“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Sunday 21 March 2010

Great Sunday

I am really enjoying my Sunday!

The weather is gorgeous - a bit windy but it's sunny and warm, and even though I didn't really get the lie in I was hoping for, I'm still having a great chilled day.

Catching up on online TV (how GREAT is Project Runway) and watching movies is the perfect way to just lounge. 50 First Dates was on TV and I haven't seen that movie for years! I'd forgotten how funny it was - I was laughing my arse off! And you all know how much I love laughing! Don't you feel great when you laugh? And I mean PROPERLY laugh. I know I do! Puts me in a great mood.

Man, I absolutely can't wait to get away next month - hit the beach, get a tan and just chill out and have some serious fun. No work, no stress, just good times. Been a long time since I've had that - I think that's why I'm so excited. And man, I can't wait to get some decent shopping in! Japan just sucks arse for shopping, it really does. Crap high street stores like Zara and H&M are big news here and are really damn expensive. I don't even go into H&M back home - I can't believe the prices they charge out here. No way! Bring on Singapore! I shall be taking an extra bag (just a small one - don't worry!) for the extra stuff I know I'm gonna come back with!

I LOVE SHOPPING. I really need to buy some new clothes before I go mad.

One more month....

I can do it!



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