“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Thursday 11 March 2010


Whoever knew Malaysia would be such a pain in the arse to get around!

What's the point in having airports on these little islands if you can't fly from one island to another - only to and from KL?! How retarded! So now not only to we have to leave some of our originally planned destinations out, but we have to backtrack on ourselves!

You all know how much I HATE backtracking when on holiday. Obviously if it was just up to me it wouldn't happen but the problem it would mean splitting the group up after just a couple of days together and that just seems pointless. Party in numbers!!! Well, you know I don't believe that but we all wanna hang out you know.

It's just crap. And even though the flights are cheap, it's still that extra money that we have to spend. I wouldn't even think twice about it if I was still on JET but I'm not and I don't earn as much as the others and my outgoings are way higher than theirs. I guess it's easy for them to forget what it's like not to have so much disposable cash - even after insurance, pension and tax- when you have so little to pay out for rent. Not only do I earn less, but once you take out the rent, tax, insurance and pension, I am left with bugger all to work with, and given that I'm trying to save a certain amount each month, it doesn't leave me with a lot to work with. Like this month, I can barely (if at all) go out because I've had to pay for flights to Singapore, my lil weekend trip next month, on top of rent and insurance and gym membership and my phone bill. And at the end of the month, a lot of the money that I have already saved is going to be spent on my flight to the states. I can't book before then because I can't have holiday approved until 3 months before I go.

Argh. I've never watched money so carely in my life! Back home I was so used to living off my overdraft, I forgot what it was like to always be in the black! Haha! Although it is a nice feeling - I definitely need to be saving more now that the exchange rate is seriously good. I remember when I sent home 100,000 yen a couple of years ago (yep, in the whole time I've been in Japan, I've only sent home 200,000!!!!), I only got about 415 quid out of it. The same amount now is worth over 700!! Such a massive difference - I really need to be taking advantage of that!


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