“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Thursday 9 July 2009


Don't you just HATE it when something doesn't go as planned?

So I had this image of how last night was gonna go and it totally didn't happen like that! Things started out OK but then tiredness and mood swings (not just on my part!) let me down and then I just ended up feeling crappy. On top of that, I didn't sleep very well and I'm knackered AGAIN today. Will the tiredness ever end?

And I'm also really pissed off because I found out that my leaver's enkai tonight is 6,000yen! What the hell?! If I had known that before I said yes, I would never have gone! When I asked my supervisor how much it was, she kept waving her hand and saying 'No, no'. I totally don't wanna go now.

But I'll tell you what - I'm feeling more and more ready to leave everyday. The more that I speak to my supervisor, the more relieved I feel that I don't have to spend another year dealing with her incompetence. I don't like the people in my BOE, my patience is wearing thin with 3 of the teachers that I work with...I know I COULD stick it out a third year...I'm just glad I opted for the fresh start.

It's been 2 years..itchy feet strike again!


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