“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Thursday 2 July 2009

Sleepy Zzzzzz

Man, I'm knackered. But last night was totally worth it ;-)

I had a great time. And judging from the huge cheshire cat grin that was plastered on your face last night and this morning, so did you.

Bet you're grinning right now, ne?

I went into school this morning and one of the teachers came to talk to me about today's class. While she was babblin' on, I unsuccessfully tried to stifle a yawn.

Haven't got a Japanese keyboard on this laptop so I'll translate it into English:

Her: Jade, you look so tired. Are you OK?

Me: Yah, I'm OK - a bit tired. This week has been really busy and I didn't get to bed until late last night.

Her: What did you do last night?

Me: *blush* *big grin*

Her: What?!

Me: *blush* *shy giggle*

Her: eeeeeeeeeeee, do you have a new boyfriend?!

Me: *blush* Er....a boyfriend? Er....noooooo...... *embarrassed laugh*

Her: Awww, that's great! You're glowing! You look so pretty today. You are so beautiful.

Me: *blush* *laugh* *blush* *bow*

Her: *wink*

How embarrassing! That's the second person that's told me I'm glowing! Think they're being blinded by all the make up! LOL!

And I don't like labels.

We're just having good time. It's seriously fun.

Although things do tend to take unxpected turns sometimes...

I'm just determined to make the most of my last month here....

...with you.


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