“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Friday 30 December 2011

Luang Prabang

And that brings me up to today - 30th December.

Luang Prabang is a magical place. So lush and green. We went swimming in a waterfall in Pakse and as gorgeous as it was, I have a feeling that the waterfalls up here are going to be even more gorgeous and amazing!

Even arriving in Luang Prabang yu can feel the difference. You can see from the off that this place receives way more tourists - there are way more restaurants, guest houses, and people! The biggest shock regarding the tourists is seeing how many families are here. You wouldn't think that Laos would be a popular family destination but they are literally everywhere! It's kinda annoying because some of these kids look way too young to appreciate where they are. Or how lucky they are to be in such a beautiful place as this!

We went around the night market last night. I bought these cute, humungous and ultra squishy slippers which are going to be perfect in those cold winter nights in Tokyo! Of course I loaded up on Lao silk scarves - absolutely love them and the colours are so vibrant.

Today we're taking it easy - we're gonna take a walk around the city and then make some plans about what to do with the rest of the time here. There are so many options with different things to do so it's a little overwhelming, but we've decided to hit the adventure stuff - mountain biking, maybe a bit of kayaking. I want to go to the elephant village but I don't believe in riding them. I guess I'll just see exactly what's going down before I make a decision about that!

More to come!


Sick, Sick, Sick

Apart from when I went to Cambodia, I have managed to enjoy over 4 years of travelling around Asia without getting sick.

Well - my luck was bound to run out sooner or later and on the 28th, it did.

I can't tell you what caused it. It could have been the anti-malaria meds I'm on, it could have been the coffee I accidentally drank (don't ask), it could have been the ice I also accidentally drank or it could have been something I ate. But on the night of the 28th I was in and out of the bathroom all night violently vomiting and with painful stomach cramps.

Luckily for me (and for my friend), I'm not one of those people to just give up and feel sorry for myself. I had litres of water on hand and rehydration salts. As much as I hate those things, I was forcing myself to drink them and mustering every bit of strength to fight it. We were flying the next day and I sure as hell didn't wanna be caught short on a transit day!!

I took it easy yesterday - I ate the blandest meals, took a day off the anti-malaria meds and stayed away from booze. A bit shitty seeing as it was my friend's birthday, but we're going to celebrate tonight instead. Feeling much better today but still gonna be keeping an eye on what I eat and drink so there is no repeat! Trust me to top it all off by today being that time of the month too! HAHA - too much info deshou! Sorry!


Four Thousand Islands

On boxing day we set of for a 2 day tour and stayed on a small island in the Mekong at the most southern point of Laos.

The trip started with a visit to Wat Phu - the oldest Buddhist temple in South East Asia. It's older than Angkor Wat is is a crumpled heap of ruins which you reach after climbing crumbling, steep stairs!

Then it was a long car ride down to the point where we hopped on a boat for a 2 hour trip along the Mekong and around the Four Thousand Islands. The sun was blazing and the scenery was gorgeous but I'm not gonna lie -my arse was CANING by the end and I was dying to get off!!! LOL!!

We rocked up at this tiny island called Don Kone. It's not where most people stay but it has a better quality of accommodation and we were only there for one night. It was a shame really because even though we had the evening to relax, it got dark really quickly and everything shuts down so early that you're forced back into your room and my friend told me that I was knocked out by 9pm!

I have to take a moment to talk about the sunset that we saw on that island. Easily right up there with the best sunsets that I have ever seen it my life. My pictures look like postcards - I've taken so many and they are absolutely impossible to edit so I'm going to put them all up onto Facebook when I get back. Breathtakingly beautiful watching all the colours change and the palm trees and boats turn to silhouettes. You're gonna die when you see them, I promise!! I would have loved to spend the whole day on the island to get more time to look around, but by 8.30am the next day, we were on the move again. We took a bikeride to some gorgeous waterfalls and then it was back onto a boat to see the biggestr waterfall in SE Asia before stopping for a delicious lunch and heading back to Pakse.

Pakse really is a boring, sleepy little town. It's only known for being a transport hub to the South. There is literally nothing there so once the sunsets, you can drink a bit but then with the curfew, there really is nothing to do later at night. Something which is becoming increasinly annoying! I'm just wondering what the deal is on NYE!!!

Fingers crossed!


Christmas Day!

Merry Christmas!

Wishing you all a Merry Christmas from Pakse in Southern Laos!

Christmas Day and we were up at 4am to catch a 6am flight from Vientiane to Pakse. Even though I was tired, I was excited to move onto the next place on our trip - ready to leave the city behind and get back to nature. I reckon it's coz we took such an early flight that the experience was super smooth and stress free. We got to our hotel and found ourselves, yet again, victims of falling for the clever photography online. Don't get me wrong, the room is more than sufficient and very reasonable priced - complete with a Christmas menu which we laterfound out was served on Christmas Eve! HUH?!

The weather down here is absolutely gorgeous! It's nice to feel the warm sunshine first thing in the morning. Yesterday in Vientiane was a little cold and windy but it was great for walking aroumd and doing a spot of sightseeing. Really looking forward to chilling out and watching some gorgeous sunsets.

Have a great Christmas Day!


Laos: 23rd December

Today was out first day in Vientiane. When we left the hotel the temperature was absolutely perfect. After a less than satisfactory breakfast - ants on my friend's coffee cup (seriously?!) - we were soon realising that paying for a 5* hotel doesn't mean you're gonna get quality.

We set off on an exploration of the city. Laos National Museum was this absolutely stunning building - colonial architecture, slightly decayed and just a photographer's paradise. We walked around as the sun was blazing down on us to the Patuxai - a replica of the Arc de Triomphe in Paris. It was so beautiful and gave us views all over the city. We then took a tuk-tuk to Pat That Lung, which was this stunning gold stupa - shining so brightly beneath the cloudless blue sky. It was miles away from the freezing cold of Tokyo and the lack of tourists just made the whole experience that much more enjoyable. After a mammoth lunch, we found ourselves in a food coma and headed back to the hotel for a nap.

Before that though, we headed to the Settha Palace hotel - you should Google it. It's the best hotel in Vientiane and is absolutely stunning, complete with London black cabs. We had seen some promotional offers online and even though it was pricey, we decided that it would be the perfect way to end out holiday here. We went in and spoke to the manager who agrred to give us a corporate deal at $165 a night down from $217! Merry Christmas!

After our afternoon nap, we decided to walk down to the Mekong River to see the sunset. It wasn't what we were expecting, but I was more than impressed with the whole chilled out vibe amd we enjoyed spirits and beer before heading back to the hotel at 10.30pm (the bars have an 11.30 curfew). It was a bit frustrating being forced to go back to the hotel so early, but we still had a good time and met some interesting people!


Laos: From The Beginning

Hey guys!! Hope you all had a fantabulous Christmas and are gearing up for the New Year!

So right now we're in Luang Prabang - no joke - this country is truly magical but I'm going to start from the beginning for you! I started keeping my blog on paper - not that that lasted long but here's what I had!!

22nd December:

After a mad day of travelling, we've finally made it to Laos.

Narita airport was absolute madness this morning. Last year when I went to Australia, I left on the 19th December so I obviously missed the peak of the airport rush. When we arrived, we were literally gawping at the queue for the ANA check-in counter. I swear, I have never seen anything like it. We flew Thai airways which wasn't as bad but we still had a 40 minute wait.

Thai airlines...man, what a DISAPPOINTMENT! I don't know why, but I had the impression that it would be an awesome airline. Not only were we surrounded by coughing, spluttering and snoring Japanese businessmen, there were NO individual screens on the seats, so we spent the 6hr 45 min flight absolutely BORED SHITLESS! The movie that was showing on the main screen was cack - plus I couldn't really see it anyway. My friend and I resorted to practicing kanji, drawing animals (he does the BEST lion) and playing hangman - all of which we tired of very quickly. The first meal was just OK, but our "snack", about an hour before we landed, was this shitty sandwich - one with processed meat and the other was stinking tuna! And you all KNOW how I feel about tuna! That one went straight back to the attendant - right before the monster next to me let out a tuna burp! Eeeuuuuwwww!!!!

On the plus side though, when we were disembarking, the attendant in first class gave me a spare flight comfort pack! I will definitely make use of that on the way home!

We had a layover in Bangkok where we headed straight to Mango Tree for some yummy Thai food. Then it was off to Boots to pick up some Ibruprofen! Don't laugh- we all know that Japanese painkillers suck- definitely goingto stock up on more on the way back.

Arriving in Laos was much smoother than expected and the strength of the yen has made us super rich! We arrived at our luxury boutique hotel to find out that our room had been upgraded. It's absolutely huge but doesn't have the "luxurious" feel that you would expect looking at the reception area. I guess that's how it always goes in this part of the world though.

We haven't made any concrete plans so I'm just looking forward to mooching about and taking my time to see the sights tomorrow.


Thursday 22 December 2011

And We're Off Again!

The day before I travel is always a mad rush.

I'm always working until the last minute and then spend the whole evening packing while my friend just chills.

It's part of the fun of getting ready for it.

We are so totally excited - it only really hit me yesterday that we are leaving tomorrow and now that we have a better idea of what we're gonna be doing in Laos, it's just made the excitement double!!!

See ya on the other side!!


Tuesday 20 December 2011

Rush Rush Rush!!

Where the hell does all the time go!!!

I'm going away in 2 days and I couldn't be any further from being prepared! 

After my Japanese class this morning, I had to rush back home and do a whole load of laundry and clean my house. It's so hard to keep up with everything - bills to pay, furikomis to make - my "To do" list just keeps getting longer and longer. The bad thing about it is that I now only have tomorrow to do EVERYTHING. And I'm gonna be working from 10 through to 7 so that really means tomorrow night is gonna be a mad rush.

Even tighter since I just checked my flight time and I need to be at Narita at like 9.30am. Thank God for the Skyliner!!! I can now get to Narita airport door-to-door in 1 hour 10 minutes. SWEET. 
 But I still have so much stuff to do!!!! 

Just a quick one - I have received so many gifts off my clients this year! Sure, I did get a few last Christmas but they have been coming in every couple of days so I'm super chuffed. Totally love pressies!!!! Even just Christmas cards are enough - it's nice to feel appreciated for a change!! HAHA!! 

I got something super cool today. It's like this rubber man figure bent at the waist. When you make cup noodles, you put in on top to stop the lid from flapping up. And we all know how annoying it is when that happens! I had to buy noodles especially so that I could try it out. The arms turn white with the heat and just the sight of it cracks me up!

Props for originality!!


Sunday 18 December 2011

ANTM Night Part 2!!

What fatties me and my girl are!

We absolutely stuffed our face this evening with prawn crackers, fajitas, sweets, biscuits, waffles (OK - that was just me) and wine. 

It had to be done - it was ANTM night!!!!

My goodness me, the All-Stars season was absolutely amazing!! What a runway show! Honestly, this season has just been incredible and not only were the final prizes insane, but the stuff that they got to do was incredible! Making their own perfume, writing their own song and making their own music video, designing their own dress - WOW!!

I was so gutted when it got to the final and they announced that Angelea had been disqualified! What a waste! Rumour had it that she had actually won, but bragged about it on her FB page, hence breaking the contract about leaking information about the show. Silly girl!!!! She so deserved to win as well....but not as much as Lisa!! That girl is incredible - such a superstar!

And now I really need to go to bed!


Saturday 17 December 2011

A Welcome Break

My goodness me, what a year.

The last couple of months have been a tough end to what has been a very tough year.

This holiday next week couldn't come at a better time. I am so ready for it, I feel like I need it and I'm hoping to come back to Japan with a clearer head and a more positive attitude.

My emotions have flown all over the place over the last couple of months, as I have battled back and forth with trying to work out what the right thing to do is. To be honest, I still don't have an answer and I'm hoping that I can go away, get away from it all, and then be able to figure it all out from the outside - not stuck in the middle, surrounded by nonsense. I don't know who's telling the truth, I don't know who I'm supposed to listen to. I feel confused and there's no better remedy for all of this than getting the hell away!!

I spent the last couple of days trying to work out what exactly it is that has triggered my temper so much. Apart from the fact that people have left me feeling so disappointed in them and let down....I dunno...I haven't reacted so strongly in a workplace since....ever. Never done it. I've worked on my temper a lot over the years and promised myself that I would never, ever let people in the work place see it. And I haven't....but over the last couple of months, I can feel it dying to get out.

So why now?

I can honestly only pinpoint it to one thing. It's gonna sound weird to so many people but to others like me who live to travel, I'm appealing to you guys to understand. I think it's because...

....I haven't been on holiday for 4 months. 

I told you it was gonna sound weird...and probably even spoilt....but let me explain.

Last year I went on holiday regulary - whether it was abroad or even just a lil day trip in Japan. What you have to understand about eikaiwa teaching here is that it very quickly becomes repetitive and for people like me, who crave diversity, it doesn't take long to feel like you're trapped, leading to feelings of dissatisfaction, impatience, constant annoyance and just....ARRRGGGHHHH!!!

I think that's what happened. Honestly. Taking constant trips breaks it up - work your arse off and then take a break. That was how it has always been for me in this company. It's perhaps the most attractive thing about working there - being able to choose your own schedule and taking off as much time as you want, whenever you want. You don't get there anywhere else. So doing the same thing continuously for 4 months has driven me to see too many negative things around me - things that I knew were there but could easily ignore before. But...I dunno...I just kinda snapped and now I have more wrinkles than ever!


Dying to get away and come back with a better perspective.

And I'm gonna make sure I get my regular breaks next year so I don't have to go through this again!

Roll on 2012 - I am so ready for you!


Friday 16 December 2011


Kk you know I blogged a lil while ago about my horoscopes being scarily accurate?

None of them...not one single one....has been more accurate than today's one.

I'm not joking - there wasn't a single part of that that wasn't relevant. Wanna see it?

"You may be feeling neglected and forgotten, Gemini. It may seem that even the universe is overlooking your virtues and weighing you down with obligations and problems. You may be wondering why the people around you have it so easy, while you have to struggle and climb just to keep from sinking. You may not want to hear it - or you may not be ready to hear it yet - but a big part of the problem is your own attitude. Once you figure out how to embrace faith and a belief in the goodness of the universe, you will see your life start to change for the better. "


And a lot easier said than done Mr. Horoscope! It's hard to have faith when you see everyone around you have all this shit fall into their laps. I have worked my effing arse off all year and got so little back in return. Unfortunately it's not in my nature to just sit back and wait for something to happen, but it looks like I might just have to listen to the stars!

Can't hurt right?


Thursday 15 December 2011


I just have to tell you about one of the uffed up nightmares I had the other night.

It was literally a horrible night's sleep because I seemed to have one bad dream after another, but I can only remember one.

I was in my parents' house and asleep in bed. I was trying to sleep but couldn't because the door was open and the light from the hallway was shining through. I leaned over and slammed the door shut, and suddenly saw this mammoth shadow and heard this thumping noise against the door. I opened the door and this tiny little kitten came running out pass my mum on the hallway.

Then this humungous, fat black and white striped cat came plodding out after it. Me and my mum were so grossed out, looking at this lump like it was the dirtiest thing in the world. We were disgusted. I tried to kick it but my foot just bounced off it's disgustingly huge, flabby belly and it didn't budge. 

And then I woke up!

What the hell was that all about?!


Wednesday 14 December 2011


So I had a nice lil afternoon skype sess with my baby boy in Miami.


Why is it that EVERY SINGLE TIME I meet I guy that I get on so damn well with, he's either taken....or lives in another country.


The other amazing thing about this guy is not only is he a professional massage therapist, but he's a singer. Mainly rock but I've heard him jam out to reggae and mix his rock with some kinda Caribbean flavour.

He was actually jamming with his friends when I called him and I got to watch them all having a great time, joined together by their love of music. It looked like they were straight up having a blast. 

Weird how I only met him that one night and still manage to have such a strong connection. I was gonna go out and see him in February, but now that I've decided to do my CELTA, I won't be able to go. I'm gonna try and get him over here though. He wants to come but he's scared he won't be able to leave.

I was kinda thinking the same thing about going over there in Feb.


Why don't those kinda guys exist in Japan!??!?!


Tuesday 13 December 2011

Talk That Talk

OMG I am ALL OVER Rihanna's new album!

I swear she just gets better and better with time! And her new video for "We Found Love" is off the chains.

Youtube it!!

She is definitely my fave artist of the year. I'm still listening to "Loud" and loving it as much as the first time I heard it.

I downloaded "Talk That Talk" this morning and haven't listened to anything else all day. Early faves are definitely "We Found Love", "Drunk on Love" and "Where Have You Been". That album completely has me bopping along on the train - definitely one that you can't just sit still and listen to.

Guaranteed to put you in a good mood - I didn't feel the usual resentment about going into work after listening to it. If you haven't heard it already, then check it out! The lyrics alone are enough to bring a smirk to your face!

Suck my cockiness, lick my persuasion.......I love it when you eat it  ♫ 




Monday 12 December 2011

The X Factor 2011

I have been way behind everyone else this year with the X Factor. 

I only started watching it like a week ago, but completely caught up and I have just finished the final. 

Good for you girls! It's fantastic that a group finally won, but it's even better than it was a non-slutty looking girl group! Truth be told, I was actually rooting for the complete HOTTIE that is Marcus, but hey, fair play. The girls were great. And my friend told me he was gay anyway! LOL!

No really - well done Little Mix! I absolutely adored their renditions of Nicki Minaj and En Vogue. I loved the fact too that they weren't all slagged up to the nines like the girl groups normally are. It defintiely makes them more relatable. Seeing them perform with Tulisa as well - she got to prove that she could sing too.

So what did we all think of the contestants this year?!

Misha B over Amelia Lily any day. But I can kinda get why the public wouldn't connect with her. That level of talent combined with that level of confidence can put a lot of people off. There's no denying though that she was absolutely incredible and rumour has it, she has been signed by no other than Missy. GET IN GIRL!

Amelia Lily - yeh, she can sing....apart from when she decides to absolutely shout her way through most of the songs. I always have to turn down the volume when she's on. Not feeling her at all really!

Sophie - one word - YAWN!!! Could anyone be more boring?!

Janet - absolutely, 100% cannot STAND that girl's voice! Remember Rebecca last year? Now HER voice was unique in a stunning way. Janet's was unique in a way that made me skip through her performance...EVERY TIME. HATE IT. And her! LOL!

Craig - amazing talent but he would never have won.

Frankie - annoying weak voice. I always wanted him to be better than he actually was. Love a rebel though!

That other boy that was the first one kicked off. The fact that I can't remember his name shows how memorable he was.

Kitty - hated her. And loved her at the same time! Incredible voice but horrid personality and her costumes....you're not Lady G lovey!

Johnny - tried to hate him but I warmed to him after a bit! Love his sense of humour - he had me cracking up every time he was on!

Sami - another YAWN! Like Sophie, she has a great voice and nothing else. Skipped through her performances as well - mainly coz the song choice was terrible. Poor girl didn't really stand a chance with Louis as her mentor.

Jonjo - really EFFING YAWN!

2 Shoes - LOVED them! How hilarious are those girls! And that one had lipstick all over her face at the end of their first performance! LOL!

Nu Vibe - young and annoying. Nothing special.

The Risk - yeh, they weren't too bad actually. Great vocals - I actually thought there were gonna go a lot further. 

And so it's over for another year. And now I'm going to have to start on The X Factor US just to stop myself from watching ANTM without my girl here! ANTM night part 2 is going down next Monday! GET IN!


Sunday 11 December 2011


My goodness me, I am so knackered after a really busy day!

Since I've been back from work, I've slowly been scoffing my way through all of this chocolate, feeling gutted that I missed out on the shabu shabu party that my friend organized.

I was there, at the station with everyone, and I got a call. And then decided to go to work. Why? I need the money. Let me rephrase...I WANT the money. Giving my huge plans for next year, I really need to get hold of every penny that I can get. And it was well worth it, I can tell ya.

My work in Ginza is proving to be more problematic that I ever imagined. I swear I work with a whole load of children with big imaginations which allow things to escalate into this huge imaginary episode that I just can't get my head around. I honestly, 100%, don't get it.

And to be honest, I'm really getting to the point where I've had enough of working with children. In my head I have a mental timeline that I will wait to see if those people are gonna change. And if not, I'm out. 

I won't be ganged up on and the lack of support that I'm receiving just goes to show how people that are supposed to be objective, don't know how to be. I haven't even done anything except keep my head down, so how this has gotten to this mad stage is beyond me.

Enough is enough.

Stupid children.

Grow up!



Saturday 10 December 2011

Retro Sweets

I got an Xmas stocking from my lil sis delivered today.

And it was rammed full of retro sweets!

When I say retro sweets, I'm talking about all those kind of penny sweets and stuff that you could buy in the newsagent back in the day when we were kids. I had no idea you could even buy some of this stuff anymore! 

So what kind of retro sweets am I talking about?

Sherbert dip dab

Sherbert fountain - you know the one - the liquorice stick in a whole load of sherbert

Candy sticks - I remember I used to pretend they were cigarettes!

Rainbow drops

Fizz Wizz - that popping candy that you pour into your mouth and it makes all those crackling noises

Drumsticks - guaranteed to make your jaw ache from all the chewing

Love hearts and the love heart lipstick shaped one. Classic.

Sherbert powder lolly

Pink shrimps - I still LOVE those!!

Rainbow dust - a tube full of what is basically flavoured sugar

Fried eggs

Those pink and blue bubblegum flavoured fizzy bottles

A range of fizzy gummy sweets

A humungous gobstopper

Fizzers and parma violets - never was a fan of the latter

Old school gum balls

Candy necklaces and bracelets

Blackjacks and fruit salads - again, never was a fan of the latter

Amazing right? A whole stocking of stuff guaranteed to rot my teeth and make me fat.

I am gonna be hitting the gym so hard next year, I swear! I dunno what's happened over the last 6 months - I've just gotten so lazy!


Friday 9 December 2011

Xmas Pressies!

I only ever get Xmas pressies from my family when I'm in Japan.

Today came through the care package from my mum.

It was rammed with chocolate, Dove, Imperial Leather bubble bath and pyjamas.

I'm not to get all snug in fleecy pyjamas, but winter here is not the season to be sleeping starkers!

And I'm not joking - the bubble bath smells DIVINE!! It's "midnight blooming jasmine and cotton milk" and I can't wait to have a soak tomorrow night!


Pretty P****

Before I tell you about the exciting news today, I have to tell you want happened when I went for my Brazilian yesterday.

My usual beautician has gone back to Argentina, so today was my first time with the Filipino lady.

Man, she didn't hang on - got stuck right in and finished in record time!

But, in the middle of waxing, she just turned around and told me that my lady part was super pretty! And she actually used the words "super pretty".


Me: Errrrrr.....*embarrassed giggle*.....thanks!

Beautician: I see so many every day, but none are as pretty as yours.

Me: Errrrrr.....*embarrassed giggle*

LOL! She actually left me speechless - I had no idea how to respond! Of course, I have been told before (^_-), but I never expected it to come from the lady I was paying to rip all my hair out!



Tuesday 6 December 2011


Just before anything, I just wanna say that I had 3 more brownies today and they were even more awesome than they were yesterday!

And also, for once I can actually say that I had a great day at work! Obviously because I was presenting and training and in my element.

Love it!

Now, onto business...


I am BEGGING that they haven't killed off Chuck! I can't take it! He's FINALLY hooked back up with Blair and then they have a massive car crash?! It can't happen!!!

There isn't a more perfect couple than those two!

That show has turned so dark this season. I'm absolutely loving it, but it seems EVERYTHING is bad! No one is having an ounce of good luck! How depressing. But, such is life!


Monday 5 December 2011

ANTM Night!

Uffffff...I am SO stuffed!

But I had an absolute blast tonight!

My girl came over for dinner, dessert, wine and most importantly....

....cycle 17 of ANTM!!!

Good Lord! If you could have heard us shouting at the TV! You would have thought we were crazy! LOL! Definitely makes a change from shouting at the TV by myself that's for sure!

On the menu tonight was: squid, avocado and mushroom salad, tomato and avocado salad and then a chicken and vegetable stir fry with rice. Accompanied with a few glasses of rose and then homemade brownies and Haagen Daaz  (how do you spell that?!) ice cream for dessert.

The brownies came out the oven and my girl was like "Shall I cut these into 6?" 

LOL! "You pie!!! Cut them into 12!!!"

Not that it really made much difference - we ended up scoffing 2 each anyway! Now I'm stuffed and feeling a little bit sick. They were cooked perfectly - moist and gooey and awesome.


Now I can't watch anymore of ANTM until she comes back!

That's OK though - I need to catch up with the X Factor before everyone REALLY starts spoiling it for me on Facebook!

Great way to spend a Monday evening.

Thanks girl.


Sunday 4 December 2011

JLPT Day!!

8.30pm and I'm absolutely exhausted!!!

Today was the JLPT! 

I was up at 8am and I'm not joking - even at that time I was feeling insanely nervous.

A hearty breakfast and a quick review later, I was ready to walk out of the door. If all else failed, at least my make up was looking really good today!

The uni wasn't as far away as I thought actually. I got an express train from Ikebukuro and was at the right station in under 20 minutes. It wasn't hard to find the building - I just followed the humungous crowds of Chinese people! HAHA!

I was at the test site at 11 - the doors didn't open until 12, so I was hanging around outside with everyone else. No joke - I was literally shaking with nerves. And what made it worse was I was one of only a handful of people looking at a text. I gave up after a bit coz, well, there really was nothing that I could do at that point. I ended up talking to this German guy who comes to Japan for 2 weeks every month. What does he do? Only works for the effing UN!!! Social development for developing countries!!! So amazing. I was talking to him and he was telling me that if I wanted any kind of work in the UN or Foreign Office, Japan is NOT the place to base myself. Definitely something to think about there.

So the doors open and I make my way into the test room. Over 100 people in that room and I was the only Westerner. The other candidates were all Asian, with the majority being Chinese. Of course. The girl in front of me just would not give up talking to me!!! 

A funny little story:

Girl: Nihao.

Me: Er....nihao

Girl: *a whole load of Chinese*

Me: Huh?

Girl: *even more Chinese*

Me: 中国語全然分かりません。(I totally don't understand Chinese)

Girl: なんで中国語話せないの?中国人でしょう?(Why don't you speak Chinese? You're Chinese right?)

Me: えっ?冗談でしょう? (What?! You're joking right?)

Girl: あれ?中国人じゃないの?何人ですか? (Huh? You're not Chinese? Where are you from?)

Me: イギリス人ですよ。 (I'm English)

Girl: ええ?!本当に中国人みたいね。 (You totally look Chinese)

Me: 私と話さないでください。(Don't talk to me, please)

(I wasn't being rude here - the woman was reading the instructions and we were all supposed to be quiet and not talking. This girl wouldn't shut up and I didn't want her to get me into trouble!!)

Girl: 君はとてもきれいですね。いいなぁ。 (You are so beautiful)

Me: *no response*

Girl: *starts talking to her Chinese friend in Japanese about how "beautiful" I am.

Seriously, even when the test had ended, this girl was looking around at everyone's test sheet (including mine) and changing her answers!!! Mine defintiely wouldn't have been the best one to copy from, that's for sure!

The first part of the test was Kanji. The first question, no problem.....and then it was kinda hard from there! LOL! Of the 981 kanji that I know, in the first 5 questions, NONE of them appeared! DOH! I answered based on logic of the readings of the individual characters, but combined, I didn't have a clue. 

What annoyed me about the first part of the test was that it wasn't really about the grammar. It was about the VOCABULARY. I have spent weeks studying grammar forms, so that when it comes to choosing the correct answer, I would be able to answer based on process of elimination through verb forms etc., so it wouldn't matter if I knew the meaning of the word or not. The section where you had to put the words in order was no problem, but the section where you had to choose the correct words was tough. I could read the kanji - I just didn't know what it MEANT. It used to be the other way around. 

But through the whole thing, it was the reading that tripped me up. Not because I couldn't read it and not because I couldn't understand it....but because the OPTIONS for the answers were so damn confusing! I'm reading some of them and I honestly thought they were all right - but we only had to choose one. It was hard to try and distinguish between them because they were paraphrases of the text and there were some words in there that I just couldn't make out the meaning of.

Typical. I understand the damn text but can't figure out the options for the answers. DOH!

So in the end, it was kind of a guessing game. It left me with a lot of time at the end to go back and try to figure out those options clearly. I was then able to change a few of the answers to what I really believed were the correct ones instead of my guesses. So that's something - it's all down to not having enough time (or vocabulary) to really figure them all out.

Then it was time for a break - looks like I wasn't the only one who couldn't work out those options - a lot of people were bitching about it outside. I was just mad that all those grammar points that I had been so worried about didn't even come up. Looks like the way to go is just learning word list after word list. At least now I know!

The second part of the test was listening. This is my strong point, but after that first section, I was starting to panic about it. When the test started and we had completed the first 2 sections, I actually had to turn to the front of the booklet to check that I was really sitting the N2 test.


Man, it was so EASY! I was like HUH?! Even though I know my listening is strong, I thought I would still struggle with that section because of the level. But no, it was no problem and apart from about 5-7 questions, I answered them all confidently. The only reason I didn't for the other 5 - 7 was because I kinda zoned out and missed the question! HAHA! I knew that was gonna happen at some point. But I'm not worried about that section at all - I know I for a good score.

So I really have no idea how it went. The problem with the test now if that you have to pass every single section. Before, it was just an overall score, with an overall pass mark. But now, even if you get 100% in one section and it pulls your overall mark up over the pass mark, if you fail any other section, then you fail the whole thing. You only need 19/60 for each of the 3 sections and then the pass mark is 90/180. Even though I'm not confident, I'm hoping I at least hit that 19! Let's see if that lucky guessing pays off!

Won't be hearing until February so we'll just have to wait and see!


Saturday 3 December 2011


Saturday night....10.05pm.

And I'm about to go to bed.

Problem number 1 - I'm not in the least bit ready to go to sleep.

Problem number 2 - Even if I was ready to go to sleep, I probably wouldn't be able to.

I've suddenly become a whole bag of jittery nerves! I never thought I would feel THIS nervous about doing this tomorrow, but no joke - I'm bricking it!

I'm not even sure why. The build up to this has been huge. HUGE. I have spent thousands studying all year....except that studying has been catching up with all the basics. 

For N2? How long have a spent studying for it? 6 WEEKS.

6 WEEKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!


Now I know why I'm bricking it. I couldn't be further from being ready. The kanji count for N2 is 1100. I have 981 (I did the kanji check today). Don't even get me started on the vocab count - from what I've been doing, I reckon I'm at 50%.

BUT the pass mark is ONLY 50%. And I KNOW I can get that, just from the practice tests I've done. 

But I'm still nervous. So very, very nervous.


K, I'm gonna try and get me some shut eye.


Cram Cram Cram


This last minute cramming for the JLPT is making me sooooo sleepy.

I've been running through pages and pages of practice grammar exercises - the results are getting better as I go along.

It's so hard to try and remember everything. If I had more time, I would have been able to study all the verb forms that come before these grammar points, so that I would be able to answer most of these questions by process of elimination alone. But since I don't have the luxury of that ability, I'm started to worry about time management.

I haven't had the time to learn everything off by heart, so I keep coming up blank when I'm trying to remember what everything means.

But you know what? It's too late now. I mean - the test is tomorrow and I can't do anything about it, so I'm not gonna kill myself studying tonight. I've already pulled out of a friend's birthday party which I feel really bad about, so I'm gonna do a few more hours, fit in an episode of the X Factor and then have an early night.

I just hope that I'll be able to sleep!

This is it - this is what I've been studying all year for. If those results come back in February as a pass, the number of doors that will suddenly open up for me is huge. 

Time has gone so quickly. I remember saying that I had only a month left. I'm just annoyed that I left all the grief at work interfere with my studies - it's not just my laziness you know! LOL!

Right - I better get back to it!


Hit Me!

Miles behind everyone else, I've started on this year's X Factor UK.

I got so wrapped up with ANTM, that I haven't watched any of it.

Before yesterday.

I've just finished the first round of boot camp - DON'T TELL ME WHO'S IN THE LIVE SHOWS!!!

My goodness me, the talent is amazing!  I was actually brought to tears by some of the voices of the contestants. Absolutely stunning. There is nothing more beautiful than a person who can touch you with their voice. Someone who, when they sing, make you feel every single word. Someone whose story you can feel through their voice. It's gorgeous.

So, so excited for this season.

Where would we be without music? I LOVE dancing. I LOVE music. I LOVE singing. I may not be good at it - but I sure as hell don't let that stop me! It's another one of the reasons I miss my car! I miss driving along with the music turned right up, belting out the words with my girl. LOL! I sing in the bath, I sing in the shower, I sing along to the music in my aerobics class, I sing while I'm cooking.

Surprised the windows in my house haven't smashed already! HAHAHAHA!

Think I'll go to sleep with a bit of Adele this evening!


Thursday 1 December 2011


I've never been good at eating in moderation.

But today was an exception!

I cooked 3 humungous meals at the same time last night and when I finished work today, I got home and was absolutely STARVING!!

BUT it was after 10pm and we all know that eating a crap load of carbs at that time is a recipe for disaster. So I was good and only had a small portion, followed by yoghurt.

I'm not joking though - it's coming up to 11.30pm and I am fighting the urge to polish off the whole lot. I'm not even hungry - peckish maybe, but it's coz I know it's there....waiting to be shovelled down....I can't stop thinking about it.....

BUT NO! I'm not gonna do it....I'm gonna treat myself to a HUGE cooked breakfast tomorrow morning instead. That is, if I can get up early enough to make it! I wanna wash my hair in the morning too, so it's definitely gonna be a tight one, but I have so much awesome food in the fridge that would make an amazing hearty breakfast guaranteed to fix me up until lunch.

Drooling at the thought of it already. Such a pie! Muahahahaahhaa!

Night lovelies.


Wednesday 30 November 2011


It was a real struggle to get out of bed and get to the gym this morning.

I literally had to drag myself there.

Of course, I'm always glad I went after, but it's been a while and my whole body was feeling tired after a hardcore aqua aero workout. 

After the gym I decided to hit up TESCO. Of course, it's not as good as Tesco back home but it does have a few bits and pieces in there - not at the same price of course! I only intended to pick up a couple of things, but it turned into an 1man spree, with my basket being loaded up with GINGER NUTS, CUSTARD CREAMS, SHORTBREAD BISCUITS, TESCO FINEST SAUCES, FRUIT N FIBRE CEREAL, not to mention copious amounts of meat and fish.

There was no way that I could get all that stuff back to my place, so I jumped in a cab.

My fridge is HEAVING. YAY! Why did I go so overboard? I'm hoping that all the food I have will force me to stop eating all three meals out. I spend so much money every day on food - it's so unnecessary! And with my trip coming up and my plans for next February, I can't afford to be throwing money around like that. And with all this food, I know I will feel guilty about eating out so much, so I'm hoping that I'll be able to discipline myself a bit better. Plus, I'll be on holiday from the 22nd and there's no way I'm gonna be throwing all this stuff out, so.......

Gonna start looking up some interesting recipes right now! 

I should be studying but hey - whatever! I've decided not to stress myself out about the JLPT on Sunday. Regardless of the results, I'm gonna be taking the test again next summer, so I'm just gonna relax, make sure I get plenty of rest and drink Red Bull - advice courtesy of my teacher. Sounds good to me!


Tuesday 29 November 2011

Another Sign!!!

I just opened a letter from the FCO.

It was nothing exciting but just the fact that I have received something from them - especially with all the thinking that I've been doing over the last 3 months.....

....definitely a sign!

Let's do this!!!


Trust Yourself

A woman's intuition is a very powerful thing.

When someone told me a potentially good piece of news last week, I didn't really believe it. I don't like to jinx things and felt a little annoyed that that person had told me.....just because I thought he was going to jinx it.

But I allowed myself to believe that it was true....and then today comes around and I find out that it's not. I knew it!!!

I annoyed at that person for jinxing me and I'm more annoyed at myself for allowing that person to make me think that something I knew wouldn't happen would happen.

It's always worse because when it doesn't work out like that, then you just feel disappointed, but if that person hadn't of said anything, then I would have been none the wiser.

Lesson learned.


Monday 28 November 2011


No matter how tired I am after work and no matter how much I just wanna go home instead of going to Japanese class, I'm always glad I went.


My teacher is just awesome!

Man, he had me in absolute hysterics today! Nothing feels better than laughing. :)

And nothing feels worse than knowing I have to pay 202,000yen's worth of bills tomorrow!



Sunday 27 November 2011

How Long?!

And this time I'm not talking about sleep....

...I'm talking about my hair!!!

I normally wash my hair in the morning and then rock up to work with it soaking wet - ready to let it dry naturally into my waves.

But man, the mornings are getting so ridiculously cold - I don't want ice forming on my head!!! 

So I washed my hair tonight and blowed it out.

DAMN!!! It's halfway down my back!!! I've been waiting for my hair to be this long for ages and even though it grows quickly, I always end up cutting it too often. This year, I've limited it to every 3.5 months and at that time, I only have an inch cut off.

It's certainly paid off!!

Now I just need it to be this long when it's naturally wavy!!! And when that happens, I'm gonna be shaking it all over the joint like B!!!


Night loveys!


How Long?!

8 hours of sleep last night!!!!

GET IN!!!!

It might not sound like a big deal for a lot of people, but for me, 8 hours of QUALITY sleep NEVER happens.

I normally only get between 4-6.

Having that hangover all day yesterday definitely helped. I was in bed and knocked out by midngiht and then up at 8am feeling great. OK, well not feeling great but not feeling like crap - like I do every morning I wake up.

It's only 5pm and I'm feeling kinda knackered. It must be all this sitting on my arse watching ANTM! LOL!


Saturday 26 November 2011


My goodness me, my head is pounding.

I haven't even been able to relax today either - I was enjoy a nice long shower and the doorbell started going crazy. I ignored it the first couple of times, but someone was just not giving up.

My roommate didn't tell me that we had engineers coming over today to change all these thingies that we have in the ceiling. Then they're like oh, we're going to change the air con units. I'm like all of them!? And they were like, no just one. When I asked them which one, they didn't have a clue. We have 5 air con units in our house so they were fart arsing around trying to figure out what was going on and then I had some other guys banging and drilling about. 

If that was annoying enough, the air con guy is still here! I'm like man it takes you 2 hours to change an air con unit?! Really?! I just wish he would hurry up and f*** off so that I can have a bit of peace and quiet. Not quite the relaxing, slobbing around day off that I had planned.

Not happy.

And my head is pounding.


The Best Yet!!

OMG I am more hooked on GG than ever!

Hands down - season 5 just smashes all the other seasons out of the water! I have NEVER reacted this much to this show and I am so effing excited for what I think is gonna happen next!

And all I can say about it is YAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!

As you can see I am spending my Saturday off work very productively - HAHAHA!!

I knew it was going to happen like this anyway - I knew I would be too hungover to actually do any studying. I have a whole fridge full of food too and I just can't be arsed to cook. Not that I can stomach much to be honest - feeling very, very rough.

I had a blast at ageHa last night - I just wish it wasn't so cold so I could've enjoyed the dancehall outside a bit more. They changed things around now so ALL of the dancefloors are literally just that - for dancing. You can't even take your drinks onto them anymore. It's kinda nice coz it means no one is gonna spill anything on your shoes but it's weird not having a drink in your hand.

Got the last bus back to Shibuya at 5 and finally made it back to my house shortly before 7am. Haven't done that for a long time and I am certainly feeling my age! LOL!

And as usual it was one of those things where I barely slept, so I am really feeling this hangover now. >_< Definitely gonna be a lazy one for me!


Thursday 24 November 2011


Have a look at the picture above.

This is the view from my head office window at about 5pm.

A clear view of Mount Fuji in a gorgeous sunset.

I love sunsets - they always make me think. I love watching the shapes the clouds make and all the gorgeous colours in the sky. So pretty.

When I find the time, I'm gonna create an album of all my favourite sunsets. LOL - chance would be a fine thing!

After I finished work today, I got on the train to go home. When I got back to Shinjuku station, I suddenly had this overwhelming craving for kaiten sushi. I can't even remember the last time that I ate it - I work so close to Tsukiji that I've developed a taste for really awesome sushi. I never really bother with kaiten sushi anymore.

But I couldn't control this. I did all I could but to run!! I got in, plunked my arse down, and was pulling plates off that belt before I could even get my chopsticks and pour myself a cup of tea.

Back in Kyushu I used to go to kaiten sushi a lot. It was much cheaper over there too! I remember that I hit a record of 18 plates. But today, I only had 6...and it still came to nearly 1000yen! DOH! But at least I satisfied the craving. It was so, so strong. Weird.

Enjoy the sunset people!


Wednesday 23 November 2011

Thieving BASTARDS!!!

Them student loads lot are right f******!!!

Despite the fact that I sent my Income Assessment Form in on time, they still took the £300 penalty from my account.

I've never made a phone call that fast!

The woman straight up admitted that my application was received in PLENTY of time and that money shouldn't have been taken out. Apparently I will get a refund on that.

The next crap bit? Coz I managed to clear a very nice salary over the last 3 months, they are trying to tell me that my monthly repayments are 15x higher than what I was paying last year!! I hadn't received confirmation in the post, but when she told me what I would be repaying over the phone, I just shrieked.


I actually sent in 6 months payslips, but they wanted the most recent 3 months. Which were the 3 months where I reaped crap loads of bonuses and extra work. They didn't even take into account that those 3 months weren't my normal salary - as they could see from the other payslips which were less than half that amount. Oh no, they just took those 3 months and calculated my repayments from that. 

Absolutely livid, but they are outright not gonna reduce the payments. They will only calculate it based on those 3 months - regardless of what I've earned for the rest of the year. 




Monday 21 November 2011

Oh And BTW....

...I've decided to do my CELTA in Thailand.



It's amazing how liberating it is when you decide to just stop caring about something.

I feel like a whole weight has been lifted off my shoulders. A very un-Jade thing to do, I've decided to step back and let someone else take over. Let all the pressure be on them and I'll just cruise along and do my thing.

The competitiveness has gone and now it all feels so much better.

The situation ISN'T better, but now that I've decided that there's nothing I can actually do about it, I've just said F*** IT. 


Because it isn't worth fighting for. And even if I did continue to fight for it, the sad realization of the matter is that I wouldn't get it anyway. No matter how hard I tried, all the efforts would go unnoticed. Just as they have been for pretty much the entirety of this year.

I've decided to put my efforts somewhere else and that alone feels great.


Saturday 19 November 2011

The Next Step

Kk, so I've been thinking a lot recently about my next step.

In light of recent events, I have decided that I've pretty much hit as far as I'm gonna go in my current company. The position I want is out of my reach and even though I understand that you have to start somewhere and work your way up to the top, but when it means spending a minimum of a year in a position that I just don't want and have no interest in, it's not worth it.

There are other people who would love to take the position so I'll leave it for those who want it. I don't wanna end up hating my job. It's one of those things as well, that I would be taking a pay cut and restricting myself in so many other ways so something that I don't want for a REALLY long time.

Not on it.

So I've decided to focus my energies on what I came here for. 

I've been saying over and over again that I can't move on until I get my Japanese proficiency to the next level, but I've been thinking a lot and I've realised that there's a lot of other things that I can be doing in the meantime. I mean, at the moment, I'm not learning ANYTHING and I'm not feel ANY sense of self development.

And I really don't like that.

What's the point of doing something where you can't learn, develop and grow?

That's what I'm saying - I've hit a peak and I've been knocked back when I've tried to take it to the next step. For no other reason than my strong personality.

Don't even go there - it makes me mad even thinking about it. Actually, it doesn't make me mad....just confused. But I'm over it. The whole thing with moving up anyway.

So, what is the next step?

I was getting around to updating my CV and I realised that even though I have 4 years of teaching experience, I have no official teaching qualification. Anyone can come here and teach English so at the end of the day, just having that experience on your CV means absolutely NOTHING. If I decided to go and teach in HK, for example, I wouldn't even make it to the interview...purely for the lack of an official qualification.

4 years is a long time and I don't want that time to be meaningless. I don't want it to just be wiped out and looked over.

So I've decided to do my CELTA. Trust me, I really don't wanna do it but I need to have SOMETHING to make all this work I've done stand out and actually be respected. 

I was looking at the courses in Japan. Of course, this country has to make it impossible! The only centre is in Kobe and they ONLY offer the part time course - once a week for 3 months. It wouldn't have been so bad it was the usual intensive one month course because I would be able to transfer to Kobe with my company and then it wouldn't matter paying rent on 2 places for a month. And I'd still be able to work and earn something. But 3 months?! It's too long to be paying rent on 2 places and I don't like the idea of a stranger taking over my place with all my stuff still in it. Unless any of my lovely friends want to?!

 3 months just isn't feasible. Not only that but the course fee (with the exam fees) is a whopping £2700!!! It's between £1000-1500 everywhere else! Well, actually it's super expensive in Singapore too but whatever. Where they get the nerve to charge double over here is beyond me!

So I've basically narrowed it down to 2 choices and I really can't decide which is best.

As I'm going home next year, I was thinking about just staying on and doing it while I'm back. The pros? I wouldn't have to pay for accommodation and would be able to shop at Tesco for ages!!! The cons? I would have travel expenses and if I went home for just a month, I wouldn't be able to enjoy the Olympics. If I decide to go back to the UK for 5 or 6 weeks, then I would hardcore suffer the next month when I get paid. That's a long time to not be working....

The second choice is Bangkok or Phuket. The course fee is £1500 and that includes accommodation for the month. In Bangkok it would be a studio apartment and in Phuket it would kinda be like uni halls. Think I like the idea of Bangkok better and it would be cheaper to get to...not to mention the cost of living there is considerably lower as well.

If I went to Thailand though, I would definitely have to cut out one of the other big holidays...actually maybe a couple of the big holidays that I was planning next year. I love the idea of having the new experience of living in another country as well. It's just that I wanna enjoy my time back home so I would definitely have to go back for longer than a month. And during the Olympic period, everything is just gonna be so manic and expensive. As much as I love London, I really f****** hate tourists. And the school that I would be doing the course at is in...wait for it...COVENT GARDEN!!! Could you get any more annoyingly central?! There are CELTA courses in other locations - even super close to my parents house but they are either part time courses (over 22 weeks) or they don't have flexible start dates.

Really not sure what the best choice is. It would be hard to be back in London and not be able to spend as much time as I would like with friends because the course is hardcore. 9-5.15 every day. Actually, that doesn't sound too bad given the hours that I do here.

Definitely a lot to think about. I'm really not sure what to do. What do you think? UK or Thailand?

