“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Wednesday 1 July 2009

Leaving Parties

Everyone is gutted I'm leaving. I'm not surprised, it's only natural ;-). But the number of leaving parties I'm gonna be attending between 4th-31st July has just hit ridiculous.

I know (and appreciate) that people want to give me a send off and I'm grateful for that. But these are working out to be really, really expensive! I have 5 schools that want to have a サヨウナラ party at 5-7000 yen for each one! 3 of the schools I would happily pay but for 2 of them I just don't want to go! A lot of teachers changed and I haven't really gotten to know them that well save for the ones that I've worked with (who have pretty much stayed the same for 2 years). Although I ADORE the kids, I just don't wanna fork out for the enkai with the teachers. But I can't throw the gesture back in their face - they're only trying to do something nice for me before I go. So I've had to reluctantly agree.

And then I've got 2 BOE Leaver's parties. God knows how much the Karatsu one's gonna be. Thank god ouchi is more sensitive to my busy schedule and thinning wallet! I was allowed to choose the date and the party is gonna be a BBQ at someone's house. They haven't mentioned money yet but I can't see it being too expensive. There are only two people in my BOE now that were here when I first arrived. And I don't even like the others! But I will go - a BBQ sounds fun anyway. Do you know what I think it is? I'm just embarrassed by all the attention. I hate giving speeches and everyone is gonna be fussing and asking me all these things about Tokyo. I know they`re interested but I won`t be able to palm the attention off onto someone else! It`s gonna be the same questions over and over again at all 5 enkais. I guess i should be working on my leaving speeches.

I got told today that this Friday will be my last 6nensei class at one particular school and I could do anything i want. Thanks for the notice! Any other week I could easily pull together something awesome in 2 days but I`m absolutely SHATTERED this week and I just don`t have the energy to create an amazing last class. I`m sure I`ll be able to come up with something. I always do. And even if I think it`s shit, they still think it`s awesome!

Wow - last classes already???? This is going so fast!

1 more month to go.


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