“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Thursday 30 July 2009

The First REAL Goodbye

So I've been saying goodbye for 4 weeks now.

But today was my first goodbye to a very good friend.

And DAMN it was HARD! So hard. I couldn't keep the tears from falling and neither could he. I am so proud of the way that he has grown over the last two years and become a fine young man.

The worst bit about it all is that that was only the BEGINNING. I now have a week of saying goodbye to friends and it's gonna be so emotionally draining, I'm dreading it.

Yeh, there are exciting times ahead but you also have to remember that you are leaving behind an awesome place and awesome people. And no matter what it is you have to come, it doesn't make any of this any easier.

I'm scared!!


Tuesday 28 July 2009

Cleaning Time!

I had 3 ladies from my BOE come over to my place this morning to help me with the cleaning.

At first I didn't want them there - my place is a complete mess and I haven't packed so I thought the cleaning would be a pain in the arse.

But they spent 3 hours this morning on the bathroom and kitchen and I am so grateful!! I would never have been that thorough! They were pulling panels off and cleaning behind them and all the lights and windows and even the grooves for the sliding doors have been cleaned.

And looking at it now, it made me realise that this wasn't done before I got here 2 years ago. I mean, the place wasn't dirty but it was no way near this clean! I think if it was, I may have had a better first reaction!

Lunchtime now but they'll be back this afternoon to finish off! I have to go and buy my plane ticket this afternoon but I feel perfectly OK about leaving them here. The only thing on display is a load of bras hanging out to dry and I've already had them comment on how big my boobs are before so I don't think that should cause too much commotion!

So shiny!!! And the other thing is I've made so much progress with my packing...except I've run out of boxes now!

Very productive morning!

Otsukare ladies!


Monday 27 July 2009

And It's Hit Me

I've been feeling pretty OK about this whole leaving thing. But yesterday I got the reality smack.

I was with a friend when he turned around and said 'I don't want you to go'. Then he gave me a hug and the tears came. It's because it's the start of my last full week here. My final week.

And now it's getting hard - saying goodbye to schools was bad enough, but now it's time to say goodbye to friends. And that is a billion times harder.

On top of that I've realised that I feel more for someone than I thought. And having to walk away from him is going to be a lot tougher than I had anticipated. Just the thought of it is enough to make me wel up with tears.


Saturday 25 July 2009


So I went to my BOE enkai on Thursday...and it was actually really good fun.


I got bitten by something and it's like nothing I've ever seen before.

Even through trousers I have like 10 bites just under my arsecheek and they've kind of all reacted and merged into one MASSIVE thing and it just looks horrible.

And itches like hell.

That's not including the 7 bites I have on my feet that I clawed to death in the shower last night and 6 more on my legs. All reactive and itchy. I haven't slept for 2 nights and I had to end my night out last night early because I was just too damn uncomfortable. All I could think about was NOT itching and I just couldn't relax and enjoy myself. That and the fact there was a massive thunderstorm last night and it was raining literally all day.

But now it's like today I don't even want to go anywhere because the itching is killing me. I need to wait until it calms down a bit that I can actually enjoy stuff. Because I can't right now.

Which is shitty because it's sunny today and would've been a good day to go to Dazaifu. But no, I have to stay in and suffer. Maybe I'll do a spot of packing.


It's unbearable.


Thursday 23 July 2009

I Don't Wanna Go!

I have my BOE farewell party from 6 today.

HOW badly do I not want to go?! I think the idea is really sweet and everything and I DO appreciate it, BUT most of the people there, except 2, started in March this year. I barely know them and to be perfectly honest, I have no desire to get to know them better. I've had to endure the annoying questions for 2 years. Questions like 'Do you like Japanese food?', 'Can you eat sashimi?' and 'What do you think of Japan?' do my head in and I know I'm gonna get them tonight because I haven't spoken to any of these people at length.

The only thing that makes it bearable is the fact that my old supervisor is gonna be there. And I absolutely adore here. I've already written her a letter and bought her a gift to thank her for everything that she's done for me. I decided to give this speech 'Thank you for everything and please don't forget about me.' That's it. At the end of the day I've just clashed with my supervisor. I told you before that she just hasn't got a clue about ALT stuff and it's just been a complete mission wiht her. I know she's trying but it's so frustrating for me. And I don't really have anything to say. So many farewell speeches - I'm totally done with them. Seriously, I've just had enough now. I can't wait for them to be over.


Pure Humiliation

There's been a few times in my life where I've been like 'OMG that was so effing embarrassing' but nothing, absolutely NOTHING can touch the humilition I had to endure last night.

I'm not gonna go into details. I can't. You know that I am a proud girl and my ego has been severely bruised and I just can't relive what happened last night. I took a step out of the room and just buried my face in my hands - burning and almost crying from the humiliation I felt. The temptation to just leg it was overwhelming. My bag was RIGHT THERE, my shoes were RIGHT THERE. It was way more appealing than going back in and facing the situation. And I nearly did it. So, so close to just running away. But I didn't. I'm not even sure what made me stay - especially when I couldn't look someone in the eye for feeling like a complete and utter fool.

I just wasn't prepared for that reaction. And it just made me feel so damn stupid. I swear down that is THE most embarrassing moment of my life.

Pure humiliation.

Wednesday 22 July 2009


It was so funny this morning watching the BOE people trying to find ways to look at the eclipse.

It's the first one in such a long time and they were frantically running around picking up different coloured folders to look at the sun through. And every time they were complaining that they couldn't see anything. I saw a guy hold up an OPAQUE black folder and started laughing.

OPAQUE?! And you're wondering why you can't see anything!

When I finally stopped sniggering, I suggested that they tried looking through a black bin bag. Everyone was running around in all directions trying to find one. My supervisor did and went outside and started screaming and jumping up and down. In a flash, everyone was outside screaming 'Mieru' and 'sugoiiii!!!!'. They were jumping around like little kids because they had never seen one before - it was actually really cute!


I went to look, but I mean, I've seen more than one eclipse in my lfe and I just couldn't get excited about it. But they were adorable.



2 Weeks To Go!

I can't believe that I only have 2 weeks left here in Kyushu.

2 weeks! Where did all the time go?!

What's been really frustrating this week is the weather! Typical now that I have half days that it's been shit and I haven't been able to go to the beach.

2 weeks. Damn.

BUT after talking to my brother yesterday, I'm even more excited to be going home! Apparently my parents have revampd their house and so much has been going on in London, I won't be able to catch up! Can't wait to get to Gregg's and sink my teeth into a sausage roll! LOL! I'm gonna stuff my face!

It was funny when I was talking to him because he said my accent has changed. I know I use a lot of American words now (I'm gonna get the piss ripped out of me when I go back) but apparently my acent has become posher! My friend who's now living in Australia said that as well. Since I've been over here, I've been pretty set on making sure that I keep my British accent, despite the fact that the textbooks in schools are all in American english. I made it clear to teachers from the start that I wouldn't be changing the way I speak to accommodate the textbok. Funny how that mentality has made my accent posher though!

In 3 weeks I'm gonna be in London! I almost can't believe it!


Tuesday 21 July 2009


I just spent the last half hour talking to my brother on Skype.

His afro is MASSIVE!!

I think he said it was something like 12 inches long! My god! He also said the girls are going crazy over it - and to be honest I'm not surprised!

It's not because he has an afro.....we're mixed race so we have afro-european hair. Which means that when we grow our hair, it's not coarse like afro hair but becomes super soft. And this is what drives the girls crazy!

And it's not just the hair that's growing - man, my brother's ego is (understandably) so big he can't fit through the door! But it's all the attention you see. I think it would be impossible NOT to have an ego with all these girls coming up to him and asking him all these questions an stuff.

Pah! He's gonna be looking forward to showing that off to me when I get back!


How Many Times.....

...do I have to ask something...and then be given the wrong information anyway?!

It is so frustrating - especially when I'm trying to get organized about leaving and my supervisor can't make head or tail of the simplest of things.

It took her nearly 45mins just to cancel my internet. She kept talking about paying in September. I was like what the hell does September have to do with anything - I wanna cut it off the end of July. It's not even like she couldn't understand what I was saying - I was talking to her in Japanese. She just didn't understand anything about finalising bill payments or any of that stuff. So annoying.

And then when I went in this morning I got landed with a massive bill which was exactly the same amount of the 'inhabitant tax' I supposedly received back.

I checked with her time and time again what that money was for and whether I was supposed to pay anything with it. And time and time again she told me that money was mine to keep. Then I had a guy from Karatsu BOE in the office this morning and he told me that money was actually MUNICIPAL tax that I had to pay with the money that they had given me! I just fired daggers at my supervisor. I had checked so many times and she STILL gave me the wrong information! Then I watched her get a bollocking for giving me the wrong information. It's happened like 4 times now so I'm not surprised the guy was pissed because it's always him that has to clean up the mess!

How incompetent can you get?! I know she only started this year but she needs to educate herself on what the hell being an ALT supervisor entails. I asked her for help with all my car transfer stuff and she just said she'd never done it before and that I should do it myself! I mean, come on - isn't that part of the job description?! And it's not like I can read every single bit of kanji on those forms.I ended up spending like 3 hours the other day translating it. Thanks a lot!

LOL - she asked me before I left this morning if there was anything that I wanted as a leaving present. She was suggesting all this stuff that I either already had or had literally just received from my schools. Then she started talking about buying me clothes! And then she told me my boobs were too big and nothing she bought would fit me anyway! Damn girl!

Argh - what an annoying morning. And what's even more annoying is I've already packed and sealed the flashcards I wanted to use for my eikaiwa this evening.

I think I should just go back to bed.


Sunday 19 July 2009


I went to see the fireworks at Nishi no hama today.

They were beautiful. Even though it started raining, I really enjoyed the show. And spending time with friends.

Man, I'm gonna miss you guys.

I had my final night out in Fukuoka yesterday. More than anything, it made me realise just how many friends I've made here! I might not get to see everyone all the time, but when we do hook up, it's always good times.

So tired right now. So, so tired.

But I've had a really good weekend. There's been something playing on my mind but I'm working on fixing that. It's just hard sometimes because I can't think what else I can do. You can only go up to a certain point...and then the rest is up to the other person. But I'm hoping I can work it out.


Saturday 18 July 2009


I didn't make it to the beach today - even though it's really hot, this whole sunny cloudy thing and the fact that my friend wouldn't be available til late made me just stay at home.

But it's been good - other than feeling a bit crappy, I've managed to make some progress on the packing and clearing space in my apartment. Man, I have a LOT of bags!!! I can't believe I chuckedmy Fendi! I was looking at it and it just looks so battered now I decided that I couldn't hang on to it because it's got a label on it!! So into the rubbish it went!

How the hell did I accumulate so much stuff in just 2 years?!


Think I'll take a break now.


Who Is Jade?

You know what? I like to think that after the amount of time that I've been here and the amount of time that I've spent with people, that those people would maybe know me by now.

Maybe not know me WELL, but know me well enough to understand my character.

So when I found out today that that wasn't the case, it really upset me!!!

People that know me well, would know that I would NEVER deliberately hurt a friend, or anyone else close to me. I care about good friends a lot and spend time PROTECTING them, not trying to hurt them.

If I was trying to hurt you then it would mean that you are nothing to me.

And that isn't true.

And what hurts me the most is that you don't realise that.



I had a great chilled evening yesterday.

I went for a spot of fishing with a couple of friends and then we just hung out all night. It was so nice - from time to time a quiet Friday night is always good.

But more than anything it was really nice to spend some time with them before I leave. I'm very quickly running out of time and I want to make sure that I have spent my time in the best way.

This weekend is a 3 day one and I only made plans for it yesterday. So unlike me. This time last year I was in HK. Now that was an awesome trip! Everything seems like such a long time ago now. So many memories...and some of them still manage to hurt...although maybe not so much now.

Thanks to you.

So today I'm gonna hit up the beach (surprise surprise) and then for the first time in months, go partying in Fukuoka. Seriously, I haven't been there since like April because I've been so busy every weekend doing stuff or hanging out in Karatsu. The sad thing is, this will probably be my last Fukuoka night. I just don't have any more free weekends.

So I'm going for it.

And I have the awesome shoes.

Can't wait!



Friday 17 July 2009

Done and Dusted!

It's 1.30 in the afternoon and I'm at home.

I've done all my farewell speeches and now I'm done with all my schools.

It's a great feeling but I really am sad to be leaving so many great students. It took me so long to leave the school for saying goodbye to them. I was strong though..the tears didn't come until after I'd already left. Which is weird because I've been bawling my eyes out at elementary school for the last 2 weeks.

I was overwhelmed with the generosity of the teachers. I got flowers and a portrait and this really expensive cup and bowl set thing. So sweet. The art teacher did my portrait - how AWESOME is this?! He said this is how he sees me!

I'm so glad all the goodbyes are over though because I honestly don't think I could've handled anymore. Now I'm just thinking about all the exciting times ahead!

I am so proud of what I've accomplished here. So proud.

Here come the tears!!!

Thursday 16 July 2009

Feeling Flush!!

I got my payslip today and this month, I get back 16man that I've paid in inhabitant's tax.

Which means that my paycheck this month is very healthy indeed!

And add that to what I've been saving - NICE!!

I will get 35man put into my account next week as well for my ticket home - although I will have to take it out again to actually pay for it...but it means that I will have fuck loadsa money in my account - and that is a very nice feeling. A very nice feeling indeed! :-)

Money money money!!!!

Oooohhhhh I just want to go shopping!! But I won't. Well, I will do one last Fukuoka shop...but I can't see it being anything mad seeing as I'm moving to TOKYO!!! But there are a couple of really cheap shops I wanna have a peek in before I leave.


Tuesday 14 July 2009

Good Times!

Man, last weekend was awesome! The only word to describe it - FUN.

Saturday night was a leaver's party in Karatsu. It went so fast but everyone seemed to be having a good time! Suitably drunk, we ended up hitting up the karaoke joint before crawling into bed not much before 5.

Then on Sunday was the Rainbow Walk for Africa. I didn't actually do the walk but went down to the park to help out. How HOT was it on Sunday?! I am so sunburnt. But it was great fun messing around with the kids and getting into water balloon fights - something I haven't done since I was a kid. We then headed up to my favourite place in Saga - Hamasaki Beach. The water was absolutely gorgeous!! I love hanging out there. Absolutely LOVE it! Gonna miss it so much when I leave.

Good times.


Saturday 11 July 2009


I spent a few hours today watching Aaliyah's videos on youtube.

Another talent taken away too soon.

She was only 22 when she died - I was 18 and a massive fan. I thought she had everything - she could sing, dance and was absolutely gorgeous. I remember watching the videos for 'Rock the Boat' and 'One in a Million' and trying to copy the make up.

When I was 17 and hitting up the clubs in London, I remember people telling me I looked like a young Aaliyah because I always wore my hair straight and covering one eye. I was so, so upset when she died. So young. Such a waste.

I watched the Michael Jackson funeral online today - well, the bits of it that I could find! And that just had me in floods of tears as well! But at least he got a send of worthy of the legend that he was.

And then I started to think...Michael Jackson died on 25th June....Aaliyah died on 25th August....and then I knew that Lisa 'Left Eye' (TLC) died on the 25th of a month as well. I had to check that one online...it was 25th April. And then of course, the legendary James Brown passed away on Christmas Day 3 years ago.

Does anyone else find that freaky? That these great artists all passed away on the 25th? And they're all black? It's really bothering me! What is it about that date that signals death for Afro-Americans? I'm actually a little bit scared to do any research about it even though I really want to!

I'm totally scared of that date now. Actually, that number is now evil to me. The 25th year of my life was perhaps the most painful....hmmmm...can't think of anything else but I don't want to!

25 is an unlucky number!

R.I.P Aaliyah, Left Eye, James Brown and Michael Jackson.

In tribute to Aaliyah I think I shall straighten my hair today. A very stupid idea seeing as it's raining and ridiculously humid. Oh well!

Love y'all.


Goodbye Goodbye

I finished up at 2 schools yesterday.

One if the one I was bitching about in the previous entry. Yeh, I won't miss the teachers...but man, the love from all the kids reduced me to tears. I hve now accumulated over 200 thank you letters and cards and some of them are awesome! Some students also bought and made me little presents and just their warmth and kindness and their adoration just touched me so much that it made me feel guilty about hating on the school so much.

But I never hated on them. And I will miss them..you never realize the impact that you've had on your students until the time comes to say goodbye.

I got to my other school in the afternoon where there was a hug leaving ceremony for me. They gave me cards and flowers and the whole school sung a song. I LOVE this school but the tears didn't flow - mre along the lines of just a sniffle. Why? Because after that ceremony I had the most awesome last classes. The kids were sad, yeah, but we just had so much fun and I left them feeling so sad but grinning my arse. It's a great feeling to know how much your kids and teachers appreciate the work that you put in and I could feel this and it made me so proud and happy.

I will miss them so much. I took so many pics - I've decided to print some out and make a collage for the school. I'll take it in next week before I'm done with all the schools and while the kids are still there to see them.

It's all coming to an end.


Thursday 9 July 2009

Disorganized Fool!

10 minutes before class was due to start, a HRT came up to me and said 'Today is the last class so you can do whatever you want'.

Me: *looking up at the clock* Er...you're telling me 10 minutes before the class starts?!

HRT: *grinning*

Me: Don't you think it would've been better for you to tell me last week? I haven't got any materials with me. Last week you told me we would be doing this...*points to page in eigo noto*

HRT: Yes.

Me: Yes, what?! You've done this many times before and now I've exhausted all the ideas I have that don't need any flashcards or other materials.

HRT: Anything OK.

Me: *exhausted sigh* No. I don't have anything. We've played the same games everytime that you haven't been organized (that's what I wanted to say but I didn't know the word for 'organized' in Japanese so I actually ended up saying 'every time you don't do your job properly'...ooops!) and I don't want to play them again and I'm sure the kids won't want to play them again.

HRT: How about the key word game?

Me: Please! Anything but that! I've played that in your class 4 weeks in a row, 3 in the other 5nensei class and 3 in the 6nensei classes not to mention every week at the other elementary schools that I teach at. I can't take that game anymore!

HRT: But the kids love it. I don't like the other games.

Me: I know..but I hate it.

HRT: ......

Me: Fine. But you're T1. OK?

HRT: *big grin* OK!

Me: *looks extremely pissed off and snatches up eigo noto from her desk and storms out the staffroom to be greeted by her kids*

Kids: Jeido sensei, you look sad. Are you OK? *cutest girl in the world takes her hand*

Me: *completely melting* Yes, Aya-chan. I'm OK. Today we are playing the keyword game...again.

Aya: Yay! I love English class. It's fun!

Me: *smile*

I love the kids at this school but I just hate having to deal with this kind of bullshit from the teachers. it takes a couple of minutes to get a message to me. I hate to say it but I'm not gonna miss working there at all - I can't get away from that horrendously noisy staffroom and unimagnative teachers fast enough!



Don't you just HATE it when something doesn't go as planned?

So I had this image of how last night was gonna go and it totally didn't happen like that! Things started out OK but then tiredness and mood swings (not just on my part!) let me down and then I just ended up feeling crappy. On top of that, I didn't sleep very well and I'm knackered AGAIN today. Will the tiredness ever end?

And I'm also really pissed off because I found out that my leaver's enkai tonight is 6,000yen! What the hell?! If I had known that before I said yes, I would never have gone! When I asked my supervisor how much it was, she kept waving her hand and saying 'No, no'. I totally don't wanna go now.

But I'll tell you what - I'm feeling more and more ready to leave everyday. The more that I speak to my supervisor, the more relieved I feel that I don't have to spend another year dealing with her incompetence. I don't like the people in my BOE, my patience is wearing thin with 3 of the teachers that I work with...I know I COULD stick it out a third year...I'm just glad I opted for the fresh start.

It's been 2 years..itchy feet strike again!


Wednesday 8 July 2009


Over the last hour or so, all I've been able to think about is my night tonight. What I'm going to do. How I'm going to do it. When I'm going to do it.

The anticipation is unbearable....yet awesome at the same time. Even my exhausted state can't ruin it (I hope!!).

Can't wait!



Tuesday 7 July 2009


So much for starting the week off on the right foot - I'm still knackered!

I had an eikaiwa today. Everyweek before I go I'm always knackered and can't be arsed, but the minute I start teaching it's all good. This group of adults are so funny and sweet in their comments, I can't help but forget the exhaustion and enjoy the hour and a half that I spend with them.

Not to mention the cushy 7000yen per class I get for them ;-).

Such a sweet deal - the easiest money that you can make out here.



Monday 6 July 2009

Roger Federer

6 times Wimbledon Champion and the most successful Grand Slam player ever - Roger Federer.

I stayed up until nearly 3am watching the men's singles final. Federer vs. Roddick. Roddick started so strong, taking the first set and had 3 set points in the second set tie break - none of which he was able to convert. Federer took the third in another tie break but Roddick broke serve again in the fourth, winning that one 6-3. The fifth set was insane. Both players were holding serve and it was just a matter of time. Finally, at 14-15 (Federer), Federer had a Championship point. That was the first time that Federer had actually managed to break Roddick's serve. The game was over 4 hours long.

Everyone was rooting for Roddick. I love both players but it would've been nice to see Roddick win - just because he never has. He played his best game and still lost. And even though Federer only broke his serve once, he still lost. His heartbreak was all over his face for the world to see and it was so sad, I nearly cried. Watching him watch Federer parade the trophy around the court was awful! He just look so gutted. Understandably.

It was a great match but I would've enjoyed it more if I wasn't battling to stay awake. It got to 2am and I just wanted the whole thing to be over so that I could go to sleep. And you should never think like that about a Wimbledon final.

Federer - what an incredible player. He deserves every piece of success - he is so SMOOTH on the court. Such a stylish player, he's always a pleasure to watch.

That man is in a league of his own.



Sunday 5 July 2009


I've had a really nice weekend.

And I made it home last night just in time to see the last game of the Wimbledon woman' singles final - congrats to Serena! Although to be honest I was rooting for Venus - her game had been faultless throughout the entire tournament and she only dropped one set - and that was to her sister.

And then I got home just in time for the start of the men's final, which I'm watching now. Roddick's taken the first set but does he have what it takes to defeat the 5 times Wimbledon champion?

We'll find out!

I hope it doesn't go on for too ong though otherwise I'm gonna be knackered at school tomorrow.

Stupid time difference!


Friday 3 July 2009


I'm supposed to be going out to dinner in like an hour and a half but I'm absolutely STARVING!!!

I'm eating more and more everyday - I LOVE food! I got on the scales the other day...I haven't been to the gym for 3 months now and in that time, even with the increased food intake, I've only put on 1kg!!!! I thought it was waaayyy more coz I'm getting so chunky. But I'll tell you what - it's all gone to ONE place - my damn stomach!!!

Think I might just have a LITTLE snack before I go to the restaurant...LOL!!

I've had to abandon the idea of seeing the tennis. I was gonna nip over to a friend's house and watch it but it would mean shunning all my plans for the evening.

A conscience is a terrible thing sometimes!!


An Amusing Little Exchange

So I washed my hair this morning. Normally I would tie it up before going to school but today I left it loose.

I walked into the staffroom where one of the HRT that I teach with came up to me and was like:

HRT: Jade, your hair is so cool. It looks really good today.

Me: It's wet.


He just looked at me and was like 'Sugoi, sugoi' and walked off!



It's The Weekend!

I'm almost dying for this week to be over so I can start next week on the right foot.

The lack of sleep on Sunday and Monday truly screwed me over for the whole of this week. Even though I was in bed before 11 (I think) last night, I'm still so, so tired today.

And there's a lot going on this weekend as well *sigh*.

So tired...I just wanna go to bed and sleep without having to wake up to an alarm. That's what I want.

2 more classes to go today...and then I am definitely taking a nap before heading out tonight.

On a completely different note, I'm pissed because the Wimbledon website offers no online coverage in Japan. I BADLY wanna see the Roddick-Murray match. It starts at 1pm GMT so that's like 9pm over here. I would sacrifice my night out to watch that!!! I need to find someone with Sky who won't mind me taking over their TV for the evening...but I don't that's gonna happen. So sad.



Thursday 2 July 2009

Sleepy Zzzzzz

Man, I'm knackered. But last night was totally worth it ;-)

I had a great time. And judging from the huge cheshire cat grin that was plastered on your face last night and this morning, so did you.

Bet you're grinning right now, ne?

I went into school this morning and one of the teachers came to talk to me about today's class. While she was babblin' on, I unsuccessfully tried to stifle a yawn.

Haven't got a Japanese keyboard on this laptop so I'll translate it into English:

Her: Jade, you look so tired. Are you OK?

Me: Yah, I'm OK - a bit tired. This week has been really busy and I didn't get to bed until late last night.

Her: What did you do last night?

Me: *blush* *big grin*

Her: What?!

Me: *blush* *shy giggle*

Her: eeeeeeeeeeee, do you have a new boyfriend?!

Me: *blush* Er....a boyfriend? Er....noooooo...... *embarrassed laugh*

Her: Awww, that's great! You're glowing! You look so pretty today. You are so beautiful.

Me: *blush* *laugh* *blush* *bow*

Her: *wink*

How embarrassing! That's the second person that's told me I'm glowing! Think they're being blinded by all the make up! LOL!

And I don't like labels.

We're just having good time. It's seriously fun.

Although things do tend to take unxpected turns sometimes...

I'm just determined to make the most of my last month here....

...with you.


Pick Your Feet Up

Back in the noisiest staff room in the whole of Saga, not only did I have to endure the ever increasingly annoying shrilly voices, but today I noticed something else...the way EVERYONE except 2 teachers drag they feet when they walk.

Shuffling along the wooden floor is panful to my ears. I just wanna scream at them to stop fucking dragging their feet and walk properly! So fucking annoying!

Why do so many Japanese people refuse to pick up their feet when they walk? And why don't girls wear shoes that actually fit them instead of breaking down the backs or practically having them fall off their feet when they walk?!

Sometimes I really don't understand this country.

But until I do...

...pick up your feet!!



A friend lent me their spare laptop yesterday so I can access the internet at home. The whole thing isn't TOO much of a disaster - I had all my pictures and music backed up because it was only a matter of time before my laptop would die on me.

Man, you have to hit these buttons really hard!

But then I realised....

.....I didn't back up my CV.

You're thinking no bg deal right? WRONG!! The CV that I lost, I'd spent 2.5 days translating into perfect Japanese. And when I finised it, I showed it to my JTE, who told me that I had only made ONE mistake in the whole thing. Just one! And it was a dumb particle mistake.

Pretty damn impressive ne?

And now's gone and I'm gonna have to bust my arse off doing it all over again!



Wednesday 1 July 2009

Leaving Parties

Everyone is gutted I'm leaving. I'm not surprised, it's only natural ;-). But the number of leaving parties I'm gonna be attending between 4th-31st July has just hit ridiculous.

I know (and appreciate) that people want to give me a send off and I'm grateful for that. But these are working out to be really, really expensive! I have 5 schools that want to have a サヨウナラ party at 5-7000 yen for each one! 3 of the schools I would happily pay but for 2 of them I just don't want to go! A lot of teachers changed and I haven't really gotten to know them that well save for the ones that I've worked with (who have pretty much stayed the same for 2 years). Although I ADORE the kids, I just don't wanna fork out for the enkai with the teachers. But I can't throw the gesture back in their face - they're only trying to do something nice for me before I go. So I've had to reluctantly agree.

And then I've got 2 BOE Leaver's parties. God knows how much the Karatsu one's gonna be. Thank god ouchi is more sensitive to my busy schedule and thinning wallet! I was allowed to choose the date and the party is gonna be a BBQ at someone's house. They haven't mentioned money yet but I can't see it being too expensive. There are only two people in my BOE now that were here when I first arrived. And I don't even like the others! But I will go - a BBQ sounds fun anyway. Do you know what I think it is? I'm just embarrassed by all the attention. I hate giving speeches and everyone is gonna be fussing and asking me all these things about Tokyo. I know they`re interested but I won`t be able to palm the attention off onto someone else! It`s gonna be the same questions over and over again at all 5 enkais. I guess i should be working on my leaving speeches.

I got told today that this Friday will be my last 6nensei class at one particular school and I could do anything i want. Thanks for the notice! Any other week I could easily pull together something awesome in 2 days but I`m absolutely SHATTERED this week and I just don`t have the energy to create an amazing last class. I`m sure I`ll be able to come up with something. I always do. And even if I think it`s shit, they still think it`s awesome!

Wow - last classes already???? This is going so fast!

1 more month to go.


Down In The Dumps

My laptop packed up yesterday so I wasn't able to update my blog. Such a pain in the arse - I was hoping it would make it until the end of July. I was planning on buying online and then having it delivered to my mum's house so I could pick it up when I went back home. Now I have to think about whether I can go without the internet for a month. It wouldn't be a massive problem but it's coming up to the end of the school term and I don't have access at the BOE - everyone has their own laptop. It would mean that I would be constantly driving to friend's houses to get online. What a pain in the arse.

Yesterday I was feeling a bit bleurgh....I think it's a combination of a lot of things - exhaustion, the weather, a spat (but not really a spat) I had with someone, and a sudden realisation that I've finished school in 2 weeks. That's it, it's over. I've busted my arse my arse off at school this week and it's taking it's toll.m PLUS, it's that time of the month.

All in all, pretty down in the dumps. But when I tried to talk to someone about it, I couldn't actually explain how I was feeling. It was really weird.

On a different note, I got a call this morning telling me there was no school because of the heavy rain. What?! Of course, the teachers still had to go in and after 10 minutes of being there, the rain stopped. So the kids got a day of school because of about an hour that they would be travelling to school in the rain. Not that I'm, complaining - that means I got out of seeing my 1nensei devil children this week!
