“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Tuesday 21 July 2009

How Many Times.....

...do I have to ask something...and then be given the wrong information anyway?!

It is so frustrating - especially when I'm trying to get organized about leaving and my supervisor can't make head or tail of the simplest of things.

It took her nearly 45mins just to cancel my internet. She kept talking about paying in September. I was like what the hell does September have to do with anything - I wanna cut it off the end of July. It's not even like she couldn't understand what I was saying - I was talking to her in Japanese. She just didn't understand anything about finalising bill payments or any of that stuff. So annoying.

And then when I went in this morning I got landed with a massive bill which was exactly the same amount of the 'inhabitant tax' I supposedly received back.

I checked with her time and time again what that money was for and whether I was supposed to pay anything with it. And time and time again she told me that money was mine to keep. Then I had a guy from Karatsu BOE in the office this morning and he told me that money was actually MUNICIPAL tax that I had to pay with the money that they had given me! I just fired daggers at my supervisor. I had checked so many times and she STILL gave me the wrong information! Then I watched her get a bollocking for giving me the wrong information. It's happened like 4 times now so I'm not surprised the guy was pissed because it's always him that has to clean up the mess!

How incompetent can you get?! I know she only started this year but she needs to educate herself on what the hell being an ALT supervisor entails. I asked her for help with all my car transfer stuff and she just said she'd never done it before and that I should do it myself! I mean, come on - isn't that part of the job description?! And it's not like I can read every single bit of kanji on those forms.I ended up spending like 3 hours the other day translating it. Thanks a lot!

LOL - she asked me before I left this morning if there was anything that I wanted as a leaving present. She was suggesting all this stuff that I either already had or had literally just received from my schools. Then she started talking about buying me clothes! And then she told me my boobs were too big and nothing she bought would fit me anyway! Damn girl!

Argh - what an annoying morning. And what's even more annoying is I've already packed and sealed the flashcards I wanted to use for my eikaiwa this evening.

I think I should just go back to bed.


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