“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Thursday 24 March 2011

Diagnosis Please!

What a month this is turning out to be!

I ended up going ot hospital last night. It got to 6pm and I was STILL throwing up...or trying to - I couldn't eat or drink anything, so I was just bringing up bile - and I know you all know how painful that is!! I gave up - there was no way in hell I could ride out that pain, so I went to the hopsital. When I got there, the first thing they did was test me for radiation poisioning.

The level of radiation in my blood is WAAAAYYYYYY under the average - even though I had drunk 2 litres of tap water yesterday. Good to know I guess.

Not pregnant, no IBS and the fact that I wasn't running a temperature ruled out any kind of viral disease. My friend seems to think I have a norovirus - even if it's that, there is no treatment. Just IV and ride it out for a couple of days.

They put me on a drip for a couple of hours with 2 different kinds of fluids. I did feel a little better when I left - just still really uncomfortable. I haven't thrown up since but judging from the noises that are coming from my stomach, it's still really angry and I'm worried about problems starting from the other end! Apologies for the imagery!! Luckily, that hasn't happened...yet!

Still managing to keep my breakfast down, so that can only be a good sign. It's just the constant pain from the stomach cramps and this horrible uncomfortable feeling that has kept me away from work today. I just don't think I can sit through a lesson constantly worrying if I'm going to have to leg it to the bathroom. Just gonna ride this out at home and hope for the best.

A Tokyo update for you all:

You've probably already heard the news about contaminated water, food and milk. People are panic buying bottled water like crazy and now the shelves are empty. Radiation levels in the water supply are elevated but they are no way near dangerous. I probably wouldn't have believe that myself either but after going to the hospital yesterday and seeing that my levels were below average, EVEN THOUGH I had drunk 2 litres of tap water, has defintely put my mind at rest a little. Still not taking any chances though - I've filled up loads of bottles of water so that at least if the radiation levels do rise, I can drink safer water.

There were 4 really crazy aftershocks in quick succession yesterday morning and another big one this morning. Dunno what it is about the mornings, btu the biggest quakes always seem to hit then. I wonder when they are going to stop - more than anything, they are just becoming really annoying!

Please keep checking the news for regular updates.

I'm fine - I may be sick but I'll get through it. The timing just sucks, that's all.


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