“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Wednesday 17 March 2010



I just watched one of the best episodes of a drama I have EVER seen!

This time it was an episode of Grey's Anatomy.

I was never really into it but when I come home from work and just want to chill in front of the TV, it's sometimes on and I have really come to love it! I can't really be arsed to get into the details of the whole episode but the ending literally made me gasp and my hand flew to my mouth. Basically, this intern fell in love with a heart patient who was sposed to get this new heart. The original donor died on the operating table so the surgeon tried to get another donor's heart. On finding out that a different patient was higher on the list, the intern decides to make the patient worse by stopping his heart. The surgeon is on his way back to the hospital to check out the situation but before he could get in, he is shot by some random killer (the whole episode is based on a shooting that brings in loads of patients and then he comes back at the end and starts randomly shooting again). So the intern has stopped the heart of the man she loves thinking that the surgeon is on his way to save him, but he has been shot so she has probably killed him in trying to save his life.

Totally gripping stuff - I was hooked. I have no idea what season it is or anything, but all I can do is hope that I don't miss the following episode!


Changing the subject completely, what the hell happened to the weather today?! I left for work in full spring dress and then froze my arse off! I wish this weather would make up it's mind! We had the air con on at work yesterday but we were freezing today! Weird stuff. I had to skip out on my aqua class this morning to sort out this malarky with my phone bill. I got to the shop shortly after 10am, only to find out that it didn't open until 11! 11!!!! Isn't that a bit late for a shop to open?! I was well pissed off because I had to go back home and get ready for work and then go all the way back again. But at least it's sorted...just as another bill came through the door. It's like these people think I'm made of money! :p


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