“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Saturday 20 March 2010

Not For Me!

The worst thing about working on Saturdays and having Sunday and Monday as your weekend, is that you never get that 3 day weekend.

Everyone gets tomorrow off...and even though I do too, it's just a normal weekend for me! I really miss taking those trips over 3 day weekends that I used to do all the time. Getting some friends together, jumping in the car and road tripping it.

Plus, since I'm trying to save money, I'm not going out so much this month. And I am DYING to go shopping! I've seen some gorgeous stuff in the shops for spring and I really want a new pair of shoes. But I keep telling myself that all this staying in and saving money is totally worth it. It's at times like this though that I think I was stupid to give up JET, even though deep down I know I did the right thing by leaving.

It's so weird that I can be so good at working with kids when I hate them so much sometimes. I deserve an Oscar for my performance I swear! At the end of every school year, the school gives out these surveys to the parents about teachers and our lessons. I got some outstanding ratings and comments and it's so bizarre coz with some of them I can work out who submitted it and I can't help but think "Really?! How can you think I'm so great when I really, really HATE your child?" I guess it's a sign that I'm doing a good job if they can't even tell right? But at the same time it's so much pressure. At the end of the survey there is a space for comments and so many of mine came back with complaints about how frequently teachers change and how the children like me so much and want me to stay for a long time. Even the parents have come right out and told me not to quit and to stay at the school for a long time.

It's annoying because even though I understand it must be frustrating for them and hard for the kids when the teachers change so often, but they also have to understand that we are foreigners - this is not our country and eventually people will go home - whether it's in 1 year or 10 years, they will never have the same teacher for the duration that they want. It's just how it goes with native teachers here.

I WANT A 3 DAY WEEKEND! Just that chance to go somewhere...those short trips that I just love so much and can't take anymore. It kills me.

ARGH! Stupid job.


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