“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Tuesday 27 October 2009

The Ex

I spent a lot of time yesterday clearing out stuff and I came across loads of photos of me on holiday with my ex.

Just to make it clear, when I say my ex, I'm talking about the guy that broke my heart. Before I was calling him my ex-ex but I realised that what was going on recently with someone else wasn't a relationship so it doesn't count. That was just....nothing.

So yah, the ex is the guy that took me 7 months to get over. Anyway, when I was looking at those pictures, I was smiling. Because despite the way that things ended up, we were really good friends and had so much fun together. I'm not angry anymore - it doesn't mean that I would ever give him another chance - it just means that I'm over it. He's not the only guy that I've had a messy ending with, but he's the only one that I look back on without cringing or wondering what the hell I was thinking and that kind of stuff. He's the only guy that I never got sick of - that I still was excited about seeing even after spending every single day together. And weirdest of all - he's the only guy that even after splitting up, I never got rid of anything that reminded me of him. Au contraire - I actually kept everything, even though at the time it was incredibly painful. With everyone else, I get rid of the photos and anything else that they may have given me coz I cringe when I think of them.

Funny how I feel the best about the guy that hurt me the most! That makes absolutely no sense! But I guess when you let your guard down and let someone actually get to know you, you have an amazing time. And you know what they say - it's better to have love and lost, then to never have loved at all! So true. Those are fabulous memories that I have.

And I have a confession to make! I actually saw him a few weeks back. I was a bit nervous but then I saw he was as well - you have to remember that I havent seen him for the best part of a year. The most remarkable thing about it was that I had no romantic feelings towards him whatsoever! Seriously! But it felt amazing - it was like catching up with a really old friend. Everything was ridiculously comfortable and I realised how much I miss being around him just because we get on so, so well and he's absolutely hilarious. The whole thing was left very casually - I'll see ya when I see ya kinda thing. He moves around a lot for work so it's rare for him to be in the same spot for a long time. But that all suits me fine. I was just so relieved to feel good - to not feel anger or hate or anything. To be over what happened. I was just so happy to see him because I'd forgotten all the good things and now that I've been reminded of them, I look back with better memories!

That's just reminded me that I haven't given my quote of the day for a couple of days!!! I'm gonna go find one now.


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