“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Tuesday 15 March 2011

Things Are Looking Up!

It really is amazing how fast news moves!

So much has happened since the last time I posted.

OK, so the latest is that radiation has been detected in Tokyo at a level of 0.89 MICRO sieverts. This is so INCREDIBLY LOW and is of absolutely ZERO danger to our wellbeing. People are panicking and fleeing Tokyo - the thing is it's hard to say what the reasons are. A few people are a little worried about the economy - something I haven't even thought about actually!

Regarding the nuclear plant, there was a press conference at 4.30pm today and this is the last from Edano:

At number 1 & 3 reactors, water supply is stable. At number 2, water is being supplied. At the plant front gate, as of 3.30pm, a level of 596.4 micro sieverts was measured, a level harmless to humans. The fire is out at reactor 4. For reactors 5 & 6, they are taking preventative measures.

That's definitely good news right?! It by now means means that nothing will take a turn for the worst but it's enough to settle some minds of those who were thinking about immediately evacuating. The downside to that mentality is that if something happens, people panic and all try to leave at the same time. I don't wanna get trapped so it might be worth thinking about anyway. You see it in those disaster movies all the time!

I called in to cancel my shift tomorrow - somehow that led to my shifts being cancelled for the rest of the week! Seeing as I now have the next 5 days off, I'm thinking about going back down to Kyushu anyway for a break. I certainly need it - so emotionally drained.

And of course - I still never packed that suitcase!!


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