“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Monday 22 March 2010


Man, I am so pleased with myself today!

Despite the fact I'm still waking up ridiculously early on my days off, I have loved today.

I spent the morning looking at hotels for my trip next month, then a 20 minute walk to the gym, 30 minutes of aqua dance, 10 minutes in the whirlpool, 30 minutes of aqua boxing, 10 minutes in the onsen, lunch, 45 minutes of aerobics, 40 minutes of step aerobics, all topped off with a face and hair mask and a 20 minute walk back home.

I feel GREAT. So refreshed.

I just so badly don't want to go to work tomorrow. It's the Kawasaki day and words can't express how much I HATE that school. I have tried to quit it - hell, I've even told them I would cut down to 4 days a week if I couldn't spend 5 days in the school I actually like. They're not going for that either - claiming that they don't have anyone who can take over my classes. Bollocks they don't.

It's annoying coz I actually can't stand that school and if they won't let me just teach at one, then I feel like I have no choice but to quit. I'm gonna give it a total of 6 months - so in another two months I'm gonna throw it out there. I don't really wanna quit at this stage but I definitely can't keep teaching at that school.

No way.


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