“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Saturday 13 June 2009


Man, where to start.

I have seen so many places over the last 2 days. 14 to be exact. I'm exhausted and my legs are aching.

But I've had an awesome time!

It was no way near as stressful as I thought it was going to be. It's totally different once you're actually here. I totally belong here. This is where I need to be in Japan. When I was coming into Tokyo on the monorail from the airport, I was just feeling great. And when the train pulled into 浜松町 and I saw all the tall buildings and flashing lights, I just broke into this massive grin. And over the weekend as I've been wondering around, asorbing city life, I know that I've 100% made the right decision.

So, about the flats.

One agency I registered with gave me 8 apartments to look at. All in 杉並区, which was my first choice for somewhere to live. What I loved about this agency is that they just send you a load of maps which you print out and then they leave the keys at the apartments so you can just let yourself in and look around at your own pace. I loved it because I didn't have someone over my shoulder telling me how great a place is and all that crap. It wasn't hard to find any of the places either which was a bit of a surprise. And it was good because I understand Japanese addressed better - how to read all the numbers and stuff.

So most of these apartments were 1Ks. I.e. one room and a kitchen (and bathroom obviously). Some of the rooms were pretty big and I was LOVING the location of some of them - especially the ones in 荻窪 and 阿佐ヶ谷. Absolutely LOVED them. But the problem I had with every single place was the so called kitchens.

Dear Japan - taking a sink and putting a cupboard underneath it does not make it a kitchen.

I love cooking. And I thought the kitchen where I am now was tiny. But it's at least 6 times the size of these ones. Only room for a one hob stove, no draining space, no counter space, no room for any kind of appliance. A fridge, microwave, kettle, toaster, rice cooker, EVERYTHING would have to go in the main room. And that's not cool. For me, a kitchen should be completely separate. I mean, I don't wanna be lying in bed staring at a microwave!

The kitchen was what ruined every single apartment for me. But that's what I've realised I'd have to put up with if I was to get my own place.

And I think that's why I've decided to go into a house share.

More on that tomorrow - I'm gonna get ready to hit the town!



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