“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Friday 30 October 2009

Itchy Feet

Itchy feet are striking again.

You know me - I move every two years. And I've been in Japan longer than that.

It must be looking at everyone's photos or something, but I have this overwhelming desire to just up sticks and go back to South America. Or maybe go back and live in Madrid for a while. Or continue with my original plan of going to live in Hong Kong and then New York. Seeing pictures of Buenos Airies and Spain is just bringing back so many great memories for me and I just wanna go back!!

I seem to have this real problem of staying in the same place. Even in London, I moved house every year, 18months. I like the change - even though moving is completely stressful and a pain in the arse.

I just love living abroad. But I came to Japan for a reason and I really can't abandon that and just leave. Otherwise it would mean that the last two years would have been a complete waste of time. Nah - I have to stick with it. No matter how strong the urges are to leave. It's not that I want to leave permanently - just for a while and then come back. After all, I've already told you that Tokyo is now my number one favourite city in the world - overtaking Hong Kong, Madrid, London and Buenos Airies. Not to mention the visa havoc I would face if I was to leave and then try and come back.

I just wanna go somewhere!! I think the fact that I don't get my annual Christmas break has really got to me. It sounds incredibly spolit though! I mean, some people never get to go anywhere! But since being here I have been abroad so much and there is still so much travelling that I need to do! Singapore, Malaysia, Laos and Northern Vietnam and then I would've finished SE Asia. I'll work more of the mainland when I move to HK I think. But at some point I do need to get in the South Pacific Islands. Horrendously expensive but I swear I'm gonna make that happen next year!

Just need to save the money!! I've been pretty good actually! I haven't been shopping once - although that will change when I get paid in January and the sales are on! But that's for business wear so is completely acceptable!! LOL! Passing up on a few nights out now is definitely worth it because next year will definitely be an expensive one if I manage to get all these trips in! Ideally, it would be a weekend in Seoul, Golden Week in Tahiti or Bora Bora, the summer would be a weekend trip back to Kyushu and a trip to the States and then Xmas would either be back in London or Australia. That's the plan! And that is a lot of money!

But I can dream! And dream I most certainly do!!!


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