2011

Norwegian Wood

OMG I am so excited!

I just discovered that my favourite book by Haruki Murakami has been made into a film!!

Not only that, but I booked my flight to Bali today too!


Super excited to see the film - I'm always seriously wary of films which are based on books, but after the amazing depiction of the Green Mile and the Girl With The Dragon Tattoo, my faith has been restored in films having the ability to stay true to the story.

I must go and see it ASAP! Or at least as soon as I can find some kind of gap in my schedule!

Buzzing with excitement at the thought of going back to Bali. I had such a wicked time when I went there a couple of years ago and no doubt this is going to be any different - in fact, I'm certain it's gonna be even better! Gonna hit up some different spots and make it over to Lombok for sure this time. Not having the time to go there was one of my biggest regrets about my last trip to Indonesia. Plus, I'm really hoping that my girl will fly over from the UK again and meet me there. It was so awesome to see her and even though I went to visit her last year in the States, it would still be fantabulous for her to fly out again this spring.

Can't believe we're in March already. Where does all the time go?!?!?!


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