“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Wednesday 24 March 2010


My goodness, I have just had the most ghastly day.

Apart from the fact that I had to teach at the school which I detest with passion, I finished up at work and jumped on a bus at 8.36....only to walk through the door at 10.45pm!!

How RIDICULOUS is that?

There were some technical probs all over the JR lines. I should've trusted my gut instinct when I got to Shinagawa and saw that the platforms were absolutely RAMMED. I should've turned and got on the Keikyu line instead...but for some reason completely unknown to me, I didn't. There was no information about when the trains would arrive on the board and I was just waiting there along with hundreds of people to arrive. I joined the back of a ridiculously long queue and when the train finally arrived after 15 minutes, everyone absolutely rammed on. The announcer said there was a technical problem which had led to an 1.46hour delay. Jesus.

I have been on some seriously packed trains in Tokyo, but NOTHING like this. My nose was literally pressing against the neck of the guy in front of me....who was sweating like a pig. EEEUUUUWWW!!! Little was I to know that the train wouldn't run smoothly to my stop. It stopped at stationgs for 5-10 minutes and then started stopping in between stations. It was absolutely awful and my back was aching from being crushed between people. The trip between Shinagawa and Yoyogi, which is where I get off to transfer onto the metro, is normally 20 minutes. Tonight, it took one hour.

If my mood wasn't sour enough, the metro seemed busier than usual too. My face was pressed against the door as I got on arse first and pushed my way back onto the train. The Oedo line is rammed on any day of the week but I normally manage to avoid that level of being squashed.

It was just a horrible commute home after a horrible day at a horrible school with horrible students.

And to top off all that bullshit...it was raining!!!

I can't tell you how happy I was to walk in the front door. There were a few things I wanted to do tonight as well but I'm too tired and it's late. So screw all that, I'm just going to bed. Fuck today. What a really shitty day.


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