“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Friday 5 March 2010


On my way home from work I was having a massive dilemma about whether to go to the gym. I was feeling absolutely exhausted and just wanted to collapse at home.

But no, I got in, packed up a bag and then rushed to the gym with 5 minutes to spare before my aerobics class. So I'm in the locker room, I get changed...I'm all set...and then I realise...I FORGOT MY DAMN TRAINERS!!!!

For most people, this wouldn't be the end of the world - they could just rent some from the front desk. But you KNOW how I feel about feet. There is no way in hell I am putting my feet in rental gym shoes! YUK!

I was just so annoyed because I had rushed to get there and was feeling tired and after all of that, I couldn't work out anyway! So it was into the onsen and sauna for me instead!

Such a waste. I picked up a package from the PO as well and before I had even gotten home, I had polished of 2 bags of Walkers Cheese &Onion crisps! As soon as I got in I finished the other pack and then ripped open a mammoth bag of Haribo...which is nearly all gone! I am such a PIG! And I have my dinner in the oven!

Has anyone ever smelt the Beckham Signature Story perfume? I bought some online and received it today. IT ABSOLUTELY STINKS!! LOL!! I only got it coz it was on special offer - 75ml for a measly 14 quid! Or was it 15....either way it was stupidly cheap and now I know why! It's weird coz being a Beckham brand I thought it would be all sophisticated and shit but it's actually pretty floral and old woman like! And I'm lumbered with a whole bottle of it! I was thinking I could wear it to work but it's a really strong smell and there is no doubt that my kids would waste no time at all telling me that I smell!


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