“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Monday 1 March 2010

Once You Go Black...

So I bit the bullet and dyed my hair black today.

And no, it's not my natural colour. My hair is actually dark brown and now that it's black, it's made me realise how light my natural colour is!

I'm loving it. It's so...BLACK! And super, super shiny from the herbal dye that my colourist used to try and protect my hair - now badly damaged from bleach. I think that when my hair is dark, it always looks better straight. The curls definitely look better when it's blonde.

I've had a fringe cut as well. I don't know how girls do it - IT'S SO EFFING ANNOYING!!! Just hanging there in your face and in your eyes. Argh! Luckily I didn't have it cut too short so it shouldn't be too long before it grows out again. Or maybe it will just take some getting used to...but right now I've clipped it back coz it is actually irritating the crap outta me! LOL!

I do need to have more cut off but I just can't have short hair. It's not that I don't want to - it's the amount of styling that it would require. I would have to straighten it every day, and given how damaged my hair is from bleaching it, I don't think heated irons will help! Plus, it's so humid here in the summer, even if I was to straighten it everyday, it would be a matter of minutes before it became a frizzy mess again!

I'm still doing a double take when I walk past a mirror!


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