“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Wednesday 10 June 2009


I'm absolutely exhausted. I was in bed by 11pm last night and ended up waking up at 5am. I've been in a foul mood all day and it's showing no signs of going away.

The rain seriously isn't helping either. That and the fact that the whole internet system is down at school. If ever there was a day I needed to be online, it was today. I've got a stack of emails to reply to and a whole load of appointments to organize. The network could've been down any other day..but no, it was today. I wasted the whole day reading....which wouldn't normally be a bad thing but time isn't a luxury that I have right now.


So it basically meant I had to run home and spend my whole lunch break doing all the above crap instead of having my usual nap. And now I've got about half an hour to get through the rest before I have to go to dinner at my teacher's friend's house. Apparently this girl is full of wise wisdom about Tokyo - my teacher made it sound so fun so I was well up for it...and then she tells me her friend lives in Chinzei.


I hate it when shit like that happens because there is absolutely no way to get out of it. Not when you've been raving about how great it sounds and how totally available you are. Something just can't suddenly come up.

Oh well.

All that means is I get to make a stop somewhere else on my way home!



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