“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Monday 1 March 2010


OMG!! How much am I LOVING Season 8 of 24?!?!

I've always said it was the best thing on TV. Of course, every drama has a couple of dodgy seasons, but damn, this season is just INSANE!!!

After 7 seasons, I can already spot some of the twists before they happen but what got me about this newest episode is how awesome a fiance Cole is!

I mean seriously, you find out that your fiancee isn't the woman you think she is and then you just turn around, just like that, and stand up for her and forgive her for everything...out of love. Well, he might not have forgiven her but he totally took control and dealt with her problems. Even though she had lied to him about everything...even down to her name. Incredible.

I just love, love, LOVE this show. Never a dull moment.

And I have to say that I am really enjoying the last season of LOST. Although, I hate this whole thing with Claire being the bad guy. It just doesn't suit her being all bad ass with her messed up hair and dirty face. Why are they trying to make her the new Rousseau? Or whatever that other woman's name was...you know, the French one? It's exactly the same! Yawn. They need to get over that already - especially now that her 'friend' is that black smoke thingy that looks like John Locke. I just wish that they would hurry up and reunite Jin and Sun. That whole separation storyline has been dragged out for long enough. Jin always gets caught up in all this shit - it's about time something good happened to him!


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