“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Monday 20 October 2008

I Love My Students

So I was at my middle school this morning. I normally hate Monday mornings because I have 4 classes. I know, I know, it's just cruel.

But today was just jokes. My students were on point with making me laugh!!

First 2nensei. They were told to write down their wish. The example that they were given was:

'My wish is to speak English well. I want to travel the world'.

LOLOLOLOL - this is what I got -

1) My wish is to be ginger. I like carrot.

2) My wish is to be invisible. I want to poke ~~ sensei's head.

3) My wish is to be old. I want to marry Ms. Jade

4) My wish is to have a big dinner. I want to have big meat.


And if that wasn't enough to brighten up my Monday morning, I then had 3 1nensei classes. They're doing the third person in verbs - speaks, likes, plays etc

They were asked to write about me using the following as a guildline:

This is Tom.

He is from America.

He speaks English.

His hobby is mountain biking.

He likes to watch movies.

He plays tennis.

So I told them a few things about me - I said I like cooking, watching sports, dancing, going to the cinema and other boring stuff like that.

LOL - this is what they came up with:

She likes cocking.

She likes cock.

She likes to cock.

She likes cocking. With her father.

She plays cock.

She dances cock.

She likes big weener.

She eats weener.

She is big.

She is 37 years old.

She is old woman.

She has a long leg. (JUST ONE????!!!!!)

HEHE - i was marking them with my JTE and even she was wetting herself. She said she reckoned that some of them were genuine mistakes but the majority knew what they were saying because they're 'at that age'.

Either way, it brightened up my Monday!!


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