“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Thursday 9 July 2009

Disorganized Fool!

10 minutes before class was due to start, a HRT came up to me and said 'Today is the last class so you can do whatever you want'.

Me: *looking up at the clock* Er...you're telling me 10 minutes before the class starts?!

HRT: *grinning*

Me: Don't you think it would've been better for you to tell me last week? I haven't got any materials with me. Last week you told me we would be doing this...*points to page in eigo noto*

HRT: Yes.

Me: Yes, what?! You've done this many times before and now I've exhausted all the ideas I have that don't need any flashcards or other materials.

HRT: Anything OK.

Me: *exhausted sigh* No. I don't have anything. We've played the same games everytime that you haven't been organized (that's what I wanted to say but I didn't know the word for 'organized' in Japanese so I actually ended up saying 'every time you don't do your job properly'...ooops!) and I don't want to play them again and I'm sure the kids won't want to play them again.

HRT: How about the key word game?

Me: Please! Anything but that! I've played that in your class 4 weeks in a row, 3 in the other 5nensei class and 3 in the 6nensei classes not to mention every week at the other elementary schools that I teach at. I can't take that game anymore!

HRT: But the kids love it. I don't like the other games.

Me: I know..but I hate it.

HRT: ......

Me: Fine. But you're T1. OK?

HRT: *big grin* OK!

Me: *looks extremely pissed off and snatches up eigo noto from her desk and storms out the staffroom to be greeted by her kids*

Kids: Jeido sensei, you look sad. Are you OK? *cutest girl in the world takes her hand*

Me: *completely melting* Yes, Aya-chan. I'm OK. Today we are playing the keyword game...again.

Aya: Yay! I love English class. It's fun!

Me: *smile*

I love the kids at this school but I just hate having to deal with this kind of bullshit from the teachers. it takes a couple of minutes to get a message to me. I hate to say it but I'm not gonna miss working there at all - I can't get away from that horrendously noisy staffroom and unimagnative teachers fast enough!


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