“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Sunday 21 March 2010

Scary Stuff

I'm having one of those phases again where no matter how much I eat, it's never enough.

Before I went to the gym today, I ate. Not literally before I went of course, but I still ate enough to keep me going throughout the workout. I felt fine when I was walking to the gym, but then when I started my step class, i suddenly felt absolutely STARVING. Throughout the whole class, I felt like I was watching someone else do all the steps, like it wasn't me because I wasn't even looking at the instructor, but I was still going through all the motions. Says a lot for my Japanese! =)

But seriously, I felt so weird and light headed - I think I'm starting to get a cold again because I woke up with a completely stuffed up nose and I've had a tickly cough on and off throughout the day. Even though I didn't want to (I've been really lazy this week with going to the gym), I didn't do the second aero class which I normally do on Sundays because I just felt really tired. Jumped in the shower and then picked up loads of stuff at the conbini and came home and absolutely stuffed my face, with sushi, pasta, salad and of course, cake. A vitamin drink on top of that and I am feeling much better.

Definitely weird things going on right now. I wonder if it's stress...

Any thoughts?


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