“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Wednesday 10 June 2009


The excitement bout going to Tokyo tomorrow is starting to creep in.


But the thing that I'm most scared of?

I might end up abandoning the flathunting!


I'll be back in the city man! And I'm really shit at ignoring new art exhibitions and all the musuems. Especially in Ueno...or just chilling in the parks, window shopping on Omote-sando..JUST window shopping though. I'm on a strict shopping ban until after I move. Well, shopping in London doesn't count...that's a NECESSITY! LOL! No, it really is...I haven't graced London with my presence for the best part of 2 years - it's the polite thing to do ;-).

Anyway, yah, I just love strolling around Tokyo - and I still will get to do that while I'm flathunting. It's just I know SOMETHING is gonna catch my eye and distract me.

City life...how I miss it.

Really looking forward to Saturday night. After 2 days of flathunting, I'm gonna be ready to let my hair down! Even if it will be on my own! I badly wanna hit the clubs but my flight back to Fukuoka on Sunday is at like 11am, so I need to leave pretty early to get to the airport. So that rules out an all nighter. Booo! I'll just be having dinner and drinks. It'll be nice - especially if I can meet with my baby girl in Saitama and my other friend in Yokohama.

Good times ahead.

I know I can resist the shopping...I can! I haven't been shopping since I went to Kyoto in March.

3 months!

Damn! But pretty damn impressive for me if I do say so myself!



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