“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Tuesday 23 June 2009


昨日は面接がありました. It was for a drama teacher in a big school in 東京. I was really excited because it means that the students I would teach would be speaking 英語 with actual expression.

At first they were trying to get me to fly to 東京 but I managed to convince them to let me do the interview at the 福岡 branch. I had to do this demo lesson and they told me I had to put my own interpretation on a script from a scene in Pirates of the Caribbean.


My demo was awesome. I KNOW it was. I wasn't expecting as many people to be watching me make a complete fool of myself on stage but they responded really well so I was well happy with it. But then I crashed in the actual interview which was 30 minutes in 日本語. Man, it was so HARD! I spent so much time trying to remember all these complicated words I'd memorized, that I lost my basic 日本語. I drew a complete blank when they asked me to describe my character, but answered perfectly questions about my future goals. I left so deflated and came to the realization that my 日本語 is just not good enough for this kind of stuff.

On my way out the building, I saw the sign for Interac. I just barged in and asked if I could be interviewed for available positions in 東京. I couldn't believe it when they said they'd do it there and then. The 日本語 part of that interview was only 5 mins and a piece of piss. I absolutely nailed that interview. The guy told me that because I was a girl with 日本語 ability and a driving license, I was in a minority and that would guarantee that I would be offered a position. Yeh - in the sticks! 田舎はダメ!! I pulled him up on that straightaway. I got offered a job on the spot..in 福岡! And I debated it for about 20 seconds before I remembered how hard I busted my arse to find a place to live in 東京. He told me the only thing that would hinder me getting a job there is the fact that I'm not available to do any of the compulsory training. During the training dates in 日本, I will be in ロンドン and during the training dates overseas, I will still be in 日本. So I'm not quite sure how that's going to work out.

Just have to wait and see!



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