“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Tuesday 2 March 2010


God, I have been so busy today and am absolutely knackered.

It's like even when I manage to actually grab some free time, there is ALWAYS something that I need to be doing. I just don't get that time where I have LITERALLY nothing to do anymore.

And why the hell has it gotten so cold again?! I was absolutely freezing walking around outside and even being in my house, I'm still cold. Maybe I was a bit premature in putting that electric blanket away.

I'm having a bit of a weird time right now. I am constantly changing my mind about what to do about my job...somedays I know I can see this contract out - others, I've just had it up to here with spoilt, bratty kids who have no idea how to behave and dealing with ignorant, pushy, negligent, smart arse mothers who think that you have to do anything they want them to because they pay. Urgh. Not only that I just turn into a robot on during my commute and all I can think about is how much I could actually get doen if I didn't have to waste so much time going to a job that I don't really like.

Argh - it's not even that I don't really like it. Sometimes I have great classes. Never great days - there is always at least one difficult class a day but after some classes I'm grinning my arse off because I've had so much fun, or the kids ahve done a really great job, you know? I can handle it - the pressure, the paperwork, the parents, the badly behaved kids - I CAN. I just don't want to have to. It's a completely different thing and I just keep thinking about the toll that this job is taking on me. I haven't studied in weeks because when I do get the time, I always have other things that I have to do, or when I do get the time, I am just so tired it's the last thing that I want to be doing.





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