“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Friday 30 October 2009

It's A Sign!

I was upstairs making pancakes and switched on BBC World News.

What was on? A report on tourism in the French Polynesia!!

I was just watching with serious longing at the gorgeousness of these islands. And I know it's horrendously expensive, but let me tell you - this is a once in a lifetime opportunity to go somewhere like that. I know that if I don't go now, I never will - it will become one of those fantasy holidays. But I am going to make fantasy reality! It's worth it to spend the money on what will be one of the most tropical holidays of my life - people are always saying that they would never spend money like that just to go on holiday but you know what? Paradise costs. And it will be the experience of a lifetime!

Even if it means putting my social life on hold to save the money - hell, I'm gonna do it!

Make it happen!!


Itchy Feet

Itchy feet are striking again.

You know me - I move every two years. And I've been in Japan longer than that.

It must be looking at everyone's photos or something, but I have this overwhelming desire to just up sticks and go back to South America. Or maybe go back and live in Madrid for a while. Or continue with my original plan of going to live in Hong Kong and then New York. Seeing pictures of Buenos Airies and Spain is just bringing back so many great memories for me and I just wanna go back!!

I seem to have this real problem of staying in the same place. Even in London, I moved house every year, 18months. I like the change - even though moving is completely stressful and a pain in the arse.

I just love living abroad. But I came to Japan for a reason and I really can't abandon that and just leave. Otherwise it would mean that the last two years would have been a complete waste of time. Nah - I have to stick with it. No matter how strong the urges are to leave. It's not that I want to leave permanently - just for a while and then come back. After all, I've already told you that Tokyo is now my number one favourite city in the world - overtaking Hong Kong, Madrid, London and Buenos Airies. Not to mention the visa havoc I would face if I was to leave and then try and come back.

I just wanna go somewhere!! I think the fact that I don't get my annual Christmas break has really got to me. It sounds incredibly spolit though! I mean, some people never get to go anywhere! But since being here I have been abroad so much and there is still so much travelling that I need to do! Singapore, Malaysia, Laos and Northern Vietnam and then I would've finished SE Asia. I'll work more of the mainland when I move to HK I think. But at some point I do need to get in the South Pacific Islands. Horrendously expensive but I swear I'm gonna make that happen next year!

Just need to save the money!! I've been pretty good actually! I haven't been shopping once - although that will change when I get paid in January and the sales are on! But that's for business wear so is completely acceptable!! LOL! Passing up on a few nights out now is definitely worth it because next year will definitely be an expensive one if I manage to get all these trips in! Ideally, it would be a weekend in Seoul, Golden Week in Tahiti or Bora Bora, the summer would be a weekend trip back to Kyushu and a trip to the States and then Xmas would either be back in London or Australia. That's the plan! And that is a lot of money!

But I can dream! And dream I most certainly do!!!


Thursday 29 October 2009


You know how sometimes you randomly listen to music that you haven't heard for ages?

That's what I did today and ended up listening to Christina Aguilera's "Hurt".

What a great song this is! I'd forgotten how much I absolutely love it! Even if it does make me feel a bit teary eyed!

Think I'll download her greatest hits album now!


Kick Arse Quote

Inspiration from Will Rogers today!

"If you want to be successful, it's just this simple. Know what you're doing. Love what you're doing. And believe in what you're doing".

Like it?



I so badly wanna go on holiday.

I hate not having a break to look forward to! This time last year I was planning my holiday to Thailand and Cambodia! And this year I'm stuck in Japan. Booo!!!

So I've decided to start looking into my holidays next year instead! I mean, why not? It's not like I don't have the time on my hands and seeing as I'm sick, I have more time than ever!

I'm thinking the French Polynesia for Golden Week - either Taihiti or Bora Bora. And then I wanna do a trip to the states next summer, after I do a quick trip back to Kyushu.

I need to find some time in there to do Laos and finish off Vietnam and get to Malaysia and Singapore. If Bora Bora or Tahiti become too expensive, then Golden Week would be perfect for Malaysia.

Yay! I love planning holidays! Just a shame that I'm gonna have to wait so long before I even get to go anywhere!


Wednesday 28 October 2009

Today's Quote

Written by an unknown author, this one really got to me.

"I've learned that it's taking me a long time to become the person I want to be".

When you're younger, you have these goals in your head that you're gonna be in a certain place by a certain time.

And damn, I am nowhere near where I wanted to be at this age. Admittedly, I'm not doing too bad but still nowhere near.

And that makes me a bit sad to be honest! Plus I want to use this as the kick up the arse I need to work harder to get closer to being where and who I want to be.


I Will Try!!

Man, I really need to learn to turn the other cheek sometimes!

No matter how childish someone is being, how low they're stooping - I just need to walk away and leave them to play on their own.

I was speaking to my friend last night and he made me realise that I just need to walk away.

And that's exactly what I'm gonna do!

What would I do without you, eh?


Tuesday 27 October 2009


What has happened to Jenny?

She has turned so bad! And what is going on with her bright white hair and horrendous lipstick!? I like her more in last season when she was actually styling. Now she just looks a complete mess.

Chuck on the other hand....that suit.....




Today's Quote

This one is by Byrd Baggett.

"Look at life throught the windshield, not the rear-view mirror".

It's similar to something I quoted before about looking forward and not back. To be able to move forward in life you need to stop looking back.

Don't dwell. Move on.

LOL - funny that I choose this, yet in my last entry I was talking about my ex. But it's not the same - I'm not dwelling - I'm reminisicing. And we all reminisce about things sometimes - especially when they make us smile.


The Ex

I spent a lot of time yesterday clearing out stuff and I came across loads of photos of me on holiday with my ex.

Just to make it clear, when I say my ex, I'm talking about the guy that broke my heart. Before I was calling him my ex-ex but I realised that what was going on recently with someone else wasn't a relationship so it doesn't count. That was just....nothing.

So yah, the ex is the guy that took me 7 months to get over. Anyway, when I was looking at those pictures, I was smiling. Because despite the way that things ended up, we were really good friends and had so much fun together. I'm not angry anymore - it doesn't mean that I would ever give him another chance - it just means that I'm over it. He's not the only guy that I've had a messy ending with, but he's the only one that I look back on without cringing or wondering what the hell I was thinking and that kind of stuff. He's the only guy that I never got sick of - that I still was excited about seeing even after spending every single day together. And weirdest of all - he's the only guy that even after splitting up, I never got rid of anything that reminded me of him. Au contraire - I actually kept everything, even though at the time it was incredibly painful. With everyone else, I get rid of the photos and anything else that they may have given me coz I cringe when I think of them.

Funny how I feel the best about the guy that hurt me the most! That makes absolutely no sense! But I guess when you let your guard down and let someone actually get to know you, you have an amazing time. And you know what they say - it's better to have love and lost, then to never have loved at all! So true. Those are fabulous memories that I have.

And I have a confession to make! I actually saw him a few weeks back. I was a bit nervous but then I saw he was as well - you have to remember that I havent seen him for the best part of a year. The most remarkable thing about it was that I had no romantic feelings towards him whatsoever! Seriously! But it felt amazing - it was like catching up with a really old friend. Everything was ridiculously comfortable and I realised how much I miss being around him just because we get on so, so well and he's absolutely hilarious. The whole thing was left very casually - I'll see ya when I see ya kinda thing. He moves around a lot for work so it's rare for him to be in the same spot for a long time. But that all suits me fine. I was just so relieved to feel good - to not feel anger or hate or anything. To be over what happened. I was just so happy to see him because I'd forgotten all the good things and now that I've been reminded of them, I look back with better memories!

That's just reminded me that I haven't given my quote of the day for a couple of days!!! I'm gonna go find one now.


Monday 26 October 2009


I was talking to my friend today and we came to a conclusion.

We have had enough of being single!!!

I am so ready for a decent guy! And to be wined and dined and pampered.

Wouldn't that be nice?


Post Japan

Another friend who left Japan this year has gone back to Buenos Airies.

So many people have decided to go back to South America. I'm actually impressed how many people I've met over here who have actually spent an extended amount of time there, including myself, and it's nice to see that so many people still have a special connection with the continent.

I was talking to her about why she went back, and she said that working here in Japan for two years was like working herself to an early grave. Being back in South America is allowing her to actually LIVE life again, rather than plodding through day by day over here just to save money. And God knows there are so many people here doing that. Not the reason to stay here guys!

At some point I definitely want to go back to South America - especially Brazil (which will ALWAYS be a special place for me) and Argentina. It's an incredible continent. But while I am here in Asia, I wanna do what I need to do over here first. And then definitely includes a trip back to Indonesia!

I wanna be paid to travel. That would be my ideal job. Do you remember Jill Dando? I ALWAYS wanted her job on "Holiday".

Might start looking into that again!


You Really ARE Kidding Me

I just watched the X Factor results show.

And I CANNOT believe that Miss Frank and Danyl were in the bottom two.

Seriously I think the public are just pissing around. Trying to wind everyone up by keeping John and Edward in. Not to mention Lloyd, who was absolutely TERRIBLE on Saturday night. And it's completely unfair on the acts who are actually talented. Like Miss Frank and Danyl. Who both blew me away on the show and got glowing feedback from all the judges. It annoys me that the public don't support the real talent.


I feel sorry for them girls.

Get youself together UK!!!


Sunday 25 October 2009


I was just talking to my friend in Saudi Arabi and I am so jealous!

She's sick as well...except she has this amazing medical insurance so she gets to go the hospital...and then leave with a whole medicine goody bag. All for a measly 5-6quid.

Ah man, that is so unfair!! Just buying my tiny 10ml bottle of eyedrops cost me 7 quid.

But they are working nicely. My eye isn't oozing as much gunk now and the swelling has gone down a tiny bit. Although it's still a disgusting red colour. Yuk.

I'll stick with it - after all, it's not gonna magically improve in the space of a few hours. Although I wish it would because then I wouldn't have had to cancel my class tomorrow. I'm not in a financial position to be doing that.



I just watched the X Factor show from last night.

John and Edward are killing me! How can you watch them perform and not laugh?! So cheesy with terrible dance moves but I just can't stop watching! You know he needs to leave soon though? Lloyd. I think he is terrible every week. Something about his voice just never works with whatever song he sings.

And why the hell is Danyl not getting more praise? He has been absolutely incredible - especially this week I thought his performance was amazing. Yet none of the judges (other than Simon obviously) seem really excited by what he's doing. Poor guy. And he is serious hotness as well!

Looking forward to watching the results show tomorrow!



LOL and there I was saying that I wasn't gonna go out coz I was sick!!!

I didn't go on my hot date but I still had a blinding night out in nichome. And it was so typical that I would find the hottest straight guy ever in a gay club...only to find out that he was going back to LA in a couple of days! Doh! Just my luck!!! Only one thing you can do in a situation like that!


The party at my place was pretty good fun too - the perfect warm up. I was feeling a bit better before I left but I noticed that my eyes had started to weep. And then throughout the course of the night the swelling got worse and worse - I actually looked like I'd been punched!

And then I woke up this morning and confirmed that I have conjunctivitus. Great! It's like my body is on a breakdown or something! Typical now that I've started back at the gym! Argh! But I went to the chemist this morning to get some eyedrops and it's feeling much better already. So hopefully this shouldn't last for too long. Although I still think I might have to go to the doctor to get some antibiotics for my throat. I'll wait until Wednesday and then decide.

Gah! I just hate being sick. Just need to rest this week.


Saturday 24 October 2009

Japanese Healthcare

I was online all last night looking for International Clinics here in Tokyo.

Where I lived before, I didn't have access to English speaking doctors and when I got sick, it was incredibly frustrating because I would either have to get someone to come with me, or struggle through the whole process feeling like shit and take three times as long doing it.

I wanted to go to the clinic today because I'm 99% sure that I now have a throat infection that is spreading to my ears. I have a lifetime history of throat problems - before I had my tonsils taken out at the ridiculous age of 23, I was hospitalized once a year with tonsillitus or quinsies and had throat infections every winter.

Pain in the arse.

So I called a couple of clinics this morning to see if I could get an emergency appointment. What I didn't realise is a lot of these clinics are private and don't accept the Japanese Health Insurance that I have. I was like...hmmmmm...OK, it can't be that bad right? So I told the receptionist what was going on and then asked her what the standard consultation fee was.

12,000yen!!!! (£80)

And that's just to see the doctor!! Any medication I get prescribed would be added on top.

I can't believe it!!! That is absolutely ridiculous!

I did manage to find a clinic that DID accept the Health Insurance but I just resent how much healthcare costs here - even with the insurance. I might be sick but I think I'm gonna hang off a bit and see if this clears up on it's own before shelling out ridiculous fees just for antibiotics. I'm never gonna complain about the £6.50 prescription fee ever again when I go back to England. It hasn't been a week yet - obviously if it starts to get worse then I'm gonna go, but I'm gonna give it a week - maybe a week and a half - and see if it starts to get any better. My ears aren't as bad as they were yesterday but it only seems to come on in the evenings.

Just have to keep popping those painkillers! But you know what, I'm seriously gonna look into private health insurance. The treatment of private patients is (as if should be) significantly higher and there are serious benefits to be gained - immediate appointments, longer consultation times, shorter waiting lists to see specialists and for specific treatment. And because I'm planning on being here long term it might just be worth it...although I'm not actually sick that often and I don't have any conditions that require constant medical care.

This sucks.

There goes my hot date tonight!! Even though I'm feeling slightly better, I just don't want to make it any worse! Plus I found out that his film premieres today but there are private screenings for the next couple of days so I might go on Monday instead. Pah - I hate being sensible!! But this is not the country to be really sick in - it'll end up costing a fortune!!!


Friday 23 October 2009


Because my throat is still ridiculously sore, I've passed up on a VIP night on the town to stay at home....and bake!!!

I've made a cheesecake which is a roaring success and I made some cupcakes as well. But I hate the cake cases here! I used the foil ones and I put slightly too much mix in them and they kinda overflowed. So to get them out the cake tin, I had to cut the tops off! Not so much of a success. =(

Gonna go on the hunt for some proper cases tomorrow!


Ooooohhh I Nearly Forgot!!!

I haven't given you my quote of the day!!!

This is one by Maria Robinson.

"Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending".

I love the strength of this quote. We all wish that we can go back and change something, but we just can't. But it doesn't mean that you have to live your life dwelling on things you did, or decisions you made. It's hard to leave the past where it is, but you can change the way you move forward.

Your thoughts!


HOW Predictable?!

My God, some people are so predictable, it's almost pathetic!!!

It's like you do something, and then they go and do the same thing back. Sounds fair right? But that depends what it is! And what it is right now is just stupidly CHILDISH!!!!

If that person was here, I would slap them and then just tell them to grow up.

It's so pathetic it's embarrassing. Literally makes me cringe.

Oh dear.

Some people just never learn.



Right opposite my gym is a MacDonalds, KFC and Mister Donut.

Now you all know about my sweet tooth. I can happily walk past the first two places but man, I LOVE doughnuts!! Especially the ones filled with angel cream. And everyday after I've been to the gym, I've had to stop by to get one...and undo all my hard work! Doh!!

I wouldn't go if the lights were on red because I wouldn't have the patience to wait for the lights to change but they always seem to be on green when I come out!

I'll never tone up at this rate!!!


Thursday 22 October 2009

That's It

So you know that I always edit what I write - I never use names.

But recently I've had to edit the content because writing certain things can hurt people's feelings and to be honest, I've been getting grief about some of the things that I've written.

But you know what? That's enough now. A blog is a personal space. I use this to just write down random thoughts and feelings and also for people back home to keep up with what's going on. After all, not everyone is on Facebook.

If you don't like what you read, you have the choice of not reading it at all! Humans are curious creatures though! It's like, you see something awful in a movie, yet you can not stop watching. At the end of the day, people want to know what happens next!

And here, you will definitely find out!

So no more content editing!

Get ready for a bumpy ride! LOL!


Sick Of Being Sick!

I actually can't wait to get better!

I'm not even that sick - but it's wearing me down. I'm actually really impressed that I made it to my lesson this morning because on the train I felt like I was gonna throw up. But I simply adore the lady that I teach so she quickly took my mind of things!

I just wanna be better for the weekend! It's the NHK film festival and a certain actor has invited me to the screening of his new movie!! Woohoo!!! Not only that, but there is so much going on - there's a party at my place and then I have too many plans for the evening which I'm gonna try my best to squeeze in!!!

But NOT if I'm feeling like this!! I mean, I'm OK but I don't wanna make it worse you know.

Getting so sensible in my old age!

But man, this weekend is gonna be so much fun! And I deserve it! There's been way to much drama in my life lately!!

Yay to dancing!


Today's Quote

Courtesy of Oscar Wilde!

"Experience is the name everyone gives to their mistakes".

What do we think about this one?

I LOVE it!


Wednesday 21 October 2009

What A Shocker!

Isn't it crazy when people just turn out to be so different to what you thought you were?

From what I've seen today...to be honest, I'm just so shocked!

I just can't believe this person is doing what they're doing!!! I can't believe it's the same person that I thought I knew!

It's almost like I feel betrayed now that I've seen their true colours.


*shaking head*


Man, I'm really on a blogging thing today! It's so frustrating being sick because you know you have you just kick back and rest.

So I've kinda got into C.S.I. I'm not watching it online but on regular TV and there's like 3 different C.S.I shows. I absolutely love it! How amazing is it how they can test for all these different things to find out who commits the crimes? It's so interesting to see what you can work out from a single sheet of paper, from scraping a person's fingernails and from simply smelling something. Really incredible!

Although it's not the best thing to watch when you're eating. I actually retched earlier and nearly threw up my shrimp and avocado salad.

But yah, if you've never seen it, check it out!



Urgh! I am feeling so rough.

I've felt a cold coming on for the best part of a month. But I figured I could sweat it out at the gym. Last night it got really bad and I couldn't even go work out today.

Sore throat, headache, temperature...what great timing!! Right before a packed weekend! Thanks a lot!

I guess it's better to get sick now than when I start working next month.

Hopefully I can shake it off!


Quote Of The Day

So I stumbled across a really cool website full of fabulous quotes about life, and I've decided to share one with you every day!

Today's quote:

"Never waste a minute of your precious life by squandering it thinking about people you don't like".

We spend so much time thinking about the bad things people do or say instead of thinking about the good things. For me though, this quote is true but in reality, just trying to forget all the bad things is much easier said than done. If someone hurts you, you tend to hang on to the memory of the pain they caused instead of thinking about how good things were before. The good news is, given a LOT of time, you become less angry and you do start remembering the good things. Well, I did anyway!

Let me know your thoughts!


I Win

When you're playing a game, it's important that you lure your opponent into a false sense of security.

You earn their trust and then the little games start. And they don't even realise that they're playing. You set the trap and they fall right into it, believing that what they are doing is their own idea, with absolutely no clue that they are walking the path of a premeditated plan.

Then you play the part of the vulnerable wounded so that your opponent feels bad. So that they question their motives and integrity. This is the hardest bit of all - it requires a lot of acting. You have to hide your real feelings and display a false set of emotions. You need to cry when all you want to do is laugh. You need to pretend that you care when you don't give a toss.

Now you have the upper hand. Now is the time when you counter-attack. It's exhausting but it's the time when you don't have to hide behind these fake emotions anymore. The truth gets to come out. The problem with this is your opponent can do one of two things - take it lying down, or fight right back. If they choose to do the later, prepare yourself for a longer battle that you were anticipating. And the battle gets nasty.

But once it's finally over, you will smile. Because even though your opponent may think they have beaten you, they have no idea that you were in the lead the whole time. They believe that you have been through all this drama when really it has been nothing but a game. And the best player wins. These kind of games are the hardest to play and are the ones that will try your patience the most. Before I always died, but now I've mastered the tactics.

I win.

Worked out which game I'm talking about yet?!

Clever people!

Yes, lovey you can come and pick it up this week!!!


Tuesday 20 October 2009


My advice....

Trust your gut instinct....because 99.9% of the time it is right.

How can someone turn out to be so different that you originally thought?

What a disappointment.


Fabulous Quote

I swear my friend is just full of all these awesome quotes.

So I shall steal one to share with you.

"If you love someone, you'd be willing to give up everything for them.

If they loved you back, they would never ask you to".

Sticky situation でしょう?



You know what I love most about Gossip Girl?

No, not Chuck (although he is a VERY close second!), but the fact that in every episode there is always something that you can relate to.

I badly want to go into more detail....but unfortunately I can't!! It would mean revealing details about what happened with my ex-boyfriend and he would KILL me if I was to blog about it!

But anyway, if you watch the show, you see the hurt and pain that manipulation and lies cause. At some point I believe that everyone has manipulated someone to get what they went. I know I have - LOL!

But it all comes around to bite you in the arse at the end of the day!

Poor Blair!

And poor Vanessa actually!


The Right Thing?!

You know when you get completely caught up in something, you honestly believe that what you are doing is the right thing...because it's what you want.

But then all it takes is for someone to express a sign of doubt or uncertainty to bring you crashing back down to Earth!

Wish I'd noticed it earlier instead of living through the days with my head in the clouds, oblivious to all the signs that were right there in front of me. I learnt a long time ago that you just can't force a situation - force something to happen because it's what you want. Yet there I was, trying to do exactly that.

Man, what a fool I've been.




Monday 19 October 2009


OK, OK so I know I've blasted Ricky in the past.

And his performance was totally cack.

But WHAT THE HELL UK?!?! Why are John and Edward still in this competition?!

I beg you - plllleeeeaaassseeee don't vote for them next week!

I can't take anymore of their ghastliness!


Sunday 18 October 2009


I went to see Beyonce last night!!

WHAT a show!! I had an absolutely blinding time! Everything was absolutely stunning - her clothes, her dancing and her VOICE just blew me away. There was a gorgeous tribute to Michael Jackson and I had to laugh at times when her backing singers (The Mamas) took to the stage and were spitting out all these filthy lyrics and all the Japanese people were just standing there nodding their heads with no idea what they were saying! LOL!

1man well spent. I haven't been to a concert in such a long time and I just loved it. Loved it, loved it, loved it! And I got to have an awesome boogie as well!

All this was followed with a great night out on the town, club hopping and lots of drinking. So much fun.

Awesome night out.


Friday 16 October 2009

Making Amends

Making amends just doesn't work if only one person wants it.

I was talking to a couple of my friends and one of them's in a sticky spot. And I was amazed at the advice the other girl gave her. She told her that everyone says that love hurts but that's a load of bollocks. She said loneliness hurts. Rejection hurts. Losing someone hurts. And that everyone gets these things confused with love, but in reality, love is the only thing in this world that covers up all pain and makes someone feel wonderful again. Love is the only thing in the world that DOESN'T hurt.

What do you think about that? I'm kinda feeling that advice!! I thought it was pretty awesome - even though I don't believe it's entirely true.

Interested in your thoughts!



I met this unbelievably cute girl a couple of hours ago.

She was talking to me about studying English and she was just so nervous and shy and just completely adorable! She actually reminds me of one of my friends I had when I was back in Kyushu.

But she couldn't be anymore different to me - she likes punk and you all know how much I detest that stuff! And she told me that she doesn't like dancing and she doesn't drink...because she's allergic to alcohol!! How much must that suck?!

Poor girl!


Thursday 15 October 2009

2 Years On

Isn't it really hard when you know that you should be there for family, but you are thousands of miles away?

I felt like that last Friday. The second anniversary of the death of my beloved nan.

I can't believe that two years has passed, yet the pain can still be so raw.

And what went down the day before, just made the whole thing even harder to deal with.

Hope you are Resting In Peace.

I love you.


Do You Ever Get That Feeling....

....that you just can't say or do anything right?

Or that anything that you do saying is taken too literally or interpreted in the wrong way?

That's what it's been like for me for about the last month.

And the problem with that is that people are too quick to react to stuff, instead of taking a second to think about what I'm trying to say or even simply ask me what I mean.

They just go ahead and jump down my throat and cuss me out. And I'm just sick of it. I'm dealing with enough right now, what with being dumped a second year running, to be dealing with everyone else's misinterpretations and whatnot.

Try just asking. It works wonders.


The Devil Wears Prada

I absolutely LOVE this movie!!!

I think that at some point in every girl's life, we've all thought about going into the fashion industry in one way or another. Or you at least go through that phase where you start paying more attention than you did before to fashion trends and what was in and what was out.

I absolutely adore clothes but I wouldn't say I was a die hard fashion fan. For the most part, I'm not even into fashion trends...well, sometimes, and I mix high street and designer labels rather than sticking to one or the other. I normally find that when you pay nothing for an item of clothing, well, it looks like nothing. It does pay off to pay more and look good, rather than paying less and looking cheap.

I am dying to go shopping. I haven't been once since I moved to Tokyo because I went so crazy in London and i just can't afford it. I have been window shopping with friends and getting them to spend their money instead! I have seen so much nice stuff this season but I'm gonna have to wait until the winter sales before I can indulge. I need a whole new business wardrobe - I mean, there's nothing wrong with the one that I have, but a girl gets bored!!!

I just want to be spoilt rotten!!! And there is no one to do it!! LOL - makes me wish I was still with my ex-ex boyfriend!!! He bought me clothes and bags all the time!! That was the life! *sigh*

Oh well, onwards and upwards!


Party Time!

My God, there is so much stuff going on over the next couple of months.

I have something planned every weekend this month, and most of next month. I can barely keep up with what's going on! Not to mention the fact that all of this stuff costs money and is putting a mammoth hole in my wallet.

But the thing is, all this stuff coming up is so awesome, that I just can't pass it up! Plus I always look at these events as a way to meet new people, so it's all good! That's how I'm justifying it anyway!

And considering that I'm gonna be stuck in Japan for Xmas and New Year while all my friends are jetting off somewhere else, I'm gonna get my partying in while I can!


Wednesday 14 October 2009

Retard Moment

I went to the gym this morning.

It was all going well - I did my aqua class, soaked in the onsen - it felt great.

Then I was getting ready for my dance class...and I realised I'd forgotten my trainers.


I was pissed because there is no way in hell I was gonna wear a pair of rental trainers - GROSS! So I had to just come back home. I only worked out for 30mins but it was tough and my legs are aching so I guess it's a good thing.

Not to mention that I'm absolutely knackered anyway.



Tuesday 13 October 2009


I have had a stinking headache pretty much all day.

I went to the gym this afternoon and then had to go teach. I am so glad I'm done with these native level kids - they are so much work - but now that their old teacher is back, I'm down 14,000yen a week. OUCH!

So not cool.

Why is this headache so bad? I don't feel like I'm under any stress, I don't have a hangover, I had loads of sleep last night, I've been drinking water all day....

I give in - I'm gonna take some ibruprofen!


Monday 12 October 2009


Just one weekend of not going to the gym and it feels like I haven't been for ages!

And I can't deny that I'm looking forward to getting back into it tomorrow, especially the aqua class. It's easily my favourite and I enjoy it every time. Plus the old ladies are so unbelievably adorable and fun.



What a weekend!

I had a couple of friends fly in from Kyushu. It was sooooo great to see them you have no idea.

On Saturday night was the big one. I had been looking forward to that night for 2 months. Paul van Dyk at ageHa! There was a good group and the party started at my place with a ridiculous amount of alcohol and pizza!

So eventful. So much happened. But we have all agreed that what happens in ageHa stays in ageHa so unfortunately I can't share with you! LOL!

But I can tell you about the funniest and most embarrassing punked out moment ever that happened to my friend. That person isn't even embarrassed about it but it's absolutely HILARIOUS!!!

So my friend really badly needed to pee. Instead of going before we got on the bus to go to the club, they decided to hold it. And hold it. By the time that we arrived there, they were on the verge of peeing their pants. So when they get off the bus, they immediately ran into this car park where there were loads of vans parked. As they were running, this guy shouts out really loudly 'トイレでしょう?だめだめ!公園!’ He basically knew exactly what they were trying to do and told them that they can't pee there and to go to the park! LOLOLOLOL!! Punked!!! In front of everyone! I couldn't stop laughing!

Yesterday we headed back down to Yokohama. I love it down there so much. We got down there pretty late and we were all exhausted so we didn't hang out at Cosmo World but it was nice to just be there anyway. And help them spend their money!

So quiet in my house now that they've gone! I miss them already!

Come back!


Thursday 8 October 2009

On A Lighter Note...

....my beloved kotatsu arrived today.

You all know how much I didn't want to leave it behind. And now it's here...and at the perfect time because it's starting to get a little chilly.

I would not survive the winters here without one. And they are much, MUCH cheaper to run that using the air con units.

Thank you!!



I can't believe how many people are commenting on how "disappointing" this typhoon is.


Have you seen the news and the devastation that storms have brought to the Philippines and Indonesia?! Why the hell would you want a massive great typhoon that rips off the roof of your house and causes destruction on an insane scale?! To get out of school?!

It's so crazy how many statuses I've read on Facebook saying how people HOPE the typhoon is really big so they don't have to go to school. What a bunch of morons! How the hell can you be more concerned about getting out of school than the potential danger that you could be in?

Granted, all these typhoons that I've experienced since I've been here have been little more than strong wind and rain. And that's a good thing! I don't need to be living through natural disasters on a greater scale thank you very much! I don't need to be "impressed" with a typhoon! People wanna see all this drama but they wouldn't be saying that if they were actually caught up in it.

I just don't get it.



Hunger Strikes

I'm back at that point again where no matter how much I eat, I'm always hungry.

Maybe it's coz I've started working out again, but whenever I eat, I think I'm like full for about 20 minutes before it feels like I haven't eaten anything at all.

I've had 4 big meals today and a few snacks. And what's even more annoying about that is that I don't have the money to splash out on buying loads and loads of food. I cook so much - whenever I make a meal, it would normally feed 3-4 people and I finish it all myself. Sometimes I make a conscious effort to save half for lunch the next day or dinner the same day but I've normally polished it off before that time comes, because I feel full...but then hungry again.


Why is everything so expensive here?! I want Tesco!

Ooooohhhhh...I could totally polish off a packet of Tesco Value sausage rolls right about now!

But seeing as I can't, I'm gonna go to bed instead.



Wednesday 7 October 2009


Have you seen the latest episode of House?

What a cracker! I LOVED it!

It's great to see the old team back together again - how long that will last, I'm not sure. But I loved the battle with morals....you're a doctor, but do you let a tyrant die, or save his life so he can fly home and massacre a whole race? I shan't spoil it for you in case you haven't seen it yet!

I watched the lastest episode of Gossip Girl as well. Jenny is look fabulous! But this season for me is all about Chuck. Who is getter hotter and hotter by the episode!! And his voice is so unbelievably seductively sexy. I wish I met someone who spoke like that!




The typhoon warnings have been going crazy as everyone prepares for it to come tomorrow.

I'm kinda meh because my classes have been cancelled tomorrow. And I've been told the day before so I don't even get compensated for them. So that means that I'm 1man out of pocket which I am not happy about. At all. I'm not in a great financial situation right now and need all of the money which I'm making.

It's been raining all week and has gotten so cold! I'm surprised I've been going out in it everyday to go to the gym.

I've been at there all day today. That's not to say I spent 6 hours working out! My aerobics classes were at really awkward times and it just seemed easier to stay. My legs are aching a little bit but I am feeling really good.

And I'm glad because my skin is starting to clear up. I had like this mammoth outbreak because someone has been causing me so much stress recently and my skin has been taking the brunt of it.

It's like I am so sick of it all. There is this massive temptation to just walk away but just because that's the easiest thing to do, it doesn't make it the right thing to do. The most annoying thing is like you think you sort something out and then BAM! The next day it's something else.

It's killing me!!!!


Monday 5 October 2009

Are You Kidding Me?!

Louis put through those twats John and Edward?!

Jesus! They are so damn annoying!

I beg all you UK peeps to not vote for them and get their arses kicked off!

Absolutely ghastly!!

On another note - the over 25s. HOW hard is it to just choose 3? It's like I like every single one of them. With the group category, I only actually like one act, I like 3 of the girl acts (why didn't Danni put Despina through?! I mean, Rachel is good but not THAT good), I hate all of the boys ( Rikki and Joseph do my head in! And the boys cry more than anyone else) and only like one of the groups. But every single one of the acts in the over 25s deserves to go through to the live show. Such a shame that Simon could only pick 3. But I think he did end up chosing the right 3 - they are def my faves out of the group anyway!




I am totally not fit enough for this class!

It isn't even that it's particularly hard - it's just so fast! I was absolutely gasping for breath during the high power bits! How do these old ladies do it?!


The step and aerobics classes went well today.....it feels so good to be back in the gym!


Sunday 4 October 2009

I Just Can't Stop...

....smelling my hair.

It smells soooooo good! And has gone so soft and shiny!



One Class Down

I went to my first aerobics class in 6 months today.

What I like about the classes at this gym is that they vary from 30-45 minutes (well, the aerobics ones do anyway), instead of the knackered 50-60 minutes at the gym I used to go to. So it's a nice way to ease back into it.

I didn't wanna push myself so I only did one class today. It's not just the fact that I'm out of shape, I don't wanna put too much pressure on my foot. Which is feeling great.

OMG the shower room in this place is absolutely STUNNING! They are individual cubicles which are all granite and marble and so plush! I'm used to communal showers and a shoddy locker room. Everything is just so nice at this new place.

And I put on a hair mask today and my hair smells so damn good! Hehe!

I realise now how ripped off I was at the last place. Not only did you have the monthly fee, you had to pay every time you went. So if I do the math, I actually paid more to go to the gym before I moved to Tokyo. Which is crazy seeing as this new one is nicer, bigger, offers way more facilities, and you don't have to pay every time you go. Sweet.

And I shall be there again tomorrow. Ready to deal with the 'OMG there's a gaijin' stares once more!



I don't know what happened last night, but I couldn't sleep for shit.

A friend came over, we had a couple of beers and I was in bed by 12.30.

But then I woke up at 2am and just couldn't get back to sleep. I gave up at like 2.30am and just got up and started to watch some online TV. At 3.45am I decided to try and go back to sleep but it just wasn't happening....and it's really annoying.

Especially because I wanna start back at the gym today and now I feel really tired. I was gonna take 3 classes but I'm not sure...maybe I should just ease back into it and just do one 30minute class. I dunno though...30 mins seems so little...but I guess I should just wait and see how I feel when the class is done. It has been 6 months after all and i know for a fact that I am totally out of shape. Probably gonna be dying after the step class. Yah, I think I'll just do the one today. When I was signing up yesterday, the studios were absolutely rammed coz it's the weekend, so I think I wanna take advantage of the early morning classes during the week while I actually have time to do them.

Wish me luck!


Saturday 3 October 2009

I Did It!

I finally joined the gym today....and it took the best part of an hour!

So many forms and procedures and nonsense to go through! All in Japanese as well - man, I had to whip my dictionary out a couple of times because I just had no idea what the woman was going on about.

I really love this gym though. You all know how much I love my aerobics, dance and aqua classes and there is an AMAZING selection there. So I'm looking forward to getting started tomorrow.

It's gonna be like it was back in Karatsu though - constantly getting stared at. When the lady was showing me around the place, everyone seemed to just stop working out to take a good ol' gawp at the gaijin walking through. I got stopped along the way 6 times by people commenting that my legs were so long and I MUST be a model. LOL! If only they knew it isn't as easy as that!

Back to being the newbie! 3 other people were joining at the same time, btu being Japanese, I'm sure they will just blend right in. Back to those annoying first conversations and ignorant comments!



Friday 2 October 2009


I just got phone call from someone I never thought I would speak to again.

I didn't recognise the number when it flashed up...but I sure as hell know that voice.

I was so shocked....and have been kind of left in a state of disbelief. Like, nothing came of the phone call - I'm not gonna meet this person or anything. It was just a call to see how I am and how I'm settling into Tokyo and didn't last any longer than 2 and a half minutes.

But it was just weird that I should hear from them after such a long time. And especially after so much has happened with us. I kinda wonder what the whole point was because there was no mention of seeing each other or anything like that. It was more like a good luck and take care of yourself call and that was it. So I can't help but think "why bother?"

Why did you call?

People do randomly call up people from time to time just to see how they are. I do it - I guess I just never thought that this person would, that's all. It's a surprise...but I guess i'm making too much out of it, でしょう?




No, don't think that I'm not going to join the gym today. I am still planning on doing it! But I was wondering if it was worth it to join today but not actually start working out until tomorrow. Wouldn't it be better to join on the day that I intend to start working out?

That makes more sense to me....

But I'll see how I feel later. Right now I'm feeling a lil bit sick.



Today is the day that I plan on joining the gym.


But I woke up and it's raining! Not that that should stop me, but it certainly makes me want to stay in! I'll hang out here for a bit...and then join later today. The place is open til midnight so I have plenty of time!

I feel like a burden has been lifted from my shoulders today! I woke up at like 6am when i finally realised what has been going wrong with something lately. I love it when you work something out!



Thursday 1 October 2009

This Month....

...is gonna be absolutely AWESOME!!

This weekend I'll be saying goodbye to the last of the Karatsu leavers.

Next weekend...PAUL VAN DYK at ageHa!!! And of course, the arrival of 2 of my favourite people that I left behind! Plus, catching up with old friends!

The weekend after that....BEYONCE!!! I am seriously pumped for this one!

So, so, so EXCITED!!!!




When you're not given time to think about something properly, it ends up becoming really stressful.

You think one thing, but then something happens and you change your mind. Then you think about it some more and you think that you're OK with it. And then something happens and you change your mind again!

But when a decision is rushed, you change your mind a billion times before and even after you actually make it.

It does my head in.

So sick of bullshit.
