“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Saturday 11 July 2009

Goodbye Goodbye

I finished up at 2 schools yesterday.

One if the one I was bitching about in the previous entry. Yeh, I won't miss the teachers...but man, the love from all the kids reduced me to tears. I hve now accumulated over 200 thank you letters and cards and some of them are awesome! Some students also bought and made me little presents and just their warmth and kindness and their adoration just touched me so much that it made me feel guilty about hating on the school so much.

But I never hated on them. And I will miss them..you never realize the impact that you've had on your students until the time comes to say goodbye.

I got to my other school in the afternoon where there was a hug leaving ceremony for me. They gave me cards and flowers and the whole school sung a song. I LOVE this school but the tears didn't flow - mre along the lines of just a sniffle. Why? Because after that ceremony I had the most awesome last classes. The kids were sad, yeah, but we just had so much fun and I left them feeling so sad but grinning my arse. It's a great feeling to know how much your kids and teachers appreciate the work that you put in and I could feel this and it made me so proud and happy.

I will miss them so much. I took so many pics - I've decided to print some out and make a collage for the school. I'll take it in next week before I'm done with all the schools and while the kids are still there to see them.

It's all coming to an end.


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