“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Tuesday, 30 June 2009

MJ Fever Still Running High

I am amazed and super chuffed at how my kids are reacting to my Michael Jackson classes.

Today was 2年生's turn and the kids were frantically taking notes as I was talking. They rocked the quiz - answering the questions in full sentences and putting the 3年生s to shame. I was really impressed about how clued up they were about him in the first place.

I didn't have time to do the moonwalking competition today, but my last classes with them are all gonna be Michael Jackson parties and we will do it then. Just need to think of some awesome prizes.

I told them the truth about why they were receiving the CDs. As I handed each one out, everyone else applauded. I LOVE the way my 2年生s support each other. It's so damn cute. I'm really gonna miss them :-(

I had my 'special' kids today. There's nothing even wrong with them - they're just very slow and can't keep up with the pace in regular class. So 2 of them are taught separately. One is a 2年生 boy and the other a 3年生 girl. When I went to see them today, the boy just jumped up and attempted to moonwalk. The girl looked at him and asked him what he was doing. When he told her he was doing Michael Jackson's moonwalk......

3年生: 'Who?'

2年生: 'Michael Jackson だよ。

3年生: Michael Jackson は誰ですか。

*Jade and JTE staring at her with mouths hanging open*

Jade: You don't know who Michael Jackson is?!?!?!?!

3年生: 知らん

JTE: ウソ!!!!

3年生: 本当だ。

Jade: You need to go and see the English Board.

JTE: ええええええええええええ?!?!?!何で知らんかなー

*Girl hangs her head in what I hope is shame*

And this is why I'm overtaking the classes this week - it's a crime!

But I'm not doing it with 1年生. I told my JTE I think it would be too difficult for them to understand. Which is would, so it's not a lie, although we both know I could make it much simpler if I wanted to. I would talk to them about him but I wouldn't give them any CDs, purely because they just don't deserve it!

I told you before how I quit the elementary classes. If I WERE to give out CDs, I would have just 19 out of 68 kids to choose from. And I don't wanna show such blatant favouritism because none of the kids who came from one particular school would receive one. I don't see why bullies and stinking attitudes should be rewarded. So I'm not gonna do it. Yeh, it may be unfair on the kids that do deserve it, but I don't want the backlash that will inevitably come from the bullies that didn't receive anything. They're bad enough already and I don't wanna give them cause to pick on the other kids. The little shits.

Still have so many CDs left to burn. But I'm perfectly happy to put the effort in.

If anyone can think of things I can give as awesome prizes, then let me know!


Monday, 29 June 2009

Jackson Fever

Yesterday morning I sent my JTE a message telling her that I wanted to dedicate this week's classes to Michael Jackson. I told her that he was a massive part of my childhood and that I wanted to pay tribute to him by educating the kids about him, his life and his work.

She thought it was a great idea! She said that most the kids only know Michael Jackson by name, not by his work. So I spent literally the entire day and this morning preparing one of my most awesome classes yet. I started at 9.30am and finished at 9.30am this morning - just in time for the start of the class. A lot of effort, a lot of time and a lot of work - but so totally worth it.

So I started off the class explaining why I wanted to talk about Michael Jackson. I told them how I was an 80s child - born one year after the release of 'Thriller', thus growing up in the most successful time of his career. I started with a powerpoint presentation and talked to them about his musical career.

I had no idea that they would listen so intently. I told them before I started that there would be a quiz after the presentation. I had planned to give Michael Jackson compilation CDs to the team with the most correct answers but I didn't tell them this before I started. I was shocked/pleased to see them asking questions and taking notes on what I was saying. I had their full attention. They absolutely loved watching his transformation from black to white. Seeing pictures of him as a kid came the shouts of 'かわいいいい', pictures of him during the 'Thriller' years got shouts of 'handsome!!!', whilst pictures of him during the 'Bad' years got shouts of ’カッコイイ’!!!They loved it.

After the presentation, which was about 20 mins, I put them into groups where they had to answer 15 questions in English. Like I said before, the original idea was to give the CDs to the team with the highest school. Bar one team, they all for 15 out of 15. Bollocks!

Plan B. I showed them the performance of 'Billie Jean' at the Motown 25th Anniversary show. And then I announced that we were going to have a moonwalking competition and then the 7 best moonwalkers would win the CDs. When I asked who wanted to go first, I was expecting to be answered with silence and I thought I would have to pick on people to do it.

There were 30 students in the class. 29 of them raised their hands! I was so shocked - I really couldn't believe it! And so the rest of the lesson was me and my JTE laughing our arses off at 29 kids attempting to moonwalk. I had to run to the bathroom - I was laughing so hard I thought I was gonna pee my pants!!!!!!!!! It was so awesome and they kids had so much fun with it...

Little did they know that my JTE and I had already decided who was gonna receive the CDs. I had explained to her before that I wanted to give them to the kids who had shown improvement, who had participated well in class, and who had tried really hard over the 2 years that I have known them. So we sat down together and worked it out. Lucky for me, none of the people who did receive the CDs had a shit moonwalk so it was allllll good!

What a great lesson.

I also dedicated the English board to Michael Jackson. It was his life in pictures, with short captions in English. It made me happy to see teachers stop and take the time to look and comment and praise me on what I had done.

And then during lunchtime, I asked if I could replace the crappy music with Michael Jackson's Number Ones album. 教頭先生 thought it was a great idea! So throughout the lunchbreak I could see everyone bopping along to Michael Jackson classics. It put a massive smile on my face.

What a great day at school. And I get to do it all again tomorrow with the 2年生 classes. Such a lot fo time and effort on my part - I need to burn another whole load of CDs.

But totally worth it if it means that these kids will understand the legend that is Michael Jackson.

So, so worth it.

This is my tribute.


Sunday, 28 June 2009

R.I.P Michael Jackson


Read this. It is absolutely incredible.

I am so, so upset to hear about how Michael Jackson has been suffering over the last few years. I had no idea about the extent of his pain and fear and disappointing his fans until I read this article. And after reading it I am so full of sympathy and yet relieved that for Michael, his suffering has finally come to an end.

It all seems like it starting 15 years ago with the whole child molestation charges. What hurts most about this whole thing, is that they say people are innocent until proven guilty. Yet, Michael Jackson was proved innocent, and yet so many people out there labelled him a kiddie fiddler. I have never believed the allegations. Never. He might have been a lot of things but I don't believe that he would have ever gone that far. He loved children. He dedicated so much time and money and love into supporting 39 charities - giving them album profits and settlement money. A selfless act. It enrages me that there are people out there who still believe that he could do something so vulgar.

Can you imagine what that must do to your state of mind?

To read about how frail he was. How he couldn't sing, dance, talk, walk....to watch a slow deterioration of someone so loved by his fans is horrible. When I heard that he was to do 50 London dates, I was like wooooaaahhhh. Given the health problems that have been plaguing him for years, I didn't understand how he could commit to this. He would have died after 1 or 2 of them, if he made it on stage at all. Then reading about the pressure from the people around him and how they constantly reminded him of his damaged reputation and money troubles, I can't help but feel deeply, deeply sorry for him. He was scared. Scared that he wouldn't be able to do it. That people would be disappointed with him. But he couldn't sing - all his songs would have to be lip synced.

When I first read that, I was like well that would disappoint me. And then I thought people would go to see him for the show that he would put on. He's a performer, an entertainer. It wouldn't matter that he wasn't singing live. People are there to see the moonwalk. To watch him put on an incredible show. The problem is, people were expecting him to be like he was in the 80s. They seemed to have forgotten that he was 50 years old and in poor physical condition. And that just added to the already immense pressure on Michael Jackson. He knew that they were expecting that of him and I'm not surprised that he was scared he wouldn't be able to deliver. Because he wouldn't have been able to. Hurts me to read that he said he thought he'd be better off dead :-(.

People are so greedy. Even in his fragile state, he was being forced to do all these things that his health would just not allow. People were pushing drugs on him so that he could function, ignorant of the fact that they were killing him. Or they probably just didn't care.

And what an incredible gift that he left for his children. 200 unreleased songs. Wow. No financial problems for those three. Imagine being able to say that Michael Jackson is your father. Damn - now that's something special - being able to say that your father was the most famous person on the planet. WOW.

I have spent the whole day today listening to Michael Jackson's albums. I downloaded all of them and was singing along and dancing around my apartment - grinning as childhood memories came flooding back. I'd forgotten about how much I love his music - and I'm not just talking about the big hits. Songs like 'In the Closet' and 'Do You Remember the Time' also hold so many memories for me. I was reading tributes and watching the reactions of fans around the world, and that's when the tears started flowing.

Such a sad, sad story.

A great talent. A true legend who will forever be in my heart.

May you finally Rest In Peace.


Terminator 4

Yesterday was such a chilled day. I spent the whole of the morning at my friend's house nursing a mini hangover and watching CNN and reading every possible article on Michael Jackson. It was funny because when they were playing videos from the Thriller album, they just made me grin because all these memories from my childhood came flooding back.

Anyway, last night I finally saw Terminator 4. And I LOVED it! Absolutely LOVED it! The best thing for me is that I really didn't have any expectations. I'd spoken to other people who had seen it and they'd said it was OK, so on that note I wasn't expecting too much. Even if everyone had said it was shit, I would have gone to see it anyway. And I was not disappointed.

Terminator 2 is still the best one. But this one has gone straight into the number 2 spot! Followed by the first Terminator and then trailing waaay behind is the third one. What a load of cack that was!

Now I need to see Transformers! It's weird because here at the cinema, after 8pm the tickets are only 1000yen! Back home prime time is more expensive.



Friday, 26 June 2009

The King of Pop - My Tribute

Just last week, I was at my friend's house watching the 'Smooth Criminal' video on you tube.

While it may not be his best song or video, it's one of the most memorable for me. What a great song! I used to think that coin flip was so cool.

And then I got a mail this morning telling me that Michael Jackson has died.

WTF?? He was about to perform 50 dates in London (or was it UK?)! I was so jealous of my friends who had pressed redial for hours trying to get hold of tickets. Even after they sold out, one of my friend's paid 250quid buying a ticket from someone else. So, so jealous. I remember I even checked out the prices of flights home - that's how badly I wanted to go. It would've undoubtedly been one of the highlights of my life - seeing Michael Jackson live.

*sniff sniff*

When I got that mail, I legged it over to the computer to check out the news online. As I read report after report and went through his life in pictures, I became overwhelmed with sadness and could feel the tears welling up.


Man, I grew up idolising Michael Jackson. He was my childhood hero. I remember the intro and outro of Thriller used to scare the shit out of me. 'Beat It', 'Black & White', 'Smooth Criminal' and 'Dirty Diana' are all totally up there amongst my favourites.

At the time of 'Thriller' is definitely when he was looking his best. It used to upset me so much to see him slowly abandon his black heritage and then sing about how colour doesn't matter. He used to be such a handsome man.

But, I still admired him. Even with all the effed up things he did, he never lost my support. Even at the time of his trials for child molestation, I don't know why, but I fiercely defended him. I think it's because I adored him so much I didn't honestly believe he could do anything like that. I still believe he was innocent. People were out to cash in on his fortune. I remember staying up really late to watch the results of the trials on TV, and when he was acquitted, I was so, so happy.

All these Michael jokes really upset/offend me. He was found not guilty on all charges and it feels really unfair for people to carry on like that. Especially now - when he has just passed away. I still fiercely defend him.

I can't believe he's gone. Such a shock. King of Pop. Who DOESN'T like Michael Jackson's music?! He was such a big part of my childhood - my Dad had the 'Off the Wall' and 'Thriller' albums on vinyl and I used to love making up dance routines to the songs in my living room. I never tried to copy his moves - I couldn't moonwalk for shit! Although I think my brother could....

Ah man, it's such a beautiful day and I'm really sad :-( It's devastating news.

Lay off the jokes guys! Have some respect.

R.I.P Michael Jackson.


Thursday, 25 June 2009

HOW Much?!

I barely eat fruit here because it's so damn expensive.

2500yen for a melon?! WTF?

But today I caved in. I love fruit in the summer and I honestly don't remember the last time I ate fresh fruit. So I went to the supermarket and filled my basket with a pineapple, melon, plums, cherries and bananas. And some yoghurt to go with it.


My poor wallet :-(


Wednesday, 24 June 2009


I am soo excited bout Friday.

Girl's night out. And it's gonna be messy. It always is, but because this is probably gonna be the last one, it's gonna be even messier than normal.

But that's not the reason that I'm so excited.

My baby girl is coming up from Saga!!! YAY!!!! I'm so chuffed because I haven't seen her for time and she's leaving at the beginning of July, so I was getting scared that I won't be able to hang out before she leaves. And then she told me today that she's gonna be in Karatsu on Friday.


I can't WAIT!!!!!




This f****** dog has been barking non stop for 2 hours!!!

WTF?!?! Where the hell are the owners?!?!

I'm trying to enjoy a rare night in and that racket is totally doing my nut!

Stupid dog.

I'll break it's neck.

Tuesday, 23 June 2009


昨日は面接がありました. It was for a drama teacher in a big school in 東京. I was really excited because it means that the students I would teach would be speaking 英語 with actual expression.

At first they were trying to get me to fly to 東京 but I managed to convince them to let me do the interview at the 福岡 branch. I had to do this demo lesson and they told me I had to put my own interpretation on a script from a scene in Pirates of the Caribbean.


My demo was awesome. I KNOW it was. I wasn't expecting as many people to be watching me make a complete fool of myself on stage but they responded really well so I was well happy with it. But then I crashed in the actual interview which was 30 minutes in 日本語. Man, it was so HARD! I spent so much time trying to remember all these complicated words I'd memorized, that I lost my basic 日本語. I drew a complete blank when they asked me to describe my character, but answered perfectly questions about my future goals. I left so deflated and came to the realization that my 日本語 is just not good enough for this kind of stuff.

On my way out the building, I saw the sign for Interac. I just barged in and asked if I could be interviewed for available positions in 東京. I couldn't believe it when they said they'd do it there and then. The 日本語 part of that interview was only 5 mins and a piece of piss. I absolutely nailed that interview. The guy told me that because I was a girl with 日本語 ability and a driving license, I was in a minority and that would guarantee that I would be offered a position. Yeh - in the sticks! 田舎はダメ!! I pulled him up on that straightaway. I got offered a job on the spot..in 福岡! And I debated it for about 20 seconds before I remembered how hard I busted my arse to find a place to live in 東京. He told me the only thing that would hinder me getting a job there is the fact that I'm not available to do any of the compulsory training. During the training dates in 日本, I will be in ロンドン and during the training dates overseas, I will still be in 日本. So I'm not quite sure how that's going to work out.

Just have to wait and see!



Monday, 22 June 2009


I was so tired yesterday and was badly looking forward to lying in today.

So I go and wake up at 6.30am!



Sunday, 21 June 2009

So Not Cool

School on Sundays is so hard. You're knackered, the kids are knackered and it's just like arrrgggghhhh!!!

So not cool.

I spent most of yesterday on the beach. Everyone gets a bit tired after spending the day in the sun. And then I went to a party last night and even though I left early, I woke up absolutely exhausted.

I yawned my way through my classes and was constantly looking at the clock, willing the time to go faster so I could go home and sleep. I struggled through the afternoon trying to be productive, but ended up face down on my desk and drooling on my hand.

On top of that, the crap weather isn't doing me any favours and I can't just sleep - I have to prepare for an interview tomorrow. Normally I wouldn't put too much thought into it, but I have to do a demo and then prepare a whole load of stuff in Japanese, so I have to.

So, so, tired.

Maybe I'll have a nap.....

Saturday, 20 June 2009

Familiar Faces

I was well chuffed last night when I found out an old friend was in town!

LOL - I went to meet the boys at like 2am, to find them karaokeing their arses off and absolutely shit faced.

Man, I wish I had my camera because it was hilarious to watch!

And it was so nice to catch up with a friend I hadn't seen since March. Just watching them all put this massive grin on my face.

Love y'all.

On a different note, I didn't go to bed until after 4.30am, yet this morning I was up by like 6.30 and gave up trying to get back to sleep and got out of bed at 8. Another absolutely perfect day, I'm totally gonna spend all day on the beach before hitting up a party tonight.

Just waiting on a delivery.

Hurry up!


Friday, 19 June 2009


This week has just been day after day of the most perfect weather.

This is my favourite type of weather - hot, but not the horrible sweaty hot that comes in the summer.

I am LOVING it!

Man, if I was able to go to the beach all day, every day this week, I would have the most amazing tan by now

I am LOVING life right now.

Minus the cold ;-)


Thursday, 18 June 2009

And It Starts....

I've just packed my first box.

And it feels pretty good!

It's different for me because I don't have to send anything overseas or that far in advance. I'm having all my stuff picked up the day before I move out of my apartment and then having it delivered to my place in Tokyo 2 days later. So it's kinda like I don't even have to worry about packing until the last minute. But I don't wanna do that because I wanna spend my last few days chilling out and seeing my friends. Not frantically rushing around trying to get my stuff packed up and the apartment cleaned.

All that means is that I'm gonna have a house full of boxes! Which I know is gonna be really annoying but at least I'll be organized! I worked out yesterday that I have exactly 6 weeks until I move to Tokyo. Time has gone so fast and to be honest I am sad, but I am so damn excited to get into my new place and Jadify it! It's gonna be so much fun. So I get to spend 5 days doing that and then I'm off back to London.

Exciting times ahead. I can't wait.


Summer Colds

Nothing sucks more than getting a cold when the weather is this glorious.

I have been sneezing and sniffing for the last 2 days. At first I thought maybe it was just allergies but then I've got a tiny bit of a cough as well and just feel generally rough.

And it was so hot today it just made me feel even worse!



Man, my supervisor doesn't understand jack about this ALT lark.

She started in March and since then she's fed me a whole load of incorrect informations that's caused rows, for me to take things over her head, and then she ends up apologising. Every time I've found out that she's given me the wrong information.

I wish I had someone who actually understood how ALT matters work. I want my old supervisor back.

I was so pissed yesterday at Karatsu BOE. Turns out the fault is not theirs, but my supervisor's, because she didn't understand what they were telling her. So she's telling me one thing and I'm losing my temper for nothing. The actual situation is completely different.

No wonder everything seems to be more hassle than it really is. I know I'm quick to react, but I do give her a chance. And then I always make sure I understand before I start arguing.

And I normally win and she ends up apologising.

Which happened again this afternoon.


I really can't be arsed with these dramas. I know my temper doesn't help but if I got given the right information in the first place, I wouldn't be arguing with her all the time.

So annoying.

But at least it's sorted.


Wednesday, 17 June 2009

Foul Temper

Man, I'm normally pretty good (sometimes) at not losing my cool, but this country tries my patience.

And today I snapped.

Karatsu BOE (not even my own) wound me up so much with their illogical thinking and dumbass ways of doing stuff that I just lost it.

All I wanted to do was book my damn flight home!!!

I was arguing with them for 2 hours. And got nowhere. At 3.30 I just packed my stuff up, announced I was going home and walked out.

And no one stopped me. To be honest, the way I was shooting my mouth off, they wouldn't have dared.

I'm not gonna get into the whole story because I've only just managed to calm down (THANK YOU LOVEY!!!) and I don't need to get all worked up again. I'll get frown lines.

But when it does rear it's ugly head, I have an awful temper.

I hope none of you ever have to see it.



On Monday, one of the 1nenseis that I actually like came into the staffroom with this massive bleeding gash on the side of his head.

When the teachers asked him what happened, he said that another kid (one of the devil children) had THROWN A KNIFE at him. When the teachers spoke to the other kid, he said he had just been playing around and hadn't meant to hurt him.


The worst thing is, that was the end of it. The little shit that did it wasn't punished in any way - wasn't even verbally disciplined about how dangerous that could've been. My JTE said that the whole thing and the way that it was dealt with scared her. I couldn't believe it. How could they just let this go?! Back home the police probably would've gotten involved - things like that are taken so seriously, I'm shocked that over here they just allowed it.

It's completely unacceptable.

And really, really scary.


Not Impressed

I was checking my emails this morning when I saw a Facebook notification saying 'Jade Freeman has added you as a friend on Facebook'. I just dismissed it as a spam mail but when I logged into Facebook, there was a request from some American guy called Jade Freeman.

How random!

I ignored it because I don't add people I don't know or haven't met. Why do people do that? Does he think I'm gonna accept his friend request just because we have the same name?! Also, there's only room for one Jade Freeman in my network and that is yours truly. Plus, Jade is a girl's name! Yah, I know there are guys called Jade out there. I remember when I was 20 I met Jade from the band Damage in a club. He was like 'Hey, I'm Jade' and then I was like 'So am I'. And it was weird. Jade is a jewel. And it is mainly girls who are named after jewels, ne? Definitely more of a girl's name.




Man, I woke up this morning feeling well rough.

Thumping headache and I've been sniffly all day. Now is so not the time to get a cold!

I'm more intrigued as to where I caught it from. Loads of people are all bunged up and sneezing but that's been down to allergies - not a cold.

Maybe I've had too good a run of luck over the course of June. Naturally something crappy had to happen. I just hope I feel a bit better by later tonight.

Can't have my evening ruined now, can I!

LOL! ;-)


Tuesday, 16 June 2009


26 is such a great age! I love it already.

It's like, I turned 26 and then within a week, stuff had already started to change.

And from the looks of things, it can only get better.

I'm over my broken heart (yeh, OK, it took 6 months but I made it), I've found a gorgeous new home, I'm preparing to start an exciting new life back in the city, and I'm going back to London for 3 weeks in August.

So many changes and so much to look forward to. I really can't wait.

Life is really awesome right now.

If only I could take my friends with me! That really would make everything perfect!


Monday, 15 June 2009

The Chosen One

I saw 14/15 places over 2 days and only one jumped out at me. The minute I walked into this place, I was blown away.

It's a house on a really cute residential street. Newly renovated, wooden floors throughout, I was just grinning as I looked around because it whooped the arses of everything else that I had seen.

My room is on the ground floor and is gorgeous. Probably the equivalent of 9/10 tatami mats in size, it has a double bed, desk, chair, sofa, DVD player, TV, aircon and a pretty decent sized wardrobe. I can add or take anything away. I have my own toilet (sweeeet!) and the bathroom is cute, modern and spacious. Not one of those where you walk into the wall when you step out of the bath.

Upstairs is the second bedroom and study (my housemate's), another toilet and then this GORGEOUS lounge and kitchen. Mammoth TV, Wii, loads of DVDs, sofa bed, air con, dining table, big kitchen with a 3 hob stove (such a small thing but it made me soooo happy) and all the appliances I need (save an oven so I'm thinking about taking mine over).

The guy I'm sharing with is also a Brit. LOL! I'd be busting my arse off speaking Japanese all weekend and I end up sharing with a Brit - typical! Anyway, he seems really cool - funny and incredibly laid back, and seems easy to get along with. He works late and pretty much spends his evenings in the study so apparently I won't even see him except at the weekends. He's cool - already talking about my moving in party. I think we're gonna have a right laugh. He even came and picked me up from Ogikubo on his motorbike.

I'll tell you what guys, I am so pleased with this place. It's in Nermia-ku. Originally I was pretty set on Suginami-ku but it's still close. About 5 mins on the train to Ikebukuro and 15 mins on the Oedo subway line to Shinjuku. The house is only 2 mins from the subway station - LITERALLY. No deposit, no key money, no guarantor, no min. length of stay - NOTHING. I would've been a fool to turn it down. And the rent is all inclusive. I LOVED the place - and it was the only place I saw that I felt like that about. All the other places I thought were OK, I was thinking that I COULD make it work. Which isn't really the right attitude to be moving into a new apartment with.

I busted my arse off flathunting. I am honestly so proud of myself - doing all of this alone. If I hadn't of found anythign this weekend, I was gonna go back the first weekend in July to look again. The fact that I was looking 9am-6pm for 2 days and actually came away with a result feels amazing. I almost can't believe I did it.

Such an amazing feeling!


Houseshares (Part 2)

The next place was a room in a 2LDK with this really cool (and VERY hot) Japanese guy who works in fashion. The place was really cool and only a 15min walk to Shinjuku. I loved it but the room and the kitchen were too small and after seeing my chosen place the day before, it didn't even come close.

After that was a gorgeous flat in Shinagawa. The apartment block was only 2 years old and it had an electronic entrance with this super posh lobby. The flat was on the 27th floor and the view over Tokyo was incredible. You could see Tokyo Tower and the buildings of Shinjuku and Roppongi. The flat was stunning. Everything was gorgeous and new. I would've been sharing with this 33 year old Japanese guy who would've taken 2man off the rent if I taught him English 2 hours a week.

Sounds pretty sweet right?

Then came the rules. Before I get into that, I just wanted to mention that this guy has 6 bikes. And he keeps 4 of them in the lounge. And had no intention of moving them. What a waste of space! So here are this guy's rules:

1) No talking on the phone after 9pm
2) No watching TV after 9pm
3) No music after 9pm
4) Friend's can't stay over
5) Boyfriends can't come over
6) Friends can't come over to drink and hang out
7) If friends or family come from England, they can't stay for more than a week.
8) Please enter the flat quietly.
9) You must keep your hand on the door until it closes. Do not let it slam.

What a moron! And on top of that I would have to share wardrobe space with him! When I first saw the flat, I coudn't believe it hadn't already been let. After speaking to him, I understand why. What a waste.

Next was a house share with 3 girls in Roppongi. 3min walk from Roppongi Hills - seriously dangerous!

I walked in and pretty much hated it straight away. Dark, dingy, and you had to squeeze past a washing machine to get into the kitchen - which was small and dirty. The room to rent was about 5 tatami mats and had a double bed in it which was way too big for the size of the room. The genkan had loadsa bugs crawling around which made me think that it would be seriously roach infested in the summer. The landlady is in Australia and sent me an email asking me what I thought. I laid it all out - I was like I'm not gonna move in there anyway so I just completely cussed it out.

She sent me an email back thanking me for my honesty because she wasn't aware of the state the place was in. She then offered me the room at a discounted price if I would manage the maid.

Thanks but no thanks.

It was after that that I realised I would never get a place better than the one I chose.


So I told you that the size of the kitchens in the private apartments made me consider house shares.

The first room I looked at was in a 6LDK house share in Ogikubo. One of my favourite areas of Tokyo. This guy came and met me and he and I would be the only foreigners in the house - the others were Japanese. When I was looking at the ad, it said the house was a 5 min walk from the eki and and room was 12 tatami mats. That's a massive room and why I decided to go and take a look at it.

Bollocks - the house was a 15min walk and no one had bothered to tell me that the 12 mat room had gone. So I ended up being shown 5.5mat room. It wasn't actually that bad but if I had known, I wouldn't have bothered wasting my time going to look at it. The kitchen was amazing but there was only one bathroom. Gross. And all the housemates were raving about how their schedules don't overlap and it works out really well. Yeah right!

So there's always a big risk going into a houseshare with people you don't know. The state of the house tells you a lot about the people that live there. Sticky surfaces, butter and milk left out, and my pet hate - a buttered knife left on the counter.

Bye bye!

The second place was the one I ended up taking. But I'll tell you about that in a separate entry!

The third one was another 6LDK house. This was an 8 tatami room and really nice. I just hated the rest of the house. It was too far from the eki and I would be sharing with 5 Japanese guys. Some were excited about having a foreigner in the house and some looked petrified. The house was a complete mess and really dark. The most awesome thing about it was this massive rooftop terrace that just screamed BBQ party!

To be continued.....

Saturday, 13 June 2009


Man, where to start.

I have seen so many places over the last 2 days. 14 to be exact. I'm exhausted and my legs are aching.

But I've had an awesome time!

It was no way near as stressful as I thought it was going to be. It's totally different once you're actually here. I totally belong here. This is where I need to be in Japan. When I was coming into Tokyo on the monorail from the airport, I was just feeling great. And when the train pulled into 浜松町 and I saw all the tall buildings and flashing lights, I just broke into this massive grin. And over the weekend as I've been wondering around, asorbing city life, I know that I've 100% made the right decision.

So, about the flats.

One agency I registered with gave me 8 apartments to look at. All in 杉並区, which was my first choice for somewhere to live. What I loved about this agency is that they just send you a load of maps which you print out and then they leave the keys at the apartments so you can just let yourself in and look around at your own pace. I loved it because I didn't have someone over my shoulder telling me how great a place is and all that crap. It wasn't hard to find any of the places either which was a bit of a surprise. And it was good because I understand Japanese addressed better - how to read all the numbers and stuff.

So most of these apartments were 1Ks. I.e. one room and a kitchen (and bathroom obviously). Some of the rooms were pretty big and I was LOVING the location of some of them - especially the ones in 荻窪 and 阿佐ヶ谷. Absolutely LOVED them. But the problem I had with every single place was the so called kitchens.

Dear Japan - taking a sink and putting a cupboard underneath it does not make it a kitchen.

I love cooking. And I thought the kitchen where I am now was tiny. But it's at least 6 times the size of these ones. Only room for a one hob stove, no draining space, no counter space, no room for any kind of appliance. A fridge, microwave, kettle, toaster, rice cooker, EVERYTHING would have to go in the main room. And that's not cool. For me, a kitchen should be completely separate. I mean, I don't wanna be lying in bed staring at a microwave!

The kitchen was what ruined every single apartment for me. But that's what I've realised I'd have to put up with if I was to get my own place.

And I think that's why I've decided to go into a house share.

More on that tomorrow - I'm gonna get ready to hit the town!



Before Tokyo....

Man, I hadn't even left Kyushu and I got hit on by some perv.

I'd just got off the bus at 博多駅 and was walking down towards the subway. This old man (easily in his late 50s) suddenly stopped, turned around and asked me what the time was.

I told him to look at his watch. Fool - that's the oldest trick in the book.

I continued walking and he starting thrusting this piece of gum in my face.

"No thanks", I said politely and walked on.

He then asked me where I was from and what my name was.

"I'm from Iceland. My name is Emi".


He didn't even hear what I said. He was too busy staring at my boobs. Then he asks me if I wanted to go for a coffee.


Then he stopped for a moment and I thought that was the end of it and then he asked me if next time I wanted to go for a meal!

"No. Go away".

Then he just smiles and says bye and then walks off!

What a weirdo! I don't know how an old git honestly thinks he can pick up a younger girl. I mean, did he actually expect me to say yes?! I guess he had nothing to lose by trying, but seriously!!!


Thursday, 11 June 2009


My God I'm in a good mood today!

A bit tired...but I'm feeling great.

The sun is out, I had an awesome night and in a few hours I'm gonna be on a plane to Tokyo!!!

Yes, you are PART of the reason I'm feeling so good ;-)

I know you're totally reading...

I had a wicked time last night. Thanks lovey.



I am having a GREAT time!!




Wednesday, 10 June 2009


The excitement bout going to Tokyo tomorrow is starting to creep in.


But the thing that I'm most scared of?

I might end up abandoning the flathunting!


I'll be back in the city man! And I'm really shit at ignoring new art exhibitions and all the musuems. Especially in Ueno...or just chilling in the parks, window shopping on Omote-sando..JUST window shopping though. I'm on a strict shopping ban until after I move. Well, shopping in London doesn't count...that's a NECESSITY! LOL! No, it really is...I haven't graced London with my presence for the best part of 2 years - it's the polite thing to do ;-).

Anyway, yah, I just love strolling around Tokyo - and I still will get to do that while I'm flathunting. It's just I know SOMETHING is gonna catch my eye and distract me.

City life...how I miss it.

Really looking forward to Saturday night. After 2 days of flathunting, I'm gonna be ready to let my hair down! Even if it will be on my own! I badly wanna hit the clubs but my flight back to Fukuoka on Sunday is at like 11am, so I need to leave pretty early to get to the airport. So that rules out an all nighter. Booo! I'll just be having dinner and drinks. It'll be nice - especially if I can meet with my baby girl in Saitama and my other friend in Yokohama.

Good times ahead.

I know I can resist the shopping...I can! I haven't been shopping since I went to Kyoto in March.

3 months!

Damn! But pretty damn impressive for me if I do say so myself!




I'm absolutely exhausted. I was in bed by 11pm last night and ended up waking up at 5am. I've been in a foul mood all day and it's showing no signs of going away.

The rain seriously isn't helping either. That and the fact that the whole internet system is down at school. If ever there was a day I needed to be online, it was today. I've got a stack of emails to reply to and a whole load of appointments to organize. The network could've been down any other day..but no, it was today. I wasted the whole day reading....which wouldn't normally be a bad thing but time isn't a luxury that I have right now.


So it basically meant I had to run home and spend my whole lunch break doing all the above crap instead of having my usual nap. And now I've got about half an hour to get through the rest before I have to go to dinner at my teacher's friend's house. Apparently this girl is full of wise wisdom about Tokyo - my teacher made it sound so fun so I was well up for it...and then she tells me her friend lives in Chinzei.


I hate it when shit like that happens because there is absolutely no way to get out of it. Not when you've been raving about how great it sounds and how totally available you are. Something just can't suddenly come up.

Oh well.

All that means is I get to make a stop somewhere else on my way home!



Tuesday, 9 June 2009


I just found out that one of the apartments I was really excited about seeing has been let.


It was a 4 min walk from Shibuya eki and was a massive room in a luxury apartment. Yah, it was expensive but not out of my league. It looked absolutely gorgeous in the pics.

I think I'm more pissed off because I rearranged my other appointments to see this one when it was good for the landlord.


I guess I should get used to this happening. After all, landlords are gonna go for the people who can move in when THEY want them to. I still got 2 months to go before my move in date. On some places you can kinda reserve them but that's rare. Even with some of the agencies you have to 'apply' for a place and then you have to move in within 10 days of your application being accepted if the place in question is available now.

Really disappointed. This is gonna be so difficult seeing that my move in date is so far ahead.

But I have to get over there this early so I can scope out areas and stuff. Take a look around any areas I hadn't considered before and that kind fo stuff.

All deflated now. Not feeling so great anymore.


Terminator 4

I was WELL excited bout seeing this tomorrow.

But I was checking the website and it looks like it's not gonna be showing at my local until 13th!

I thought I was being retarded but my 日本語 isn't THAT bad.

That's shagged that then.



Now I'll have to find something else to do...



Sup Loveys!

Despite all the hassle I'm going through with this job and flathunting lark, I'm feeling great.

I guess if you've read the previous entries, you don't need to ask why. ;-)

Hmmm...now I'm deciding how much I should tell you....

So I kinda tested the water and laid a few cards out. Turns out his ego is big enough that when he was reading a couple of these entries, he figured out that it was him.

LOL - am I the only one who didn't see this coming?! A couple of people know and they said it was obvious! It totally wasn't. Or was I really being that naive?! Nope, I don't think so!

Yah, so I know that he sometimes reads this so I'm not gonna massage his ego by saying all great stuff about him. But it's fun...still a bit of a shock to me...but definitely fun. It's weird how you can know someone for such a long time and then suddenly something snaps.

It's all good.

Ooooohhhh...I washed my hair this morning and the curls are super soft!

Anyways, something that really pissed me off today. I was absolutely starving all morning and there were NO biscuits in the biscuit tin. Totally unimpressed. On top of that, the internet was down, I forgot my book and iPod and I was bored shitless.

But I'm still feeling great!


Monday, 8 June 2009



It was so hard getting up this morning. I've got a seriously きつい week ahead of me - so much effing stress, I just can't be arsed to deal with it.


What a pain in the arse. You know what though? I thought flathunting would be more stressful than finding a job. But this job lark hasn't been as easy as I thought it was gonna be. The problem is EVERYONE goes for the higher paid jobs (もちろん!!!). So what's been happening a lot is that after submitting my CV, I've been getting a notification email telling me that my CV is like the 4000th to be submitted to date.


I'm guessing that it would be easier when I'm actually there, but I hate the thought of moving over with no employment. That makes me VERY uncomfortable.

The shit going down with the flathunting isn't too bad. The problem that I'm having is that most stuff is available NOW. But, on a plus side, I've learnt that anything to do with flathunting in Japan is negotiable.


Not that any of you care! You just want the gossip on my crush, ね。


Well, tough!


Sunday, 7 June 2009

*big f off grin*

Awesome weekend.

I'm gonna leave it at that.


Friday, 5 June 2009

Crushes Are Gay

Man, I thought I was being all clever and cryptic and shit and someone has worked out who my crush is!

That just makes this whole thing even more embarrassing than it already is.

It's like seriously, how the hell did they work it out? I haven't even DONE anything that might even hint that I like him and neither has he. So how did someone manage to pull the right answer out of absolutely nowhere?! This whole thing only started recently - how did someone else work it out when I've only just managed to work it out myself.

So embarrassing. The fact that I find it embarrassing is embarrassing. The whole situation is embarrassing.

And the fact of the matter is I'm just not brave enough to do anything about it. And I can't even believe I'm saying that. I don't think anyone who knows me well will be able to believe it either. THIS IS NOT ME!!! So gay. When did I get so shy? Since I've been in Japan, that's when.

I just don't want to deal with the humiliation that will inevitably come if I get knocked back. I know I can deal with it but I just don't want to have to - especially not from someone who isn't even my type! That's even more embarrassing!

Man, I could really use some advice on this one guys! I'm normally one to just put myself on the line but I'm just not prepared to do that with this guy. There must be a way to do this without laying all my cards on the table. Subtlety has never been my strong point. I think that's the problem. I'm OUT THERE. I don't normally wait for the hints ot signs. Normally I just go for it. But I can't do that this time.

I can't.


Horrible Hangover

Man, today was seriously hard.

I've been celebrating my birthday all week. Because that's how awesome I am. Last night was a little drinking party. I woke up yesterday morning and had the urge to play darts so I met some friends at a bar and just hung out. It was nice man.

Anyways, I did NOT drink enough to warrant this much of a hangover. I think it's because I didn't sleep very well either and I had 6 elementary classes today. I yawned my way through the first period, wasn't listening in the second, got blown away by the genkiness of the kids in the third, couldn't keep my eyes open in the fourth, died of boredom in the fifth and couldn't keep up with the most powerful class I teach in the sixth.



Thursday, 4 June 2009


Man, it's kind of embarrassing to be blogging about this stuff! But I figured it's good to let y'all see another side of yours truly.

*blush* *deep breath*

So like, this crush I have is driving me CRAZY! This guy is like constantly on my mind. I know I said I wasn't going to do anything about it but I want to. I'm not going to though. Only because I know him - I have no issues being rejected by a stranger (and yes, that HAS happened! Admittedly very rarely, but it has), but being rejected by someone you know - someone that you will see again...I'm not down for the kind of awkwardness it would cause. He's not even my type - what the hell?! But I'm THIS close to making a move...it's not even that he's given me any signs or anything...but I figured that I may as well take a chance, right? I mean, it can't be THAT bad if he says he's not on it - I just have to deal with it in a way that it's not awkward when I see him again. Right?

So much easier said than done!

What do you think? Should I go for it? Yes? No?

Man, pride is a terrible thing. It's not even like me to hold back like this. Back in the day, I wouldn't even care. But I guess it's because it's different out here. There is no game to play. So I guess you could say I haven't been in the game for such a long time that I'm just not sure about these things as I used to be? Does that sounds about right?

I dunno.

But he's driving me CRAZY!!



I Am...Sasha Fierce

Recently I've started listening to this more and more.

I love this album! Maybe it's because I didn't make the time to listen to it before that I didn't realise how much I'd love it.

There's a lot of strength in those lyrics. I don't know how to explain it really. Except that they really hit home.

Wednesday, 3 June 2009

Secret Crush

Have you ever had a crush just suddenly creep up on you?

It's just happened to me.

I was about to go to sleep last night when I suddenly started to think about someone. I was like, woah where the hell did THAT come from?! Literally out of nowhere, I've started to think about him differently - which is weird because nothing's happened to trigger it off. I very, very rarely see him so it's kinda like, what the hell?!


It's been a while since I've had a crush on someone. BUT, I'm gonna enjoy it by not doing anything about it! Last time I did something about a crush, I ended up being disappointed (he wasn't what I thought he was) and then everytime I saw him again it was kinda awkward and I don't want that to happen again.

So I shall admire from afar.

OMG, I'm BLUSHING as I'm writing this! How embarrassing!




It's like from this moment on, everything is a constant reminder that I will be leaving.

I got told this morning that they've picked my successor. They haven't told me anything about them yet, but it's just another reminder that in a couple of months, I won't be here anymore. And that makes me feel pretty sad actually because I don't really want to leave. But I have to go. It makes more sense for me to go now than putting it off for another year. For more than one reason.

But on a real sweet positive note, both my JTEs told me that the new ALT will have very big shoes to fill! Although they probably say that to everyone, it's still nice to know that you are valued and I have worked really hard during my time here.

I'm thinking that maybe I should start packing. It's one of those things that you put off because it makes everything seem so final. Whilst I'm still trying to save money, I still wanna enjoy the short time that I have left here with my friends.

I'm really gonna miss you guys!

Love y'all.


Tuesday, 2 June 2009

Where Did The Sun Go?!?!


The last two days have been so gorgeous!

And I was looking forward to spending every day after work at the beach. But today the sun just disappeared. It's still warm but it's just a sign that the rainy season it's on it's way.

A whole month of disgusting humidity and frizzy hair.



Happy Birthday To Me!

I had a really good birthday weekend.

But I kept feeling like something was missing....

...and I got it today! On my actual birthday!

Music and dancing!

It was funny because I hadn't thought to plan something to do on my actual birthday. So I just sent a message out to see if anyone wanted to come and hang on the beach after school. We then went to get a Karatsu Burger....and then to a restaurant...and then a 2 hour sess of karaoke!

Man, I had so much fun. It's been ages since I've been to karaoke and for once (well, maybe not for the first hour!) my voice was on form! And I got to have a good boogie on the chairs!

Music is soooo important to me. I can't live without it.

I REALLY enjoyed myself tonight.

Thanks boys.
