“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Wednesday 21 October 2009

I Win

When you're playing a game, it's important that you lure your opponent into a false sense of security.

You earn their trust and then the little games start. And they don't even realise that they're playing. You set the trap and they fall right into it, believing that what they are doing is their own idea, with absolutely no clue that they are walking the path of a premeditated plan.

Then you play the part of the vulnerable wounded so that your opponent feels bad. So that they question their motives and integrity. This is the hardest bit of all - it requires a lot of acting. You have to hide your real feelings and display a false set of emotions. You need to cry when all you want to do is laugh. You need to pretend that you care when you don't give a toss.

Now you have the upper hand. Now is the time when you counter-attack. It's exhausting but it's the time when you don't have to hide behind these fake emotions anymore. The truth gets to come out. The problem with this is your opponent can do one of two things - take it lying down, or fight right back. If they choose to do the later, prepare yourself for a longer battle that you were anticipating. And the battle gets nasty.

But once it's finally over, you will smile. Because even though your opponent may think they have beaten you, they have no idea that you were in the lead the whole time. They believe that you have been through all this drama when really it has been nothing but a game. And the best player wins. These kind of games are the hardest to play and are the ones that will try your patience the most. Before I always died, but now I've mastered the tactics.

I win.

Worked out which game I'm talking about yet?!

Clever people!

Yes, lovey you can come and pick it up this week!!!


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