“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Wednesday 29 October 2008

One Crazy Bitch

So I told you about my friend stalkin her man.

The girl is actually insane.

First yesterday, she sends me a message to tell me that on one of her phone snooping ventures, she found out that he met a girl when he told her he was at home in bed. She was frantic.

In a way I am a bit disappointed that he turned out to be a liar. BUT, I told her that's what she gets for snooping. It happens sooner or later I guess - you find the wrong thing and can't do anything about it. Then it's time for the relationship to end.

Then about 10 mins ago I got a call from her. She said her man had changed his email password and she couldn't figure out what it is!!!!!

I'm to blame for that. Her man called me yesterday just to see how I was. I told him so story about my friend who had his email address hacked and how I changed my password and he prob should too. I know it's not my business but my friend freaks me out. And...I don't know.....but anyway, I kinda told him he should change his password and make it hard to guess.

Looks like he did. And my friend has actually hit the point of insanity. She told me she cancelled lunch with her friend so that she could try and work out what the password was. She even went so far as to try and guess the answer to a secret question. Like you know when you forget a password you get redirected to that page that asks you something so you can reset it? That's what she tried to do. Except apparently the secret question is related to his home address or something. I didn't really get what she was babbling on about. Either way, it's information that she can't get hold of and she's going crazy bout it.

You know what she said? She asked me what would happen if he changes his other passwords!! Because then she wouldn't be able to reset them without access to his email account!!!!!!!!

I had to shout to interrupt her and asked her if she had any idea what she sounded like?! I was telling a friend yesterday that she must have mental issues. Right? I mean, no one's insecurity runs that deep...


Then she tried to...what's the word...turn me into her? Nah..not that..hmmmm......anyway she kept questioning me about my man and what he gets up to and do I think he sees other girls and all this shit. I got sooooo mad!!! I told her she was one crazy bitch and not to even attempt to make me think in the same way that she does.

For a split second, I did wonder. And then I chided myself because truthfully, I don't think that people EVER really know EVERYTHING that their man or girl gets up to. And sometimes, ignorance is bliss. Not ALL the time - it doesn't mean that you should turn a blind eye if something is going on but you don't have to poke around so deep till you find something wrong.

Stupid cow. She wanted to stay at my house during her visit. Hell no!!! The minute my back is turned she would be snooping for the sake of it. But I've already decided that when her trip here is done, so are we. I don't need friends like that.

She's just...weird.

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